Gens Una Sumus!
Newsletter #977
July 17, 2021
Table of Contents
- Charles Bagby Memorial
- July TNM Live Report
- Thursday Night Marathon Report
- Tony's Teasers
- Events/Class Schedule
- FM Paul Whitehead's Column
- GM Nick de Frimian's Column
- Submit your piece or feedback
Charles Bagby Memorial Sunday July 18!!
Charles Bagby seated in the black suit with Arthur Stamer and Henry Gross standing behind
Join us this Sunday for the 20th Charles Bagby Memorial live at the Mechanics' Institute with four rounds USCF rated G/45;d5. The tournment starts at 10am with free street parking.
To register, please click HERE
WCM Allyson Wong will be the Chief TD along with Chess Director Abel Talamantez and Assistant TD Michael Hsu. We look forward to a great Sunday live at Mechanics' Institute!
Tuesday Night Marathon Round One Report
by Abel Talamantez
The Tuesday Night Marathon has returned to its seven-round, three-section format with 66 players. While the limited BART service, with trains not yet running past 9pm PT, is keeping some folks away for the time being, things are returning to normal. We have an increased turnout from our last TNM, and we look forward to regular public commuting options returning to full strength soon, helping facilitate more players joining us at the Mechanics' Institute building for chess once again.
In the top section, board 1 featured a battle of seasoned Mechanics' Institute veterans IM Elliott Winslow and Kristian Clemens. The game went long, and it appeared as if Clemens was going to hold the position in an enedgame with rook, knight, and pawns. However, a miscalculation led to a trading of material with Winslow getting the opposition in a king and pawn endgame to seal the win. A tough break for Kristian in an otherwise very well played game. Also with first round wins were NM Siddharth Arun, NM Christophe Bambou, Abhi Penagalapati, and Chelsea Zhou. Chelsea received a full point bye and would be paired with Juan Cendejas in an extra rated game, which was beautifully played by Juan. He responded to Chelsea's Sicilian with 2 b4!? He got the win, showing even the DGT technical manager extraordinaire still has solid game left in his tank.
IM Elliott Winslow and Kristian Clemens on board 1. Juan Cendejas vs Chelsea Zhou on board 5 and Adam Mercado and Joel Carron next to them on 6
In the under 2000 section, nine players go into week 2 with one point. The standout in this round was Albert Starr, who played very well in his upset of Luiz Uribe. Also among the point scorers were Mechanics' regulars Marty Cortinas rising youth Kevin Sun, who upset Glenn Kaplan. In the under 1600 section, 13 players are with one point. Among them are Valerie Jade and David Olson, as well as the up and comin young players Sebby Suarez, Andrew Ballantyne, and Issac Sterling. With 7 rounds of play, there is still ample opportunity for big moves in the standings. Also a big shoutout to Tobias Rex, who came back from a lost position against Sammy Agdamag to win the game.
