Gens Una Sumus!
Newsletter #991
October 23, 2021
Table of Contents
- Silver Knights Chess Club
- TNM Report
- Thursday Night Online Triathlon
- Member Spotlight
- Tony's Teasers
- Events/Class Schedule
- Scholastic Chess Bulletin
- FM Paul Whitehead's Column
- GM Nick de Firmian's Column
- Solutions
- Submit your piece or feedback
Chess Clubs From Around the Country: Silver Knights Chess
by Abel Talamantez
We continue to spotlight different chess clubs this week with one of the largest chess organizations: Silver Knights. Providing chess enrichment and tournaments in the Virginia, D.C., and Maryland area, they have weathered the storm of the pandemic and are continuing to provide programs to their community. Here below, Founder and President NM Adam Weissbarth wrote a few paragraphs about his organization.
The Story of Silver Knights Chess
I realized I wanted to start a company teaching chess to kids in 2005, as I was unenthusiastically finishing a masters degree in statistics. In 2006, I left my prior career for good and started Silver Knights Chess. I was a lifelong chess player (and national master) and had done a bunch of teaching - mostly math, but also some chess. To get started, I cold-called 100 schools in the Philadelphia area. Four of them answered, and that’s how Silver Knights began. For the first few months I was a one-man operation teaching chess in schools and community centers; by halfway through the first year, demand for the chess program had grown so much that I was teaching in more than 15 schools and I started hiring other coaches.
After growing that program to more than 1,000 kids weekly and teaching a pair of national scholastic champions, I sold the business to focus full-time on growing a similar organization in the Washington, DC area with my brother Daniel. We grew pretty steadily for the next ten years.
At the time COVID hit, Silver Knights had grown to teach chess to nearly 4,000 kids per week throughout Washington, DC, Northern Virginia, and Maryland. We had more than 100 chess coaches and aides, supported by a team of staff in our office. In addition to our after-school program in schools, we also ran numerous summer chess camps and weekend tournaments.
Silver Knight's Tournament Training classes prepare students or live tournament play
COVID was devastating -- we lost all of our revenue overnight. It forced us to put all our energy into developing an online chess program. We experimented nonstop to see what worked. After a couple of months, we settled on a format for group lessons and tournaments that worked well for the kids. With everything online, we were able to do some fun things that hadn’t been possible before, like play matches against clubs from other countries or bring in guest instructors including Judit Polgar, Sam Shankland, and Rochelle Ballantyne and Pobo Efekoro from Brooklyn Castle.
In August 2021 something amazing happened: we joined the Play Magnus Group, the company of world champion Magnus Carlsen! We’re excited to be part of Magnus’ team, and are inspired by their mission of making the world a smarter place by encouraging more people to play chess. We’re now very busy restarting after school chess programs in hundreds of schools throughout the DC area, continuing to teach online lessons to a broader audience of kids, and looking forward to introducing more people to chess!
Tuesday Night Marathon Round 7 Report
by Abel Talamantez
The Tuesday Night Marathon played its final round of the September-October edition, with a battle for 2nd place in the top section. FM Ezra Chambers had wrapped up 1st place last week while Sean Kelly rose to the challenge and to the occasion, securing a draw on board 1 against IM Elliott Winslow to take clear 2nd place. A draw between Nicholas Weng and Nathan Fong helped Sean, as Fong finished with 4.5/7 along with winslow and Ako Heidari, who got there with a final round win against an always tough Kevin Sun.
Sean Kelly and IM Elliott Winslow battle for 2nd place on board 1, Daniel Wang (playing white in the picture to the right) takes clear 1st in the under 1800 section.
In the under 1800 section, Daniel Wang finished the tournament with the same pace he started, getting the win against Christopher Dessert and finishing with 6.5/7, a full point ahead of the field in a large section. Stephen Parsons finished in clear 2nd with 5.5/7 and six players tied for 3rd with 5/7.
We will have a break next week from our TNM and begin the November-December edition Tuesday November 2nd. IM John Donaldson will give the guest lecture at 5:30pm prior to the round with copies of his latest book Bobby Fischer and His World. To register for the next TNM, click HERE.
Here are some games from the final round, annotated by GM Nick de Firmian.
