Gens Una Sumus!
Newsletter #938
October 10, 2020
By Abel Talamantez
Table of Contents
- Coaching Chess
- Ray Conway Tuesday Night Marathon Online
- Mechanics' FIDE Academy
- TD Corner
- Twitch Arena
- Dr. Alexey Root
- Weekly Classes
- Scholastic Online Offerings
- Online Events Schedule
- FM Paul Whitehead's Column
- GM Nick de Firmian's Column
- Submit your piece or feedback
Chess Coaching vs. Teaching Chess
by Abel Talamantez
There are no shortage of people teaching chess, many offering their services to introduce new players to this great game or teaching experienced players to play better, to see things on the chessboard they do not yet see. There are many strong players selling their skill as a player as a license to teach others. Oftentimes I see parents looking for a coach for their kids ask what a prospective instructor's rating is, a perfectly valid question in looking for a coach.
When I started my own after school chess program in 2012, I took on some private students. I am a former 2000 level player who was teaching beginners, so I felt more than qualified to teach chess to these students. My very first student was someone who knew the moves, but did not know how to improve. I focused first on making sure my student understood mate and mate patterns. I reinforced the basics such as center control and had him review tactics.
On my fourth week of lessons (I would teach 1:15 class once per week), my student had not finished all the assigned homework problems. I asked why it had not been done, and he simply shrugged and said he did not know. As the lesson progressed, he seemed to lose focus, which was frustrating for me. I had come to his house after teaching in a full class in a school, and having a half-hearted student that did not finish an assigned task was not something that made me feel good. After a couple more weeks with no change in behavior, I had a talk with his parents, and I told them that he was not focused or engaged during the lesson and was not doing the work assigned. They said they would talk to him and let me know of the scheduling for the next lesson.
I never heard back, and I was perfectly fine with that. I didn’t want my time wasted, and I didn’t want parents wasting their money.
I remember thinking after that maybe I had done something wrong. I didn’t feel good about how I was approaching the relationship, and this was the key. I made the lesson more about what I needed to feel comfortable, about what I wanted and needed to feel comfortable. This was not coaching.
I realized there was a difference between simply teaching chess and coaching. When you coach, you enter a relationship with the student that is more about supporting the student to realize their full potential, and this involves much more than what is on the chessboard. I would let parents and students know my expectations, and I would let them know what they can expect from me. So many behavioral factors are crucial to the success of any student, such as the building of self confidence, dealing with losses, how to properly learn form losses, dealing with the anxiety of competition and how to focus under pressure. These are all things a coach has to identify and bring out the best in a student, but the way to do this will differ between students because everyone is different. This is what I believe makes a good coach, someone who is fully invested in the success of a student, entering into a relationship of responsibility towards the student in which the student feels supported, even in times of great challenge for the student. A good coach accepts the challenges of growth with the student, rather than shirk away from trying times.
I believe this is missing in many "coaches," particularly in chess. I have seen some great coaches, but I have seen much more teachers of chess, former players showing students what they don't know. We need to have a proper training for coaches of chess.
As you will read in this newsletter, the Mechanics' Institute has been approved by FIDE as the 4th FIDE Academy in the U.S. One of the things I appreciate is that the people leading the FIDE Trainers Commission have acknowledged that it is equally important to develop coaches to teach new students as it is to train coaches to teach masters, because without one you cannot have the other. I think this is the right approach, and the emphasis in providing coaches with programs that develop their skills in coaching and bring an emphasis to the proper role and responsibility of a coach will help bring better coaching to our chess community. The Mechanics' Institute will be committed to this approach in our academy.
I learned the hard way, and failed a student. As we teach our students, however, we must learn from our mistakes, and try not to let our mistakes define us. The best growth comes through mistakes, and it is equally important for both students and coaches.
Ray Conway Memorial Tuesday Night Marathon Report
The Ray Conway Memorial Tuesday Night Marathon kicked off this week, with an 8-round open section tournament, named after former MI Chess Director Ray Conway, who led the club for nine years from 1971-1980. He was the Chess Director during the Fischer-Spassky world championship match in 1972 and was a former guard at Alcatraz, a background that John Donaldson had said was well-suited to keep order in the club during his time there.
There are 53 players in the marathon, with the top seeds being IM Prasanna Rao, FM Kyron Griffith, and IM Elliott Winslow. But competiton will be tough, as there are 17 other players in the 1800-2200 rating range. The top players made it through the first round, but in the second round, Patrick Liu gave IM Prasanna Rao all he could handle in a time scramble, and capitalized on some errors made by Rao to secure a draw. In another hotly-contested game, David Flores Gomez played well and took advantage of Ethan Boldi's time trouble to produce an upset win. David typically plays fast and is a talented A player, so it was not a surprising result.