It was a fun atmosphere at the chess club, as we had the Annex open for post game analysis and skittles. It was great to see players analyzing their games after and play recreational chess once again in that room.
The Chess Annex ready for analysis and skittles
To watch the broadcast, please click HERE.
Here are some games from the round, annotated by GM Nick de Firmian
(1) Winslow,Elliott (2278) - Clemens,Kristian (1997) [D36]
Mechanics' Jul-Aug TNM: 2000+ San Francisco (1.1), 13.07.2021
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Be7 4.Nf3 Nf6 5.Bg5 Nbd7 6.cxd5 [6.e3 0-0 7.cxd5 exd5 (7...Nxd5!?) ] 6...exd5 7.Qc2 c6 8.e3 Nf8!? [8...0-0 9.Bd3 Re8 10.h3!? a) 10.0-0-0; b) 10.0-0 Nf8 11.h3!? (11.Rab1; 11.Rae1; 11.Bxf6!? Bxf6 12.b4) ; ] 9.Bd3 g6 10.0-0 [10.h3 Ne6 11.Bh4 (11.Bh6?? Ng8) 11...Ng7 12.g4? (12.0-0; 12.0-0-0!?) 12...h5!] 10...Ne6 11.Bh4 0-0 [11...Ng7!?] 12.Rab1 a5 13.a3 Ng7 14.b4 axb4 15.axb4 Bf5 16.b5 Bxd3 17.Qxd3 Nf5 18.Bxf6 Bxf6 19.bxc6 bxc6 20.Rfc1 Nd6 21.Nd2 [21.e4!?] 21...Qd7 22.Rb2 Rfb8 23.Rxb8+ Rxb8 24.Na4 Qb7 25.Nc5 Qa7 26.g3 Be7 27.Ncb3 Rb6 28.Ra1 Qc7 29.Ra8+ Kg7 30.Nc5 Nb5 31.Ndb3 Bxc5 32.Nxc5 Qd6 33.Kg2 h5 34.Qc2 [34.h4] 34...Rb8 35.Ra6 Nc7 36.Ra7 Rb6 37.Qa2 Nb5 38.Rd7 Qf6 39.Qa8?! [39.Nd3!+/- Nd6 40.Ne5 Rb7 41.Rxb7 Nxb7 42.Qa6 Nd8 43.Qc8 h4 44.gxh4 Qxh4 45.Kf1!] 39...Nd6?! [39...Nxd4!= 40.exd4 (40.Qa1 Qf3+ 41.Kh3[] (41.Kg1?? Rb1+!! 42.Qxb1 Ne2+ 43.Kf1 Qh1+ 44.Kxe2 Qxb1-+; 41.Kf1 Qh1#) 41...Qf5+ 42.Kg2 Qf3+=) 40...Rb2 41.Nd3 Rd2[] 42.Nf4 Rxf2+ 43.Kxf2 Qxd4+= 44.Ke1 Qc3+] 40.Qa2 [40.Qd8 Ne4! (40...Qxd8 41.Ne6+ Kf6 42.Nxd8+-) 41.Qxf6+ (41.Nxe4 dxe4 42.Qxf6+ Kxf6=) 41...Kxf6 (41...Nxf6?! 42.Ra7!+/- (42.Re7+/-) ) 42.h3+/= Nxc5 43.dxc5 Ra6= 44.Kf3; 40.Rd8!? Ne4 a) 40...Rb2 41.Nd3 Ne4 (41...Rd2 42.Rh8; 41...Qf5!?) 42.Rg8+ Kh7 43.Rh8+ Qxh8 44.Qxh8+ Kxh8 45.Nxb2+/=; b) 40...Nc4= 41.Rh8?? Nxe3+ #4/0 ; c) 40...Nf5 41.Rb8 Rxb8 42.Qxb8 Nd6 43.Qb1; 41.Nd3 Nxf2[] (41...Rb3?? 42.Rh8) 42.Rh8[] Qf5= (42...Qe6= 43.Rg8+ (43.Qf8+ Kf6 44.Qd8+ Kg7=) 43...Kh7 44.Qf8?? Qf6-+ 45.Nxf2 Rb2) ] 40...Nc4?! [40...h4!=/+] 41.Qe2= [41.Rb7!? Rxb7 42.Nxb7 h4 43.Qe2 hxg3 44.hxg3 g5] 41...Rb2 42.Qf3= 0.00/0 Qxf3+ [42...g5; 42...Rc2; 42...Rd2] 43.Kxf3 Nd2+ [43...g5] 44.Kg2?! [44.Kf4 Ne4 45.Nxe4 dxe4 46.Kxe4 Rxf2 47.h4] 44...Nc4 [44...Ne4?! 45.Nxe4 dxe4 46.Re7] 45.e4? [45.Kg1; 45.Kf1; 45.Ne6+ Kg8 (45...Kh6) 46.Rd8+ Kh7 47.Ng5+ Kg7 48.Kg1 (48.Kf3; 48.Kf1) ] 45...dxe4? [45...Ne3+ 46.Kf3 Ng4 47.Kg2! (47.exd5 Rxf2+ 48.Ke4 cxd5+!