(1) IM Winslow,Elliott (2269) - Kelly,Sean (1786) [D46]
MI Sep-Oct TNM 1800+ San Francisco (7.1), 19.10.2021
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 c6 5.e3 [Avoiding the even greater complications of the Botvinnik System, 5.Bg5 dxc4 (5...h6 also has its crazy and difficult lines, but at least it lets White avoid the wildest with 6.Bxf6 (6.Bh4 dxc4 7.e4 g5 8.Bg3 b5 goes wholeheartedly into it!) 6...Qxf6 7.e3 (7.g3) ) 6.e4 b5 7.e5 h6 8.Bh4 g5] 5...Bd6 An interesting transpositional idea, to avoid some other possibilities. [5...Nbd7 has been the traditional move for over a hundred and sixty years! But since the famous game Aronian-Anand,... 6.Bd3 (6.Qc2 Bd6 is common enough) 6...dxc4 7.Bxc4 b5 8.Bd3 Bd6!?] 6.Bd3 dxc4 7.Bxc4 b5 8.Be2 [8.Bd3] 8...Nbd7 9.0-0 0-0 10.Qc2 Qc7 11.Bd2 Bb7 12.Rac1 Setting up some tactical possibilities, but they never quite make it to the board. [Better was, indeed, 12.e4! when after 12...e5 13.dxe5 Nxe5 14.Nxe5 Bxe5 15.f4 White mobilizes his majority successfully. 15...Bxc3 16.Bxc3 Qb6+ 17.Kh1 c5 18.Bf3 White's advantage is there, but whether it stays significant is up in the air.] 12...a6 13.b4
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(2) Weng,Nicholas (2001) - Fong,Nathan (2049) [B33]
MI Sep-Oct TNM 1800+ San Francisco (7.2), 19.10.2021
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bg5 a6 8.Na3 b5 9.Nd5 Be7 10.Bxf6 Bxf6 11.c3 Bb7 11...Rb8 is the modern continuation. [11...Ne7; 11...Bg5; 11...0-0] 12.Nc2 Ne7 13.Ncb4 [Better is 13.Nxf6++/- gxf6 14.Bd3] 13...Nxd5 B33: Sicilian: Pelikan and Sveshnikov Variations. 14.Nxd5 0-0 15.a4 [15.Be2+/= Gildardo Garcia - Nijboer, Wijk aan Zee 1996 (in Shaw); And one must always wonder what Vassily is up to: 15.Qb3 Bg5 16.Be2 Kh8 17.0-0 Rb8 18.Rad1 Bc6 19.Bg4 1-0 (39) Ivanchuk,V (2715)-Frolyanov,D (2482) Yerevan 2004] 15...bxa4 [15...Bc6!=] 16.Rxa4+/= White has more of a grip on the light squares. 16...a5 17.Bc4 Bc6 18.Ra1
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(3) Riese,Kayven (1900) - Svoboda,Steven (1936) [B89]
MI Sep-Oct TNM 1800+ San Francisco (7.5), 19.10.2021
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 6.Bc4 e6 7.Be3 Be7 8.Qe2 0-0 9.0-0-0 a6
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(4) Starr,Albert (1500) - Fairchild,JP. (1177) [D02]
MI Sep-Oct TNM u1800 San Francisco (7.21), 19.10.2021
1.d4 What? no 1.b4? 1...Nf6 2.Nf3 d5 3.Bf4 The London System. It's very popular when both Magnus Carlsen and Albeert Starr take it up. 3...c5 4.e3 Nc6 5.c3 Bf5 6.Bd3 Bg6 7.0-0 Qb6
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A curious position. Black still has the kingside completely undeveloped and has the king in the center, yet is completely winning on the queenside. 20.Nfd2 Nd3 21.Rf1 Rc8 22.Nc1 Nxc1 23.Rxc1 Ba3 finally developing, and with deadly effect 24.e4 Bxc1 25.exd5 Qxd5 26.Re5 Bxd2! The back rank finishes White off. Nice aggessive play by Fairchild. It may make Albert go back to the Orangutan Opening. 0-1
(194) Stafford,Adam (1665) - Gimelfarb,Ilia (1752) [C34]
MI Sep-Oct TNM 1800+ San Francisco (7.7), 19.10.2021
1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 OMG, it's the King's Gambit Accepted! Don't these guys know what MILLENIUM this is?? 3.Nf3 The main move, avoiding ridiculous king marches via ...Qh4+; Ke2, or massive material sacrifice with g2-g3. [3.Bc4 There was an article in ChessBase Magazine a few years ago, claiming that only 3.Bc4 held the draw as proved by the strongest computers -- published on April First <ahem>...] 3...d6 Black has tried everything under the sun, and a few things from darker places, but this has become the most popular *if* you conveniently forget a few centuries! [3...g5 has been featured ever since Greco vs. "NN" (i.e. probably made-up games by the 17th Century Italian professional) used it as a foil for many crushing wins -- mostly for White, but Black won a fair share as well. Yes, as NN vs. Greco. In any case, not too many grandmaster games since the turnof the Century/Millenium.] 4.d4 Praxis has been evenly divided, both frequency and overall score, between this and [4.Bc4 , but 4...h6! looks to be quite a troublemaker here, scoring better than three to two for Black.] 