This coming Tuesday, February 25th from 6:00-7:30 pm, the Mechanics' Institute will be hosting a Game Night in the Library. Members and guests are invited to gather on the 2nd floor of our beautiful library. Game Night will kick off with a short talk about the featured game of the evening, followed by a friendly competition among attendees. This session we celebrate one of the oldest board games in history, The Royal Game of Ur.
Librarian Steven Dunlap will share a brief history of the 4,600-year-old game and explain how it was discovered. He will also teach participants how to play and demonstrate how to create your own game board and pieces using everyday items found around the house. The evening will be a blend of a makerspace and gameplay event! This two-player racing game takes only about 5 to 10 minutes to play, so even if you're short on time, it's a great chance to pop in for a quick lesson and enjoy camaraderie with fellow board game enthusiasts.