-+ (48...Nf6+ 49.Ke3 Ng4+[] 50.Kd3 cxd5-/+) 49.Rxd5 Nxh2-+ (49...Re2+ 50.Kd3 Rxh2) ) ] 46.Nxe4= Ne3+ 47.Kf3 Nf5 [47...Nc2=; 47...Nf1=] 48.Ng5 Nh6 49.h3 =/+/= 0.12/0 49...Kf6 50.Ne4+ Kg7 51.g4 [51.Kf4 Re2 52.f3] 51...hxg4+?! [51...Rb3+! 52.Ke2 Rxh3 (52...hxg4; 52...Rb2+) ] 52.hxg4+/- /\Kf4, f3 52...Rc2? 53.Rc7?? [53.g5!+- Nf5 (53...Ng8 54.Nd6 Rd2 55.Rxf7+ Kh8 56.Rd7 Rxd4 57.Nf7+ Kg7 58.Rxd4 Kxf7 59.Rd6 Ne7 60.Ke4) 54.Rd8! (What I overlooked) and a classic mating net. 54...Ne7 55.Nf6 Rc3+ 56.Ke2 Rc2+ 57.Ke1 Rc1+] 53...Rc4 54.Rd7 Kf8 55.Kf4 f5?! [55...Nxg4 56.Kxg4 f5+=] 56.g5 Ng4
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57.Nf6? [57.Nc5!? Ke8 58.Rd6 Nxf2! (58...Ke7 59.Rxg6 Rxd4+ 60.Kxf5+-) 59.Rxg6 Rxd4+ 60.Kxf5 Rd5+ 61.Ke6 Kf8 (61...Kd8? 62.Rg8+ Kc7 63.Rg7+ Kc8 (63...Kb6?! 64.Nd7+ Kb5 65.g6) 64.Nd7+/-) 62.Nd7+ Rxd7 63.Kxd7 Nh3=] 57...Nxf6 [57...Nxf2= 0.00/0 ] 58.gxf6 c5 59.Ke5 Rxd4 60.Rxd4 cxd4 61.Kxd4 Kf7 62.Ke5 f4 63.f3 g5 64.Kf5 g4 65.Kxg4
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65...Kxf6?? [65...Kg6! 66.Kxf4 Kxf6= Basic lesson in opposion. But Clemens had seconds left, and his impulses failed him.] 66.Kxf4 Ke6 67.Kg5 Kf7 68.Kf5 Kg7 69.Ke6 Kf8 70.Kf6 Kg8 71.f4 Kf8 72.f5 Kg8 73.Ke7 1-0
(2) Argo,Guy (1928) - Arun,Siddharth (2253) [B15]
Mechanics' Jul-Aug TNM: 2000+ San Francisco (1.2), 13.07.2021
[de Firmian]
1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.f3!? The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit (where Black is "committed" to ...c6). 4...exf3 5.Nxf3 Bg4 6.Bc4 e6 7.0-0 Nf6 8.Be3 This move is a little slow for a gambit line. It would be a good move in a normal game, but here White has something to prove for the pawn. 8...Bd6 9.h3 Bh5 10.Bg5 Be7 11.g4 Bg6 12.Ne5 Bxc2?!
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[Stockfish 13 just develops with 12...Nbd7 13.Nxg6 hxg6 14.Kg2 0-0-/+] 13.Qxc2? [White needs to be creative. 13.Nxf7!! Kxf7 14.Qe2! Qxd4+ 15.Kg2 Ke8 16.Rae1+/= /=] 13...Qxd4+ 14.Qf2? [14.Kg2 Qxe5 15.Bxf6 gxf6 16.Rae1 Qa5 17.Bxe6 fxe6 18.Rxe6 Nd7 19.Qe2 0-0-0-/+] 14...Qxe5 15.Bf4 Qc5 White has nothing in the coming endgame for the three pawns. 0-1
(3) Bambou,Christophe (2121) - Riese,Kayven (1900) [C01]
Mechanics' Jul-Aug TNM: 2000+ San Francisco (1.3), 13.07.2021
[de Firmian]
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Bd3 c5 4.exd5 exd5 5.Nf3 c4 6.Be2 Nf6 7.0-0 Bd6 8.b3 cxb3 9.axb3 0-0 10.c4 b6 11.Nc3 dxc4 12.bxc4 Nbd7 13.Nb5 Bb8 14.Ba3 Re8 15.Nd6 Re6? [15...Bxd6! 16.Bxd6 Ne4! Double attack! 17...Nxd6 but also 17...Nc3 and 18...Nxe2+ (16...Bb7 17.Bf4 is still a solid advantage for White,with both bishops and pretty good pawns in the center.) 17.Bb4 (17.Be5 Nc3 18.Qe1 Nxe2+ 19.Qxe2 Bb7 20.Qd1 Qc8! readies removing both minor pieces with a strong major piece game, what with White's weak pawns.) 