4...g5 But here this is the overwhelmingly played return -- blame Kasparov perhaps, for playing it (and winning) against King's Gambit superstar Morozevich in 1995. 5.h4 Morozevich *and* Short, among others 5...g4 6.Ng1 Wait, what? Book move! [6.Ng5?! h6 won the piece, with a clear advantage which Kasparov brought home. (But the computers of now favor 6...f6!? , which might be an easier go.) 7.Nxf7 Kxf7 8.Bxf4 Bg7 9.Bc4+ Ke8 0-1 (23) Morozevich,A (2630)-Kasparov,G (2795) Paris 1995. But it isn't so easy if your rating is under 2800!] 6...Bh6 The "theoretical" continuation, (dropping to just a couple dozen games though). [Computers have it in for 6...Qf6 -- that is, they like it even more.] 7.Nc3
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20.Qg5 [20.Ng3 is too easy.] 20...Qc8 21.Nf6 Stockfish 14 really likes this. [Stockfish 14 really *really* likes 21.Re7] 21...d5 22.Bxa6 bxa6 23.Rxf5 Here one score ends (under five minutes) 23...Nxh4 (here the other says "23...Nxh3") and here we must appeal to the players. It goes on the one sheet: "24.Raf8+ Qxf5 25.Qg7#." Probably: 24.Re7 Qxf5 25.Qg7# An impressive and entertaining (except for Black!) King's Gambit in the "Modern Style," i.e. not too swashbuckling, just solid central control, better structure, play against Black's weakened kingside. Beware double-kingpawn players! 1-0
SwissSys Standings. TNM_finalround: 1800+
# | Name | ID | Rating | Fed | Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Rd 3 | Rd 4 | Rd 5 | Rd 6 | Rd 7 | Total | Prize |
1 | FM Ezra Chambers | 15191101 | 2314 | W22 | W17 | W6 | W3 | W4 | W5 | U--- | 6.0 | 419.00 | |
2 | Sean Kelly | 16962568 | 1786 | W5 | D4 | W14 | L6 | W17 | W15 | D3 | 5.0 | 293.00 | |
3 | IM Elliott Winslow | 10363365 | 2269 | W18 | D19 | W20 | L1 | D14 | W6 | D2 | 4.5 | 84.00 | |
4 | Nathan Fong | 13001390 | 2049 | W9 | D2 | H--- | W12 | L1 | W14 | D6 | 4.5 | 84.00 | |
5 | Ako Heidari | 15206848 | 1996 | L2 | W22 | W19 | W8 | D6 | L1 | W13 | 4.5 | 126.00 | |
6 | Nicholas Weng | 15499404 | 2001 | W16 | W12 | L1 | W2 | D5 | L3 | D4 | 4.0 | ||
7 | Steven Svoboda | 10451671 | 1936 | L12 | L16 | W11 | W22 | W8 | U--- | W15 | 4.0 | ||
8 | James Mahooti | 12621393 | 1800 | H--- | H--- | W15 | L5 | L7 | W10 | W14 | 4.0 | ||
9 | Samuel Brownlow | 12747074 | 1795 | L4 | H--- | D13 | L15 | W19 | W16 | W18 | 4.0 | 126.00 | |
10 | Kristian Clemens | 13901075 | 1994 | L19 | L18 | W21 | W16 | W13 | L8 | H--- | 3.5 | ||
11 | Joel Carron | 16600505 | 1676 | L17 | L15 | L7 | X21 | W22 | H--- | W20 | 3.5 | ||
12 | Adam Stafford | 14257838 | 1665 | W7 | L6 | W18 | L4 | L15 | D20 | W19 | 3.5 | ||
13 | Kevin Sun | 16898540 | 1622 | W15 | L14 | D9 | W20 | L10 | W18 | L5 | 3.5 | ||
14 | Guy Argo | 12517167 | 1938 | H--- | W13 | L2 | W19 | D3 | L4 | L8 | 3.0 | ||
15 | Kayven Riese | 12572270 | 1900 | L13 | W11 | L8 | W9 | W12 | L2 | L7 | 3.0 | ||
16 | Adam Mercado | 16571026 | 1793 | L6 | W7 | L17 | L10 | B--- | L9 | X21 | 3.0 | ||
17 | Alex Chin | 17050697 | 1992 | W11 | L1 | W16 | H--- | L2 | U--- | U--- | 2.5 | ||
18 | Anthony Acosta | 12633251 | 1818 | L3 | W10 | L12 | H--- | W20 | L13 | L9 | 2.5 | ||
19 | Ilia Gimelfarb | 17158733 | 1752 | W10 | D3 | L5 | L14 | L9 | W22 | L12 | 2.5 | ||
20 | Tony Lama | 12328450 | 1805 | H--- | X21 | L3 | L13 | L18 | D12 | L11 | 2.0 | ||
21 | Glenn Kaplan | 12680193 | 1766 | H--- | F20 | L10 | F11 | H--- | B--- | F16 | 2.0 | ||
22 | Mark Drury | 12459313 | 1830 | L1 | L5 | B--- | L7 | L11 | L19 | U--- | 1.0 |
SwissSys Standings. TNM_finalround: Under 1800
# | Name | ID | Rating | Fed | Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Rd 3 | Rd 4 | Rd 5 | Rd 6 | Rd 7 | Total | Prize |
1 | Daniel Wang | 15361305 | 1581 | W34 | W18 | W15 | W2 | D4 | W17 | W5 | 6.5 | 335.00 | |
2 | Stephen Parsons | 16566932 | 1544 | W35 | W19 | W10 | L1 | W5 | D4 | W9 | 5.5 | 251.00 | |
3 | Teodoro Porlares | 12773115 | 1749 | W31 | L5 | W29 | L19 | W41 | W18 | W4 | 5.0 | 63.00 | |
4 | Marty Cortinas | 12590374 | 1720 | B--- | W39 | W16 | W14 | D1 | D2 | L3 | 5.0 | 63.00 | |
5 | Christopher Dessert | 15048166 | 1418 | W12 | W3 | W21 | W9 | L2 | W8 | L1 | 5.0 | 63.00 | |