Eric Hon joined the tournament after the first round, so he will be a force to reckoned with as the tournament proceeds.
The broadcast was lively, and Paul and I were joined during round 2 by WIM Alexey Root and NM Michael Walder.
Here are some games from Tuesday, annotations by GM Nick de Firmian.
(5) Rachael Tiong (rachael1120) (1664) - IM Prasanna Rao (Praschess) (2497) [C55]
Ray Conway TNM (1.1), 06.10.2020
[de Firmian,Nick]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d3 [4.Ng5 is about as popular among the kids.] 4...h6 This is right behind the two bishop moves (to e7 or c5) in popularity, with all three scoring over 45% in the big databases. Black has the idea to fianchetto, but first deals with 5.Ng5 (the bishop moves allow Black to just castle). 5.0-0 d6 6.c3 g6 [Mamedyarov and others have toyed with 6...g5!? , both here and after 6.Re1. Black shouldn't be able to get away with this, but often enough he has so far!] 7.Re1 [7.d4!? tries to pressure the center right away. Far and away the main move is 7...Qe7 (7...exd4 8.cxd4 Bg7 is another way to handle the center (8...Nxe4?? 9.Re1+- catches Black's king in the center) but 9.Nc3 is a fairly solid center.) 8.Nbd2 Bg7 9.Re1 lines up on Black's queen, limiting active counterplay.] 7...Bg7 8.h3 [8.Bb3 0-0 9.Nbd2 Re8 10.a4 is a more patient approach, preserving the bishop and expanding on the queenside.] 8...0-0 9.d4 The computers are pushing a- and b-pawns here...
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(6) Ethan Guo (LightningDragon8) (1592) - IM Elliott Winslow (ecwinslow) (1991) [B88]
Ray Conway TNM (1.3), 06.10.2020
[de Firmian,Nick]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bc4 An older and less-seen move recently. Robert J. Fischer mostly played this when his favorite Najdorf Sicilian was played against him. 6...e6 Black tries to shut down White's bishop. In this game successfully. 7.Bb3 [7.0-0 Be7 8.Bb3 Nc6 0-1 (22) Herb,P (2540)-Janosi,E (2415) ICCF corr 1998] 7...Nc6 And this leads into the Classical Sicilian, Sozin Variation, an even older line. [The two particularly Najdorf moves are the even more radical 7...b5; and the relatively sedate 7...Nbd7] 8.Be3 Be7 9.0-0 [9.f4 followed by Qf3 (or Qe2) leads to lots of complications, in case Black thought this was going to be quiet.; And 9.Qe2 followed by 0-0-0 is the Velimirovich Attack, one of the most complicated openings of all.] 9...0-0 10.f4 Nxd4 11.Bxd4 b5
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(7) IM Prasanna Rao (Praschess) (2206) - Patrick Liu (katechen77) (1665) [B72]
Ray Conway TNM (2.1), 06.10.2020
[de Firmian,Nick]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Bc4 IM Rao plays a quieter, central-oriented line against the Dragon Sicilian, which usually comes about via the Accelerated Fianchetto. No wild Yugoslav Attack! 6...Bg7 7.h3 [7.0-0 0-0 8.Re1 Nc6 9.h3 Bd7 10.Be3 Rc8 0-1 (77) Emms,J (2462) -Jones,G (2641) England 2015] 7...Nc6 8.Be3 0-0 9.Bb3 Bd7 10.0-0 Rc8 Black takes advantage of the particular move order. [Actually 10...Qa5 would be from the Accelerated Fianchetto, as given above.] 11.Re1 Modern style. [11.f4 is similar to the older lines (against the line with ...Qa5).] 11...a6 [11...Na5 12.Nf3 0-1 (77) Emms,J (2462)-Jones,G (2641) England 2015] 12.Nf3