17...a5 18.Qc2 Bb7 19.Ba3 Ng5 20.Nxg5 Qxg5 21.d5 White still has both bishops but the pawns are somewhat compromised; Black isn't much worse.] 16.Nxc8 White cashes in for some material. [16.Nxf7! happens to be even stronger.] 16...Qxc8 17.Ng5 Rc6 18.Bf3 Bf4 19.Bxc6 Qxc6 20.Qf3 Qxf3 21.Nxf3 Rc8 22.g3 Bb8 23.Rac1 Ne4 24.c5 bxc5 25.dxc5 Ndxc5 26.Rfd1 Bd6 27.Rxd6 Nxd6 28.Rxc5 Ra8 29.Nd4 a5 30.Nc6 a4 31.Ra5 Rxa5 32.Nxa5 Nb5 33.Nc4 f6 34.Kf1 Kf7 35.Nd6+ Nxd6 36.Bxd6 Ke6 37.Ba3 Kd5 38.Ke2 Kc4 39.Bf8 g6 40.Bg7 f5 41.Ke3 a3 42.h4 a2 43.Ba1 h6 44.f3 g5 45.h5 Kd5 46.g4 f4+ 47.Kd3 Kc5 48.Ke4 Kc4 49.Bf6 Kb3 50.Kf5 Kc2 51.Kg6 Kd3 52.Kxh6 Ke2 53.Kxg5 Kxf3 54.h6 Ke4 55.h7 f3 56.h8Q f2 57.Qh1+ 1-0
(6) Starr,Albert (1609) - Uribe,Luiz (1856) [A00]
Mechanics' Jul-Aug TNM u2000 San Francisco (1.8), 13.07.2021
[de Firmian]
1.b4 Albert entertains with complications from move one! 1...d5 2.e3 e5 3.Bb2 Nd7 4.b5 Ngf6 5.c4 Bd6 6.cxd5 Nxd5 7.Nc3 White has gotten queenside play with his favorite opening. 7...N7f6 8.g3?! This leaves a lot of loose white squares for the black knights. 8...Bg4 9.Be2 Bxe2 10.Ngxe2 Nb4 11.0-0 Nd3 12.Qc2 Nxb2 13.Qxb2 Qd7 14.a4 Qh3 15.f3! Ensuring the safety of the white king. 15...h5 16.Rf2 0-0-0 17.Qb1 Rhe8 18.Qf1 Qe6
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29...Qxa4? [29...Qb2+ 30.Qf2 Qxf2+ 31.Kxf2 Rxd5 32.exd5 Kxc7 33.Rxb3 Re5+/=] 30.Rxf7+- Rc8 31.Rc3 Now it is White in control with a strong extra pawn 31...Rxc3 32.Nxc3 Qd4 33.Nd5 Rc8 34.Qb1 Qd2+ 35.Kh3 Nd4 36.Qb4 Qxb4 37.Nxb4 Ne6 38.Re7 Ng5+ 39.Kg2 Rc4 40.Rxg7! Nxe4 41.fxe4 Rxb4 42.Rg5 h4 43.gxh4 Rxe4 44.h5 Re7 45.h6 The advanced h-pawn wins the game. 45...Re2+ 46.Kg3 Re3+ 47.Kg4 Re4+ 48.Kh5 Re8 49.h7 1-0
(17) Rex,Tobiah (1013) - Agdamag,Samuel (1586) [A26]
Mechanics' Jul-Aug TNM u1600 San Francisco (1.10), 13.07.2021
[de Firmian]
1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 0-0 5.e4 d6 6.Nge2 e5 7.0-0 Nc6 8.d3 The Botvinnik System of the English. 8...Ne8 9.h3 f5 10.exf5 gxf5 11.f4 Nf6 12.Be3 Qe8 13.Qd2 Qg6 14.Nd5 Nxd5 15.Bxd5+ Kh8 16.Kh2 Ne7 17.Bg2 c6 18.d4 e4 19.Nc3 Rg8 20.Rae1 Bf6 21.Bf2 d5 22.c5?! Black gets an edge now. It was better to make an open file on the queenside with 22. cxd5. 22...Be6 23.Nd1 Rae8 24.Ne3 Qg7 25.Rd1 Bf7-/+
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41...Rh8?? Almost anything else just wins for Black, being a whole rook up. [41...e2! (well, the fastest mate); 41...b5; 41...b6; 41...Qxg3+ 42.Kxg3 e2] 42.Qxb7+ Amazingly Black is lost now. It is mate in 4 no matter what. 42...Ke6 43.Rxe3+ Kxf6 44.Rf3+ Kg6 45.Qf7+ Black resignes as 46. Rf6 will be mate. A tragic turnaround for Sam and a lucky escape for T. Rex 1-0
SwissSys Standings. Jul-Aug 2021 Tuesday Night Marathon: 2000+ (Standings (no tiebrk))