6 | Matt Long | 13377410 | 1306 | L13 | W32 | W7 | W21 | H--- | D12 | W16 | 5.0 | 63.00 | |
7 | Deandr Stallworth | 30255378 | unr. | W28 | L15 | L6 | W35 | W33 | W14 | W17 | 5.0 | 63.00 | |
8 | Anton Maliev | 30250562 | unr. | L18 | W31 | W20 | W15 | W14 | L5 | W19 | 5.0 | 63.00 | |
9 | John Chan | 12561007 | 1500 | H--- | W27 | W26 | L5 | W37 | W13 | L2 | 4.5 | ||
10 | Aaron Craig | 12872385 | 1451 | W11 | W45 | L2 | W42 | D13 | U--- | W27 | 4.5 | ||
11 | Dean Guo | 30257083 | unr. | L10 | W30 | W28 | L16 | W15 | H--- | W22 | 4.5 | ||
12 | Benjamin Anderson | 30235937 | unr. | L5 | H--- | X48 | W38 | W27 | D6 | H--- | 4.5 | ||
13 | Adam Ginzberg | 30268083 | unr. | W6 | L17 | W35 | W18 | D10 | L9 | W26 | 4.5 | ||
14 | Richard Hack | 12796129 | 1543 | W24 | W20 | W17 | L4 | L8 | L7 | W33 | 4.0 | ||
15 | Georgios Tsolias | 17266862 | 1538 | W25 | W7 | L1 | L8 | L11 | W41 | W30 | 4.0 | ||
16 | Sebastian Suarez | 16875347 | 1520 | W41 | W42 | L4 | W11 | L17 | W20 | L6 | 4.0 | ||
17 | Paul Reed | 13373197 | 1440 | W32 | W13 | L14 | W45 | W16 | L1 | L7 | 4.0 | ||
18 | Nursultan Uzakbaev | 17137317 | 1389 | W8 | L1 | W41 | L13 | W42 | L3 | W32 | 4.0 | ||
19 | Andrew Imbens | 30102682 | 1318 | W37 | L2 | W43 | W3 | W22 | U--- | L8 | 4.0 | ||
20 | Jp Fairchild | 30150098 | 1177 | W33 | L14 | L8 | W44 | W45 | L16 | W28 | 4.0 | ||
21 | Romeo Barreyro | 17018168 | 1702 | H--- | W23 | L5 | L6 | W24 | L26 | W37 | 3.5 | ||
22 | Nick Casares | 10424364 | 1600 | H--- | L29 | W24 | X26 | L19 | W37 | L11 | 3.5 | ||
23 | Tobiah Rex | 30164211 | 1173 | W47 | L21 | D37 | L27 | L28 | W46 | W34 | 3.5 | ||
24 | Thomas Gu | 17005685 | 768 | L14 | W33 | L22 | X43 | L21 | X38 | D29 | 3.5 | ||
25 | David Nichol | 12934283 | 546 | L15 | L37 | X49 | W28 | H--- | L27 | X38 | 3.5 | ||
26 | Eli Chanoff | 30204815 | unr. | H--- | X38 | L9 | F22 | W47 | W21 | L13 | 3.5 | ||
27 | Adam Laskowitz | 30258766 | unr. | H--- | L9 | W34 | W23 | L12 | W25 | L10 | 3.5 | ||
28 | Albert Starr | 12844781 | 1500 | L7 | X48 | L11 | L25 | W23 | X45 | L20 | 3.0 | ||
29 | Jerry Morgan | 13159224 | 1462 | H--- | W22 | L3 | L37 | W46 | U--- | D24 | 3.0 | ||
30 | Richard Ahrens | 16953298 | 1210 | L45 | L11 | W32 | L33 | W44 | X42 | L15 | 3.0 | ||
31 | Natan Gimelfarb | 16757673 | 1139 | L3 | L8 | L44 | W34 | W43 | L32 | W39 | 3.0 | ||
32 | Ian Atroshchenko | 30214657 | unr. | L17 | L6 | L30 | B--- | W39 | W31 | L18 | 3.0 | ||
33 | Harry Elworthy | 30256579 | unr. | L20 | L24 | B--- | W30 | L7 | W35 | L14 | 3.0 | ||
34 | Andrejs Gulbis | 16741331 | 1029 | L1 | H--- | L27 | L31 | B--- | X47 | L23 | 2.5 | ||
35 | William Thibault | 16716976 | 983 | L2 | X44 | L13 | L7 | X48 | L33 | D40 | 2.5 | ||
36 | Vittorio Banfi | 30308530 | unr. | H--- | H--- | H--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | W46 | 2.5 | ||
37 | Elias Colfax-Lamoureux | 30242818 | unr. | L19 | W25 | D23 | W29 | L9 | L22 | L21 | 2.5 | ||
38 | Lisa Willis | 12601676 | 1583 | H--- | F26 | W47 | L12 | H--- | F24 | F25 | 2.0 | ||
39 | David Olson | 13913131 | 1400 | W44 | L4 | L42 | L41 | L32 | W43 | L31 | 2.0 | ||
40 | Pratyush Hule | 16317000 | 825 | H--- | H--- | H--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | D35 | 2.0 | ||
41 | Jeffrey Dallatezza | 30264869 | unr. | L16 | X49 | L18 | W39 | L3 | L15 | U--- | 2.0 | ||
42 | Jabez Wesly | 30210917 | unr. | W49 | L16 | W39 | L10 | L18 | F30 | U--- | 2.0 | ||
43 | James Dorsch | 30249167 | unr. | H--- | H--- | L19 | F24 | L31 | L39 | B--- | 2.0 | ||
44 | Ryan Gill | 30240310 | unr. | L39 | F35 | W31 | L20 | L30 | B--- | F45 | 2.0 | ||
45 | Trent Hancock | 30174249 | unr. | W30 | L10 | W46 | L17 | L20 | F28 | F44 | 2.0 | ||
46 | Ryan Deal | 30281032 | unr. | H--- | H--- | L45 | H--- | L29 | L23 | L36 | 1.5 | ||
47 | Samuel White | 30269966 | unr. | L23 | H--- | L38 | X48 | L26 | F34 | U--- | 1.5 | ||
48 | Damien Seperi | 16757144 | 1083 | H--- | F28 | F12 | F47 | F35 | U--- | U--- | 0.5 | ||
49 | Paul Krezanoski | 16897133 | 1418 | L42 | F41 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 0.0 |
SwissSys Standings. TNM_finalround: Extra Game