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[37.Re8! Qf6 38.Rg8+ (38.Qe7 also draws) 38...Kh7 39.Rb8 (39.Qe8 f4 40.Rf8 Kg6 41.Rg8+ Kh5 and there goes that king again! 42.a4 but it's just a draw) ] 37...Bf1!!-+ 38.Kxf1 [38.Qe7 threatens mate in one! but 38...Rh1+ 39.Kf2 Qh4+ 40.Ke3 Qe1+ 41.Ne2 Qxe2+ 42.Kd4 Qd2# gets there first.] 38...Rh1+ 39.Kf2 Rh2+ 40.Ke1 Rxe2+ 41.Kxe2 White 7:33, Black 0:17.8 41...Qh2+ [41...Qc8 takes out c3;; 41...g4!? makes another queen (!).] 42.Kd3 Qxa2 43.Rb6 At this point Black, in admittedly a won position but so short on time, saw a perpetual and like a life boat jumped on it. 43...Qb1+ 44.Kc4 Qf1+ 45.Kb3 Qb1+ 46.Kc4 Qf1+ 47.Kb3 Qb1+ 48.Kc4 Game drawn by repetition. Another fantastic TNM battle! Both players missed chances, but 37...Bf1!! made up for that. Patrick Peijun Liu, second highest rated 8-year-old in the country; another one to keep an eye on. 1/2-1/2
(1) NM Michael Walder (FlightsOfFancy) (1890) - Max Hao (Joseph_Truelsons_Fan) (1806) [B99]
Ray Conway TNM (2.5), 06.10.2020
[de Firmian,Nick]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 e6 7.f4 Be7 8.Qf3 Qc7 9.0-0-0 Nbd7 My compliments to both players for choosing this classic fighting opening from the glory days of the Fischer era. 10.f5!? White playes a less common line instead of the usual 10. g4 or 10. Bd3. These sidelines can be confusing to an opponent. 10...Ne5 [an alternative is 10...e5 11.Nb3 b5 12.a3 Bb7] 11.Qh3 h6?! This doesn't threaten the bishop right now due to the pin on the h-file. In the Najdorf one needs to make use of each precious tempo. [I suggest 11...0-0 since 12.fxe6 Nfg4! 13.Bxe7 Qxe7 gives Black active play for the pawn] 12.fxe6 Nfg4? Now this doesn't work. Black needed to play [12...fxe6 though White has the advantage after 13. Be2 or 13. Bd2] 13.exf7+ Nxf7 14.Bxe7! Nf2?!
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(2) Mark Drury (BirdOrBust) (1668) - FM Kyron Griffith (KyronGriffith) (2172) [A03]
Ray Conway TNM (2.2), 06.10.2020
[de Firmian,Nick]
1.f4 BirdorBust clearly lives by his name. 1...g6 2.Nf3 d5 3.e3 Bg7 4.d4 Nh6!? This is often a good square to place the knight in these structures. The knight looks to go to f5 and this leaves the black f-pawn able to move up to f6 to chase away a white knight jumping on to the e5 square. 5.Bd3 0-0 6.0-0 c5 7.c3 [White doesn't want to lose central control with 7.dxc5?! Nd7] 7...Bf5 8.Qe2 Qb6 9.Nbd2 Nc6 10.Ne5? Black had gotten a nice opening position and now White allows a tactic. 10...Rad8? Kyron misses it though he keeps a good position. He had [10...cxd4 11.cxd4 (11.Nxc6 bxc6 12.cxd4 Bxd4) 11...Nxd4! 12.exd4 Bxe5 13.fxe5 Qxd4+ 14.Rf2 Qxd3] 11.Ndf3 Rfe8 12.Nxc6 bxc6 13.Ne5?! This knight just gets chased away. 13...f6
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Here are the standings after the first 2 rounds.
