Tuesday, April 1, 2025 - 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

[Recruiting two writers who are Mechanics' Institute members starting in April. If you wish to join this group, email Nico Chen at [email protected]. Please mention something in this email about the project that you plan to work on.]
The Mystery Writers’ Group is for those writing in the mystery, thriller, and suspense categories. This group gives its members an audience for reading their work aloud. Every member will read every week, and receive a critique from the other members.
Future Writers' Groups
Mar 12 - 2:00 pm
Creative Project Group
Do you have a creative project you're working on? Join us on Zoom to work and share together!
Mar 17 - 2:00 pm
Poetry Writers' Group
Call yourself a poet? Wanna write free verse or rhymed couplets?