Master-Pitch Theatre | Mechanics' Institute

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Master-Pitch Theatre
a class with Literary Agent Katharine Sands

This event is hosted in partnership with the San Francisco Writers Conference and the San Francisco Chapter of the Womens' National Book Association.

This event will take place via Zoom. Please register via Eventbrite and the Zoom credentials will be sent to you a few days before the class starts.

Questions? Contact Taryn Edwards, [email protected]

This interactive class is limited to just 12 students. They will have the opportunity to pitch their book to Katharine for feedback on how to make it a Master-Pitch!

If Shakespeare had to pitch today, he might have written thus:

To pitch, or not to pitch, that is the question.

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the zings and arrows of agent feedback or take pens and angst a sea of e-mails and by proposing, send them?

To write, to weep no more, for by a successful pitch, to say we end the heartache, and the thousand natural knocks that pitch is heir to: publication devoutly to be wished.

Your pitch is a performance. Whether you deliver it in person or on the printed page. Literary agent Katharine Sands shows you how to hone the on-page elements and in-person aspects of the pitch.

Pitchcraft™ is an invaluable tool—You will learn what to do--and what not to do--when summarizing your book: the description of your book in 200-250 words; -- How to get an agent from the get-go; start in a logical place, yet from a compelling perch; how to encapsulate in clear core points; ways to create coming attractions that whet the reader’s appetite for more—and how to avoid "Querial Killers": the easy-to-fix mistakes writers make when querying agents.

As a writer you are always going to be asked to introduce your work, to share your enthusiasm for your writing, and to get others excited about what is exciting to you. Instruction covers how to take a pitch from ho-hum to magnum opus.“Tell me about your work” means: 15 minutes of fame is yours to shine in. This presentation cuts through the mystery of getting an agent to want YOU, to read YOU and to say YES to YOU.

If you have a draft of a pitch (max length of 2-3 paragraphs) you can present this in class or send ahead for Katharine's private feedback. Email to Taryn Edwards, [email protected].

For each class, we reserve the right to cancel at any time and issue a full refund. If you are unable to attend your class, please email [email protected] at least ten days prior to receive a refund. All fees must be paid at the time of registration.  

Katharine Sands is the agent provocateur of the book Making the Perfect Pitch: How to Catch a Literary Agent’s Eye, a collection of pitching wisdom from leading literary agents. A New York City based literary agent with the Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency, Katharine has worked with a varied list of authors who publish a diverse array of books.


MI Members $79
Public $99
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