SwissSys Standings. Conway Memorial TNM Online: Open
# | Name | ID | Rating | St | Fed | Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Total |
1 | FM Kyron Griffith | 12860484 | 2470 | CA | KyronGriffith | W29 | W24 | 2.0 |
2 | IM Elliott Winslow | 10363365 | 2278 | CA | ecwinslow | W31 | W25 | 2.0 |
3 | Felix German | 12624534 | 1976 | CA | FelixGerman | W35 | W37 | 2.0 |
4 | Jonah Busch | 12469525 | 1948 | CA | kondsaga | W36 | W38 | 2.0 |
5 | Pudur Ramaswamy | 16106884 | 1718 | CA | MatnMatt20 | W40 | W16 | 2.0 |
6 | NM Michael Walder | 10345120 | 2075 | CA | FlightsOfFancy | W46 | W17 | 2.0 |
7 | Kristian Clemens | 13901075 | 1997 | CA | kclemens | W47 | W18 | 2.0 |
8 | Nicholas Ruo Weng | 15499404 | 1958 | CA | ninjaforce | W48 | W19 | 2.0 |
9 | Chelsea Zhou | 15239016 | 1927 | CA | mwncklmann | W49 | W20 | 2.0 |
10 | Davi Flores Gomez | 14799653 | 1812 | CA | PlayerCreate1 | W53 | W15 | 2.0 |
11 | IM Prasanna Ragh Rao | 16083805 | 2508 | CA | Praschess | W28 | D13 | 1.5 |
12 | Kevin M Fong | 17254586 | 1783 | CA | chessappeals | D42 | W41 | 1.5 |
13 | Patrick Peiju Liu | 16667410 | 1851 | CA | katechen77 | W50 | D11 | 1.5 |
14 | Eric Hon | 13778105 | 2186 | UT | microbear | H--- | W42 | 1.5 |
15 | Ethan Boldi | 15088362 | 2120 | CA | etvat | W32 | L10 | 1.0 |
16 | Daniel Lin | 15176393 | 1998 | CA | SmilyFace4 | W34 | L5 | 1.0 |
17 | Max Hao | 16083648 | 1761 | CA | Joseph_Truelsons_Fan | W39 | L6 | 1.0 |
18 | Stephen Zhu | 16412414 | 1331 | CA | chesspoki | W21 | L7 | 1.0 |
19 | Ya Dancig Perlman | 16280288 | 1235 | CA | noydan100 | W23 | L8 | 1.0 |
20 | Ethan Sun | 16964125 | 931 | CA | sfdeals | W26 | L9 | 1.0 |
21 | Nitish Nathan | 15494283 | 1941 | CA | BreatheChessAlways | L18 | W47 | 1.0 |
22 | Thomas F Maser | 10490936 | 1900 | CA | talenuf | H--- | H--- | 1.0 |
23 | Javier Silva III | 16089208 | 1869 | CA | J3Chess24 | L19 | W48 | 1.0 |
24 | Mark L Drury | 12459313 | 1843 | CA | BirdOrBust | W51 | L1 | 1.0 |
25 | Adam Mercado | 16571026 | 1842 | CA | A-boy415 | W52 | L2 | 1.0 |
26 | Vishva Nanugonda | 16380312 | 1775 | CA | vish1080 | L20 | W49 | 1.0 |
27 | Erika Malykin | 12910007 | 1693 | CA | starserika18 | H--- | H--- | 1.0 |
28 | Rachael Tiong | 16019458 | 1656 | CA | rachael1120 | L11 | W50 | 1.0 |
29 | Kr Gopalakrishnan | 16545130 | 1628 | CA | chessboi2010 | L1 | W51 | 1.0 |
30 | Gan Mathrubootham | 15183473 | 1620 | CA | gmbchess | H--- | H--- | 1.0 |
31 | Ethan Guo | 16761994 | 1606 | CA | LightningDragon8 | L2 | W52 | 1.0 |
32 | Lisa Willis | 12601676 | 1583 | NV | LittlePinkCorvette | L15 | W53 | 1.0 |
33 | Richard Hack | 12796129 | 1569 | CA | Kaline340Green | H--- | H--- | 1.0 |
34 | Nursulta Uzakbaev | 17137317 | 1513 | CA | rimus11 | L16 | W43 | 1.0 |
35 | Marina Xiao | 16380642 | 1428 | CA | programmingmax | L3 | W44 | 1.0 |
36 | Ella Guo | 16380657 | 1355 | CA | SunnyCountry | L4 | W45 | 1.0 |
37 | Pranav Pradeep | 15871762 | 1323 | CA | pranavpradeep2006 | W43 | L3 | 1.0 |
38 | Jacob S Wang | 17083655 | 1287 | CA | jacobchess857 | W44 | L4 | 1.0 |
39 | Jeff North | 17179258 | 923 | CA | JeffNorthSF | L17 | W46 | 1.0 |
40 | Stan Polivyanenko | 17310102 | 831 | CA | MrL0cust | L5 | B--- | 1.0 |
41 | Sebby Suarez | 16875347 | 691 | CA | Sebbymeister | W45 | L12 | 1.0 |
42 | Adithya Chitta | 16695036 | 933 | CA | adichi | D12 | L14 | 0.5 |
43 | Cailen J Melville | 14006141 | 1940 | CA | Mangonel | L37 | L34 | 0.0 |
44 | Nicholas Ar Boldi | 15088356 | 1883 | CA | nicarmt | L38 | L35 | 0.0 |
45 | Georgios Tsolias | 17266862 | 1710 | CA | GiorgosTsolias | L41 | L36 | 0.0 |
46 | Bryan Hood | 12839763 | 1574 | CA | fiddleleaf | L6 | L39 | 0.0 |
47 | Michael Hilliard | 12279170 | 1446 | CA | Echecsmike | L7 | L21 | 0.0 |
48 | Michael Xiao | 16380636 | 1363 | CA | swimgrass | L8 | L23 | 0.0 |
49 | Martin Camacho | 17248027 | 1311 | CA | camachom | L9 | L26 | 0.0 |
50 | Ian Liao | 16738735 | 1091 | CA | victor6688 | L13 | L28 | 0.0 |
51 | Kevin Sun | 16898540 | 1073 | CA | kevin_mx_sun | L24 | L29 | 0.0 |
52 | Yuvraj Si Sawhney | 17095004 | 1060 | CA | SaintReturns | L25 | L31 | 0.0 |
