New in Chess Yearbooks have arrived | Mechanics' Institute

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New in Chess Yearbooks have arrived

At long last we have our 2018 back volumes of New in Chess Yearbook, plus the 2 that have come out in 2019 so far (vols. 126-131). The Library apologizes for the delay and we are pleased to announce that all volumes will be on the new books table by the week of August 19th. 

Chess players will find of particular interest vol. 129 "Mamedyarov's Surprise," a survey based on Shakhriyar Mamedyarov's use of an old line of the Ruy Lopez in the 5th round of the Olympiad in Batumi (p.105). We had the good fortune to have Mamedyarov and Rauf Mamedov give a clocked tandem simul at the Mechanics Institute on August 7th. 

To place a hold on one of these books, members please log into your library account then click here. To select a volume to place a hold on start by clicking on the "Request this item" button, then at the last step the system will ask you which volume you want.  

Vol. 126, 2018, Anish Giri sovereign in the 1.c4 labyrinth.

Vol. 127, 2018, Caruana crushes Winawer with 9.h4!? from YB 126

Vol. 128, 2018, McShane paints the Ruy Lopez in KID colours

Vol. 129, 2018, Daredevil win by Shakh in the Open Ruy Lopez

By the way, in addition to the New in Chess Yearbook we have received a donation of a large number of new chess books. You can expect to see these on the new books table on the 3rd floor in the weeks to come. Be sure to check out Cherilyn's new books blog posts for new chess titles as these often fly off the new books table soon after they arrive. 


Posted on Aug. 14, 2019 by Steven Dunlap