# | Name | ID | Rating | Fed | Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Rd 3 | Rd 4 | Rd 5 | Rd 6 | Rd 7 | Rd 8 | Total |
1 | Brendyn Estolas | 12869947 | 2052 | U--- | W26 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | W3 | U--- | 2.0 | |
2 | Noah Chambers | 16694473 | unr. | U--- | W23 | U--- | L9 | U--- | W11 | U--- | U--- | 2.0 | |
3 | Samuel Agdamag | 14874734 | 1448 | U--- | U--- | U--- | D19 | L11 | W26 | L1 | L5 | 1.5 | |
4 | Gaziz Makhanov | 16828914 | 1893 | U--- | W22 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 1.0 | |
5 | Adam Mercado | 16571026 | 1793 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | W3 | 1.0 | |
6 | Marty Cortinas | 12590374 | 1720 | W23 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 1.0 | |
7 | ROMEO BE BARREYRO | 17018168 | 1702 | W25 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 1.0 | |
8 | JERRY MORGAN | 13159224 | 1462 | W27 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 1.0 | |
9 | Natan Gimelfarb | 16757673 | 1090 | U--- | U--- | U--- | W2 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 1.0 | |
10 | Richard Ahrens | 16953298 | 1088 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | W29 | U--- | U--- | 1.0 | |
11 | Pratyush Hule | 16317000 | 825 | U--- | U--- | U--- | L13 | W3 | L2 | U--- | U--- | 1.0 | |
12 | Judit Sztaray | 14708926 | 807 | U--- | W28 | U--- | L17 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 1.0 | |
13 | Thomas Gu | 17005685 | 768 | U--- | U--- | U--- | W11 | U--- | L15 | U--- | U--- | 1.0 | |
14 | David Nichol | 12934283 | 546 | U--- | U--- | W24 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 1.0 | |
15 | Zian Hu | 30297435 | unr. | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | W13 | U--- | U--- | 1.0 | |
16 | Samuel White | 30269966 | unr. | U--- | U--- | U--- | W25 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 1.0 | |
17 | Ian Atroshchenko | 30214657 | unr. | U--- | U--- | U--- | W12 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 1.0 | |
18 | Benjamin Anderson | 30235937 | unr. | U--- | U--- | W30 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 1.0 | |
19 | Joel Carron | 16600505 | 1676 | U--- | U--- | U--- | D3 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 0.5 | |
20 | Eli Chanoff | 30204815 | unr. | U--- | D21 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 0.5 | |
21 | Jeffrey Dallatezza | 30264869 | unr. | U--- | D20 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 0.5 | |
22 | Alex Silvestre | 15446526 | 2131 | U--- | L4 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 0.0 | |
23 | TONY A LAMA | 12328450 | 1805 | L6 | L2 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 0.0 | |
24 | Cesar Tamondong | 12439091 | 1600 | U--- | U--- | L14 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 0.0 | |
25 | NICK CASARES JR | 10424364 | 1600 | L7 | U--- | U--- | L16 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 0.0 | |
26 | Albert Starr | 12844781 | 1500 | U--- | L1 | U--- | U--- | U--- | L3 | U--- | U--- | 0.0 | |
27 | JOHN CHAN | 12561007 | 1500 | L8 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 0.0 | |
28 | William Thibault | 16716976 | 983 | U--- | L12 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 0.0 | |
29 | Andrejs Gulbis | 16741331 | 889 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | L10 | U--- | U--- | 0.0 | |
30 | Angad Sharma | 30281155 | unr. | U--- | U--- | L18 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 0.0 |
Thursday Night Triathlon Report
by Abel Talamantez
There was some excitement and anticipation prior to the start of the final leg of our first ever Mechanics' Institute Online Chess Triathlon. This tournament experiment, which was a mix of rapid, blitz, and this week's Fischer random was bound to produce surprises, as the format itself is an enigma and part of the fun of this variant is the unknown waters the pieces will lead the players. For those not familiar with Fischer random, also known as Chess 960, it is a variant game in which the pieces in the back row are randomly placed. This challenges players' convention of what should be done at the start of the game, and the ensuing chaos is bound to lead to entertaining action. And did it ever.