53 | Andrew Ballantyne | 17079795 | 953 | CA | andrewaballantyne | L10 | L32 | 0.0 |
SwissSys Standings. Conway Memorial TNM Online: Extra Games
# | Name | ID | Rating | St | Fed | Rd 1 | Total |
1 | Stan Polivyanenko | 17310102 | 831 | CA | MrL0cust | W2 | 1.0 |
2 | Judit Sztaray | 14708926 | 827 | CA | JuditSztaray | L1 | 0.0 |
Mechanics' Institute Approved as Fourth FIDE Academy in U.S.
We are very proud to announce that FIDE has just approved the Mechanics' Institute as a FIDE Academy, which means we will begin organzing seminars and workshops for coaches and players that can lead to earning FIDE titles for trainers. GM Melik Khachiyan and IM John Donaldson will be among the trainers for the seminars, are we look forward to organizing educational programs for the professional development of coaches and for the benefit of our chess community. The FIDE Trainers Commission (TRG) has stated the importance of training coaches to teach new and developing players, as well as the nation's top players, and we are committed to that goal as well. Other coaches in-house with FIDE Trainer titles are GM Nick de Firmian, Chess Director Abel Talamantez, and women's class coach Sophie Adams. More information coming soon.
TD Corner
Ratable time controls (US Chess Rules 5C) & Rating systems
Which of my rating will get affected by the tournament you offer?
by Senior TD, FA Judit Sztaray
There are three rating systems that US Chess uses: Regular (slow), Quick (fast), and Blitz.
Depending on the time control under which a rated game was played, or the time control of the tournament in which you are playing, different ratings will be affected.
Time control is always calculated by the G/minutes and inc/seconds or d/seconds: the two need to be added together to calculate the total playing time.
For example: G/30;d5 is a 35 minutes game; G/60;d5 is a 65 minutes game; G/120;d5 is a 125 minutes game and the popular online versions are G/5+5 is a 10 minutes game, G/35+2 is a 37 minutes game, G/60+10 is a 70 minutes game.
In any of the three rating categories, players now not only have the standard over-the-board (OTB) ratings, but also separate online ratings. OTB games only affect the standard, OTB rating, and online games only affect the ONL rating. They can never ever cross.
If you play a game over-the-board, the following rules apply:
- If the total playing time for each player is greater than 65 minutes, the regular rating will be affected. (mm+ss>65)
- If the total playing time for each play is from 30 to 65, the games are so called dual rated, meaning the games are both regular and quick rated. (30≤mm+ss≤65)
- If the total playing time for each player is more than 10 minutes, but less than 30 minutes, the games are affecting the quick rating only. (10<mm+ss<30)
- Finally, if the total playing time for each player is between 5 and 10 minutes, the games are blitz rated. Here we also have a restriction that the primary time control must be minimum 3 minutes. There shall be no game rated under 5 minutes. (5≤mm+ss≤10)
If you play an online game, the rules are very similar with one major exceptions: there are no games that are dual rated:
- Online Regular: total playing time for each player is 30 or more minutes. (mm+ss>30)
- Online Quick: total playing time for each player is more than 10 minutes and less than 30 minutes (10<mm+ss<30).
- Online Blitz: total playing time for each player is from 5 to 10 minutes, inclusive. (5≤mm+ss≤10)
How do you check your rating after a tournament?
After each tournament has been submitted for rating, the rating change can be viewed on any player’s last tab (Tnmt. Hst, aka Tournament History) on the player’s profile. There are three columns: Regular, Quick and Blitz. If the numbers in the column have ONL before them, those games & tournaments affecting the online rating in that particular rating system. If you don’t see an ONL before it, be sure to know that represents an actual, live, face-to-face, Over-The-Board (OTB) tournament, which most of us are all missing since March, 2020.