Adam Mercado came into the round as the leader after the rapid and blitz rounds, and was just a point ahead of Mansoor Mohammed. Mercado needed all the skill he could muster to hold onto his lead, and he did so with a little luck along the way just to make sure, producing one of the most fantastic tournaments we've broadcast. He finished the Fischer random leg 5.5/6, winning the event with a combined 16.5/21. There was a 3-way tie for 2nd place with 13 points between Mansoor Mohammed, Mark Drury and Sanjeev Anand. Sean Kelly finished with a very impressive 12/21, despite missing the 6 rounds of the 1st rapid leg. Congratulations to tall the participants!
It is a Latin proverb that says fortune favors the brave. To give you a sense of how everything came together for Adam, let's take a look a 2 incredible positions, from round 1 and round 5.
In round 1, Mercado found himself on the ropes, headed for defeat in this position as black against Mark Drury.
Drury in a little bit of time trouble played Be5??, leading Mercado to snap off Qxc2 mate. There were comments in the Twitch chat saying black should have resigned some time ago, but this shows that resilliency can pay off, especially in a format such as this.
Now let's go to the highlight of the evening, definitley must see T.V....
In round 5, Mercado found himself in a seemingly hoplessely lost position here as white against Nilufer Sagat:
Mercado had been tenacious in playing on in this position, delvering check after check looking for opportunities and chasing the opposing king to the other side of the board. Mercado quickly played 1. Qb3 in this position and black quickly captured with Qxb3?? creating a stalemate!
It is worth watching the broadcast and capturing the dramatic moment from the 1:37:00 mark here:
Congratulations to Adam for winning the event and to all the players for participating in this experimental inaugural event. It was a great deal of fun and the chat was lively. We will hold another triathlon in the future, and we hope the tournament showcased the potential for both competition and fun.
Final standings can be found here:
Combined Final Standing
# | Name | Handle | ID | Rating | Rapid | Blitz | FR | Total |
1 | Adam Mercado | A-boy415 | 16571026 | 1756 | 5.5 | 5.5 | 5.5 | 16.5 |
2 | Mansoor Mohammed | Mansoortaj | 16086550 | 1893 | 4.5 | 5.5 | 3 | 13 |
3 | Mark L Drury | BirdOrBust | 12459313 | 1830 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 13 |
4 | Sanjeev Anand | chessp1234 | 14436451 | 1753 | 3 | 6 | 4 | 13 |
5 | Nilufer Sagat | snowodis | 17256603 | unr. | 3 | 5.5 | 3.5 | 12 |
6 | Sean Kelly | SlowCynicalQuip | 16962568 | 1848 | 0 | 7 | 5 | 12 |
7 | Casimir Dudek | Thechesskid2021 | 30101045 | 1733 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 11 |
8 | Adithya Chitta | adichi | 16695036 | 1057 | 2.5 | 5 | 2 | 9.5 |
9 | Ian Liao | victor6688 | 16738735 | 1054 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 9 |
10 | Pratyu Bhingarkar | GreenNinja2019 | 30015889 | unr. | 2 | 4 | 2 | 8 |
11 | Bruce A Hedman | Bruce_Hedman | 17344551 | unr. | 0.5 | 4 | 2.5 | 7 |
12 | Aaron D Craig | aaroncraig602 | 12872385 | 1416 | 3 | 0 | 3.5 | 6.5 |
13 | Pras Chandramouli | 5upe5 | 30279272 | unr. | 3 | 3 | 0 | 6 |
14 | Aryan Renjith | SavageAryan | 15027127 | 1241 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 6 |
15 | Marcus Casaes | SucramJman | 30290420 | unr. | 2 | 3 | 1 | 6 |
16 | NM Mike Sailer | MikeSailer | 12451516 | 2233 | 0 | 4.5 | 0 | 4.5 |
17 | Lisa Willis | LittlePinkCorvette | 12601676 | 1500 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 4 |
18 | Aiden Zhu | aiden2020 | 30141156 | 778 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 4 |
19 | IM Elliott Winslow | ecwinslow | 10363365 | 2276 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 3 |
20 | Abel Talamantez | MechanicsChess | 12465386 | 1800 | 1.5 | 1 | 0 | 2.5 |
21 | Oskar Zoffer | OskarZoffer | 16471866 | 1826 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 |
22 | Judit Sztaray | JuditSztaray | 14708926 | 757 | 1.5 | 0 | 0 | 1.5 |
MI Member Spotlight: Andrew Imbens
Guido Imbens was a co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in economics this year, but his son Andrew Imbens is making his own waves at the Mechanics' Institute. The 15-year old Imbens has been rising up the rating charts after beginning live tournament play this year, making it to 1400 after this recently concluded TNM. I asked him why he plays at Mechanics' Institute, and why he became a member and here is what he shared.
Andrew Imbens (left) and family. Photo by Andrew Brodhead, Stanford University
I became a Mechanics’ Institute member after becoming interested in chess again during the quarantine, and I was looking for somewhere where I could play over-the-board. I really like longer time controls, and the schedule of the tournaments (especially the Tuesday Night Marathons) are very convenient for me to get to after school. I have come to especially appreciate the ability to get to know some of the other players I have met here, by playing the same people again over multiple tournaments, playing blitz games and/or discussing our games between tournament rounds, as well as just seeing familiar faces for each tournament.
Tony's Teasers
Tony challenges with an even tougher problem, white to move and mate in 4!
Mechanics' Institute Events Schedule
Don't Miss our Exciting Upcoming Events!!
The Mechanics' Institute will continue to hold regular and online events. Here is our upcoming schedule for players:
Mechanics' Institute November/December TNM: FIDE Rated. Nov 2- Dec 21, 6:30PM PT. G/120;d5:
Mechanics' Institute October Quads: October 30, 3PM PT. 3 Games G/30;d5:
20th Carroll Capps Memorial Championship: USCF Rated. November 6, 10AM PT. 4SS G/45;d5:
Mechanics' Institute Class Schedule
Click HERE to see our full slate of specialty chess classes, we offer something for everyone!
Scholastic Chess Bulletin
The scholastic news is covered in a dedicated publication:
Mechanics' Institute Scholastic Chess Bulletin
Fresh New
Scholastic Chess Bulletin #6 is out!
In this issue:
- Monthly Scholastic In-Person Tournament - 2021 October Report with Player Highlight: Justyn Klot
- Chess Enrichment Highlight: Alta Vista School
- Chess Camps on October 11 - Report
- ChessKid Style by Andrew Ballantyne
- Special Event: Halloween Tournament @ Mechanics' Institute on Oct 30
- Understanding Tournaments - Tiebreaks
- Upcoming Tournament Schedule
- Tournament Results & Featured Games analyzed by GM Nick de Firmian
Please click the following LINK to read our latest edition.
Interested in reading the past issues? Click here to see the list of all issues.
All of us at Mechanics' Institute would like to thank you for your support of our scholastic chess programming.
A little more chess in Virginia.
FM Paul Whitehead
[email protected]
Upon arriving in Virginia in 1997, I branched out in a bunch of directions to see what would stick. In Staunton I worked in a camera store downtown (the owner had several weapons within easy reach in case of trouble) and with the Valley Community Services Board working with disabled adults (going swimming in the dead of winter was a bracing, twice-weekly task) but was not given enough hours in either job to make it worth my while. I then found a job in Charlottesville working with children at the University of Virginia’s Kluge Rehabilitation Center, and before long we moved “over the mountain” where it seemed the economy was a bit stronger and the grass was a bit greener. Soon after that I found full-time employment working with disabled adults (again) at Region Ten Community Services Board.
I was finally settling in.
I had already played chess in Charlottesville, and while in Staunton I met a fellow who was a mortician by trade and whose son I was giving chess lessons to. The father enlightened me as to the particulars of his trade, while I tried to pass along the secrets of mine to his son, but at the end of the day neither of us were that interested. The mysteries of chess, like the secrets of embalming, are not to everyone’s tastes. We travelled a few times, the father and the son and I, over to the chess club in Charlottesville which met, like many such clubs everywhere do, in the basement of a church one evening a week.
There I met the usual rag-tag assortment of the chess-obsessed: a blues musician, a Russian translator, a lonely student (or two), a fellow who talked only about the game of checkers, a retired banker, a waiter between shifts.
At the end of the day though, chess and I drifted apart. I played in a few tournaments over the 15 years I spent in Virginia, but that was the extent of my seriousness. Rather, the game hovered nearby, not too close but never that far away either. Word got out that a chess master lived in town, and although that never brought me the acclaim and riches I thought I deserved, there was the odd lesson that I gave here and there.
What follows is one such lesson.
Being a cosmopolite, I have always loved the café scene, and Charlottesville, being a college town, had a small one. I spent much of my free time in the coffee-shops, and invariably would see people playing chess.