I encourage everyone to visit your Tournament History tab by clicking this link after updating the XXXXXXX with your USCF ID:
Any questions? My inbox is always open!
Take on the Mechanics' Chess Staff Live on Twitch!
The chess room staff at the Mechanics' Institute are taking on all comers now weekly, as each of us will live stream an Arena tournament where we will commentate our own games! You might be playing 3-time US Champion GM Nick de Firmian, or perhaps our commentator and instructor extraorinaire FM Paul Whitehead. Try to take down Organizer sensation Dr. Judit Sztaray or Chess Director Abel Talamantez. We will all be live on Twitch playing, reviewing about our games, and talking about anything that comes up in the chat. Come hang out with us at the Mechanics' online club, perhaps we may even give out an occasional free prize!
Arenas are an hour long, and the chess staff will be paired against the first available player to play at the conclusion of their games. All other players will be paired with the next available opponent. This will continue for the whole hour. While there is no guarantee you will be paired against a chess staff member, you will have a very good chance at it, depending on the number of players playing. All games will be streamed live on our Twitch channel:
Check out the times here:
GM Nick de Firmian Arena: Mondays 4pm-5pm, 10/12:
FM Paul Whitehead Arena: Tuesdays 5pm-6pm, 10/13:
MI Chess Director Abel Talamantez, Dr. Judit Sztaray Arena: Fridays 5pm-6:30pm, 10/16:
See you in the arena!
Dr. Alexey Root: Growing With Golf and Chess
Dr. Alexey Root has just released the next installment of her look into the relationship between chess and golf, assisted by Senior Tournament Director Reka Sztaray, daughter of Dr. Judit Sztaray. To read the article, published on ChessBase, follow this link:
Mechanics' Institute Regular Online Classes
Monday 6:30-8PM - Endgame Lab by FM Paul Whitehead
More information:
Register at:
Wednesday 6:30-8PM - Online class with FM Paul Whitehead
More information:
Register at:
Thursday 5:00-6:30PM - A Journey Through Chess History - Course 2: US Championships with GM Nick de Firmian
The US Championship is one of the most revered chess events for American players, showcasing the very best in our country. Bobby Fischer, Walter Browne, Hikaru Nakamura, Sam Shankland, and Fabiano Caruana are all among the elite to have won the title. Among thee greats is Mechanics' Institute's Grandmaster in Residence GM Nick de Firmian, who is a 3-time winner of the title. In this class, he will talk about his US Championship victories, as well as some personal first hand accounts and games from this great event. Combining historical storytelling with dramatic games, Nick will enlighten, educate and entertain students with a bit of Americana suitable for players of all skill levels.
More information:
Register at:
Thursdays 6:30 - 8PM - The World Championship Match -- by FM Paul Whitehead
Course Dates: Part 2 -- 10/8 through 11/15
An in-depth look at the World Championship matches – the great games, styles and personalities of the World Champions and their challengers. The central idea of the class will be the study of chess ideas and theory, as practiced by the greatest players. In each class we’ll look through a selection of the most famous games ever played: games where literally everything was at stake.
More information:
Part 2:
Mechanics' Chess - Scholastic Tournaments
Free daily non-rated tournaments on
Saturday, October 10: starts at 4:00PM - join from 3:45PM
5SS G/5+5:
Sunday, October 11: starts at 10:00AM - join from 9:45AM
6SS G/10+2:
Monday, October 12: starts at 4:00PM - join from 3:45PM
4SS G/15+0:
Tuesday, October 13: starts at 4:15PM - join from 4PM
5SS G/5+5:
Wednesday, October 14: starts at 4PM - join from 3:45PM
4SS G/20+0:
Thursday, October 15: starts at 4PM - join from 3:45PM
5SS G/5+5:
Friday, October 16: starts at 4:15PM - join from 4:00PM
4SS G/10+5:
If you have any problems connecting with us on, please send us an email and we'll send you step-by-step instructions with pictures.
Games from Scholastic Tournaments
Annotations by GM Nick de Firmian
(3) MagicOm (1473) - BestMiddleSun (1292) [C27]
Live Chess
[de Firmian,Nick]
1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Nf6 3.Nc3 This opening is the Vienna Game, which was popular in the 19th Century. 3...Nxe4!