There happened to be a particular individual – who shall remain nameless – from an Eastern European country (which may add a certain bona-fide credential to the local and the credulous) who was not only the self-styled “best chess player in town”, but who was also quite a jerk when you got to know him. Which might happen if the town was small enough, and if you were unfortunate enough. Both being true in this case.
One of the great pleasures of chess is beating a braggart, and despite the fact that I wasn’t from a country where chess is taught in the nursery, I schooled that fellow so convincingly the one day we played that he never spoke to me again – an enormous bonus as far as I was concerned.
Despite some friction here and there, and to finally make it clear to the world who was the undisputed boss of the Charlottesville chess scene, a simultaneous display was planned outside of a local bookstore. I was to take on all comers, there would be music, the sun would shine, a new king would be crowned, and who knows? I might make a few coins to rub together.
Here then, is the actual “performance”. You can find a short clip, music and all, on YouTube here:
Finally, after many years, Charlottesville had soured for me. Whether it was me or the town, I still cannot rightly say. Eventually I would have to leave, and start back over again in California. But, before I left (or fled, depending on how one looks at it) I undertook one more project, and used the artist’s excuse to make shape of one’s experiences, to create something that made sense of what I had gone through. The result was a 30-minute film, The Charlottesville Kitchen Killers (2009). Not for young children, it can be found on YouTube here:
I am proud to say it was accepted and shown at the Virginia International Film Festival, alongside the works of David Lynch and John Waters. And of course chess plays a small part. Here is a still from my film:
The game of chess weaves its mysterious ways through my life. Like everything we do, the Royal Game has positive and negative polarities, and I believe the wise person would say: one cannot exist without the other.
Nick de Firmian’s Column
US Championship Wrap Up
The great battle in St. Louis for the Men’s and Women’s Championship ended this week with the old guard winning again in the Men’s and a new star rising in the Women’s. Wesley So repeated as US Champion, followed by Fabiano Caruana in second place. Young Sam Sevian has shown he has taken his game up a notch by taking third place. In fact the three first places were decided on rapid tie-breaks since So, Caruana and Sevian all scored 6.5/11 in the classical time control round robin. So easily won the playoff by downing both Caruana and Sevian in the tie-break. There is little surprise there as So has shown he can beat anyone in rapid games now, even sometimes Magnus Carlsen.
Our Bay Area players did about as expected – probably they were slightly disappointed. Sam Shankland scored an even 5.5/11 though he showed true grit by battling Caruana in an epic last round encounter where Fabiano needed to find a draw one pawn down in a king ending. Daniel Naroditsky scored a respectable 4.5/11 which is not bad for one of the lower rated players.
A truly exciting event was the Women’s Championship where some of the old stars started to fade and a new young one shone brightly. Eight time champion Irina Krush has always been the favorite to win for the last 20 years. Finally she has a new rival in 18 year old Carissa Yip. I saw Carissa develop her game over the last 10 years as I would coach at the World Youth Championships where she started to play in the girls under 8, then under 10 and under 12 year old championships. She won a couple of silver medals and could easily have won gold. Her aggressive coach for many years, Larry Christiansen, taught her how to attack. This gives her a delightful aggressive style. This year she dusted the competition to take her first US Women’s title. I think many more are to come.
(1) GM Caruana,Fabiano - GM So,Wesley [A28]
US Chp. Playoff, 18.10.2021
1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e5 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.e4!? Fabiano takes the opening to rare territory. 4...Bb4 5.d3 d6 6.a3 Bc5 7.b4 Bb6 8.Be3 0-0 9.Be2 Bxe3 10.fxe3 Ne7! 11.0-0 Ng6
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(2) GM Caruana,Fabiano - GM Shankland,Sam [E05]
US Chp. last round, 17.10.2021
Caruana had a lot to play for here. A win gives him a clear first title. A draw gives him a playoff and a loss sends him down. 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 d5 3.c4 e6 4.g3 Be7 5.Bg2 0-0 6.0-0 dxc4 7.Qc2 a6 8.a4 Bd7 9.Qxc4 Bc6 10.Bg5 Nbd7 11.Rd1 h6 12.Bxf6 Nxf6 13.Nbd2 a5 14.Qd3 Bb4 15.e4 Qe7 16.Ne5 Bd7 17.Ndc4 Rfd8 18.Qe3 Be8
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(3) IM Paikidze,Nazi - IM Yip,Carissa [B06]
US Women's Chp,, 17.10.2021
1.d4 g6 2.e4 Bg7 3.Nc3 d6 4.Nf3 a6 5.a4 Nd7 6.Bc4 e6! 7.Bg5 Ne7 8.Qd2 h6 9.Be3 b6 10.h3 Bb7
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look at those black pawns. White cannot deal with them all. 31.Bf2 Qh5 32.Qd3 fxe4 33.Bxe4 Nf8 34.Bd4 f3! ...Qh1 is the threat 35.Bxf3 gxf3 White resigned in this hopeless positon. 0-1
Solution to Tony's Teaser
1. Rff6!! Be7 2. Rbd6 Bxd6 3. Rxd6 Kxh2 4. Rh6#
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