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(4) MagicOm (1467) - DarkCapableCharm (1533) [C50]
Live Chess
[de Firmian,Nick]
1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Nc6 3.Nf3 Bc5 4.Nc3 d6 5.0-0 Bg4 This already threatens to play 6...Nd4 and cause a lot of trouble. White reacts very well to be prepared for that. 6.h3! Bh5 7.d3 Nd4?! this follows the plan but objectively better is to chase down the light-squared bishop with [7...Na5 8.Bb5+ c6 9.Ba4 b5] 8.g4! Bg6
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NEW: US Chess Online Rated Scholastic Tournaments
Every Week!
October 11, @ 10AM on
US Chess online rated - affecting online rapid rating - every player must be a US Chess member
Trophies or Medals for Top Finishers
Convenient, safe platform & tight fair play screening
Space is limited to first 30 players to ensure tournament quality
Mechanics' Enrichment Chess Classes
Select from the following four levels that are offered on Thursdays:
Absolute Beginner class: This class is meant to teach brand new students the moves of the pieces and captures so that students may jump into the New at Chess class with knowledge of piece movements. Students may take this course as much as needed, but the same concept will be taught weekly, though it will be a different class each week. The goal is simple, teach piece movements in preparation.
Starting at Chess: This class is for new players that need to develop basic skills that will lead to improvement, such as learning notation, elementary checkmates, piece values, piece development, importance of the center of the board, and the most important part of chess learning, the value of learning from mistakes and losses and how to improve from it. This class will build the foundations from which all learning will develop and teach them learning skills that can be applied in many other areas of a child’s learning and development. Class is suitable for new players, non rated players, and players with a ChessKid rating under 800. Click Here to Register and for information
Developing Players: This class is for students looking to go beyond the basics and learn the building blocks of advanced chess learning. We will cover tactics, mating patterns, opening principles, middle game attack planning and endgame techniques. This class is suitable for kids with a ChessKid rating 800-1300 or who have had tournament experience. Click Here to Register and for Information.
Mastering Your Chess: This class is for advanced scholastic players with tournament experience and understand tactics and mates who want to go beyond what can be calculated and think more abstractly about the game. We will go over middle and endgame theory, have students create their own tactics and learn positional play by going over historical games from the great players in history. Ideal for players with a ChessKid rating above 1300 or USCF rating over 800. Click Here to Register and for Information.
Note: Minimum five students to start the class, maximum 10 student in each class.
Information with link to join the class will be sent via email after your registration:
Classes are online: student must have laptop, with mic and webcam, and good internet connection in order to participate in classes!
Refund policy: Full refund minus a $5 administration fee if cancelled more than 24 hours before the start of class. No refunds within 24 hours of the start of class.
If you have any questions, or need a sample of a class, please feel free to reach out to [email protected].
Mechanics' Institute Regular Online Events Schedule
The Mechanics' Institute Chess Club will continue to hold regular online events in various forms. Here is the upcoming schedule for players:
Format: 6SS G/5+2
Join by 6:00PM -
Start at 7:00PM
Format: 6SS G/15+2
Join by 3:00PM -
Start at 2:00PM
Format: 8SS G/35+2
Start at 6:30PM
Format: 3SS G/60+10
Join by 4PM -
Start at 6:30PM
Any questions? [email protected]
FM Paul Whitehead
Domination, Part 6
[email protected]
The king can be a powerful (dare I say… dominating?) force in the endgame.
This week’s studies are terrific examples of the king’s hunting powers, as his Royal Highness chases the enemy bishop hither and yon. The idea is explored a bit in our first example, but in the next two you will have to guide His Majesty yourself.
These examples of a relentless king are taken once again from Domination in 2,545 Endgame Studies by Ghenrikh Kasparyan (1974).
1. Holm 1917 – White wins.
1.Kb7 (The chase is on!) 1…Bd8 (If 1…Bb6 or 1…Ba5 then 2.Nc4+. This is a central idea.) 2.Kc8! Be7 3.Kd7 (The king smells blood.) 3…Bf8 4.Ke8 Bg7 5.Kf7 Kg8 6.Kg8! and white wins.
2. Rinck 1926 – White wins.
This another variation of our theme. Now the bishop has more room on the board to run around in, but the white bishop plays a more active role as well. Work it out without moving the pieces.
3. Mugnos 1950 – White wins.
Finally, the same theme but with a beautiful twist near the end.
GM Nick de Firmian's Column
US Championship
The US Chess Championship(s) are starting now. They are again run by the St. Louis Chess Club with their billionaire sponsor Rex Sinquefeld, but they are not in St. Louis this year. The tournament(s) are online as has become usual in these coronavirus times. Yet this is certainly the first time since its origin in 1845 that the championship is not played face to face.
The US Championship had historically been just one tournament with no divisions for gender or age. Now we have five tournaments – US Women’s Junior, US Junior, US Senior, US Women’s, and the historical US Championship (with no restrictions for gender or age). The girls start the action on October 9th and the final event is the traditional (non-restricted) championship which begins October 26th. These will certainly be welcome entertainment for chess fans, but the games will not be the deliberate, long battles of the over the board tournaments that would run for two or three weeks. These events are rapid play and only last three or four days.
We hope to see some great battles and memorable games even though it is rapid play. We give below three games from the historical championships, which have produced a treasure of brilliant chess in the last 175 years.
(1) Ray Robson (2660) - Samuel Shankland (2671) [C83]
US Championship St Louis, MO USA (4), 21.04.2018
We start with a recent game from 2018 when our Bay Area native Sam Shankland won the championship. 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 This battle between two young grandmasters uses the classic old Ruy Lopez opening. 5.0-0 Nxe4 This Open Defense (taking the e-pawn) leads to a sharper, more tactical game than the slower Closed Variation (5...Be7). 6.d4 b5 7.Bb3 d5 8.dxe5 Be6 9.c3 Be7 10.Bf4 0-0 11.Nd4 Nxd4 12.cxd4 f6 Black needs to start the pawn interaction on the kingside. [12...c5? 13.f3! makes a big problem for the knight] 13.Nd2 fxe5 14.Bxe5 Nd6 15.Bc2 Qd7 16.Re1 Nc4 17.Nf3?! [17.Nxc4 dxc4 is about equal] 17...Bg4! 18.Qd3?! g6
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(2) Harry Nelson Pillsbury - Jackson Whipps Showalter [C14]
Pillsbury - Showalter US Championship New York, NY USA (7), 16.03.1898
We thought it appropriate to give one of the historical games from the 19th Century. Hopefully in the 23rd Century chess players will find interest in the great games that are played in our time. 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.e5 Nfd7 6.Bxe7 Qxe7 The Classical Variation of the French Defense. This position is still main line theory today. 7.Qd2 a6 8.Nd1!? An interesting plan by Pillsbury. He wants to keep the white pawn chain intact and moves the knight to allow his c-pawn to come up for support. 8...c5 9.c3 Nc6 10.f4 0-0 11.Nf3 f6 12.Bd3 fxe5 13.dxe5 [13.fxe5 is possible since 13...cxd4 14.cxd4 Nxd4? 15.Nxd4 Qh4+ 16.Nf2 Qxd4 fails to 17.Bxh7+] 13...b5 14.Bc2 Nb6 15.h4!? Nc4 16.Qd3 g6 17.g3 Qg7?! Black now gets pushed back. Better was to play for central initiative with [17...d4 and the black pieces become active. White should not try to win a pawn with 18.cxd4? Bb7! when there are many troubles White has to deal with.] 18.b3 [18.h5! was even stronger] 18...Na3 19.Nf2 c4 20.Qe2?! [20.Qd2! keeps more control of the dark squares] 20...b4
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(3) De Firmian,Nick E (2560) - Benjamin,Joel (2560) [C92]
USA-ch USA, 1988
I include a game of my own, here against Joel Benjamin. Joel had been a top player for decades and played in over 20 US Championships. 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 0-0 9.h3 A classic Ruy Lopez position. These were common in the 1980s but nowadays one sees more Guico Pianos. 9...Nd7 10.d4 Bf6 11.a4 Bb7 12.Na3 Qb8?! This decentralizes the queen and allows White to take control in the center. Better was [12...Ne7 as White cannot capture twice on b5 since the rook on a1 would hang] 13.Bg5 exd4 14.Bxf6 Nxf6 15.cxd4 Nb4 16.Nc2! bxa4 17.Rxa4 Nxc2 18.Bxc2 Re8 19.e5 The mobile white center clears the road for the white pieces. 19...Bxf3 20.Qxf3 dxe5 21.dxe5 Qxb2
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25.e6! fxe6 26.Ree1 White wins a piece. The coordination of the white rooks with the bishop was too much to deal with. 26...Qd5 27.Qxd5 exd5 28.Rxe8+ Rxe8 29.Bxd7 Rd8 30.Bc6 Rd6 31.Rxa6 Black resigns. The black d-pawn is easlily stopped by the white king. 1-0
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