# | Name | Handle | ID | Rating | Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Rd 3 | Rd 4 | Rd 5 | Rd 6 | Rd 7 | Total |
1 | Elliott Winslow | 10363365 | 2278 | W9 | 1.0 | |||||||
2 | Siddharth Arun | 13206647 | 2253 | W10 | H--- | H--- | 1.0 | |||||
3 | Christophe Bambou | 12734479 | 2121 | W11 | 1.0 | |||||||
4 | Abhi Penagalapati | 15467440 | 2078 | W12 | 1.0 | |||||||
5 | Chelsea Zhou | 15239016 | 1879 | B--- | H--- | 1.0 | ||||||
6 | Nicholas Weng | 15499404 | 2013 | H--- | H--- | 0.5 | ||||||
7 | Ako Heidari | 15206848 | 1964 | H--- | 0.5 | |||||||
8 | Andre Persidsky | 12545869 | 1828 | H--- | 0.5 | |||||||
9 | Kristian Clemens | 13901075 | 1997 | L1 | 0.0 | |||||||
10 | Guy Argo | 12517167 | 1928 | L2 | 0.0 | |||||||
11 | Kayven Riese | 12572270 | 1900 | L3 | 0.0 | |||||||
12 | Andrew Guo | 16192001 | 1885 | L4 | H--- | 0.0 |
SwissSys Standings. Jul-Aug 2021 Tuesday Night Marathon: Under2000 (Standings (no tiebrk))
# | Name | Handle | ID | Rating | Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Rd 3 | Rd 4 | Rd 5 | Rd 6 | Rd 7 | Total |
1 | Amitoj Singh | 12907156 | 1819 | W22 | 1.0 | |||||||
2 | Marty Cortinas | 12590374 | 1720 | W23 | 1.0 | |||||||
3 | Frederick Hope | 12646004 | 1646 | W24 | 1.0 | |||||||
4 | Leon Quin | 30191497 | 1611 | W25 | 1.0 | |||||||
5 | Albert Starr | 12844781 | 1609 | W17 | 1.0 | |||||||
6 | Nikhil Pimpalkhare | 30179081 | 1577 | W18 | H--- | H--- | 1.0 | |||||
7 | Kevin Sun | 16898540 | 1517 | W19 | H--- | 1.0 | ||||||
8 | Nursultan\ Uzakbaev | 17137317 | 1513 | W20 | 1.0 | |||||||
9 | Adam Stafford | 14257838 | 1473 | W21 | 1.0 | |||||||
10 | Adam Mercado | 16571026 | 1879 | D14 | 0.5 | |||||||
11 | Samuel Brownlow | 12747074 | 1795 | D15 | 0.5 | |||||||
12 | Ted Porlares | 12773115 | 1789 | D16 | 0.5 | |||||||
13 | David Rakonitz | 12931024 | 1622 | H--- | 0.5 | |||||||
14 | Joel Carron | 16600505 | 1610 | D10 | 0.5 | |||||||
15 | Daniel Perlov | 16465203 | 1555 | D11 | 0.5 | |||||||
16 | Stephen Parsons | 16566932 | 1532 | D12 | 0.5 | |||||||
17 | Luiz Uribe | 12839860 | 1856 | L5 | 0.0 | |||||||
18 | James Mahooti | 12621393 | 1800 | L6 | 0.0 | |||||||
19 | Glenn Kaplan | 12680193 | 1776 | L7 | 0.0 | |||||||
20 | Gregory Rousso | 17073094 | 1745 | L8 | 0.0 | |||||||
21 | Jim Cohee | 12423364 | 1612 | L9 | 0.0 | |||||||
22 | Nick Casares Jr | 10424364 | 1600 | L1 | 0.0 | |||||||
23 | Anvi Penagalapati | 16315087 | 1485 | L2 | 0.0 | |||||||
24 | Jerry Morgan | 13159224 | 1483 | L3 | 0.0 | |||||||
25 | Aaron Craig | 12872385 | 1408 | L4 | 0.0 |
SwissSys Standings. Jul-Aug 2021 Tuesday Night Marathon: Under1600 (Standings (no tiebrk))
# | Name | Handle | ID | Rating | Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Rd 3 | Rd 4 | Rd 5 | Rd 6 | Rd 7 | Total |
1 | Valerie Jade | 17168772 | 1490 | W22 | H--- | 1.0 | ||||||
2 | Dominic Zirbel | 13356345 | 1481 | W23 | 1.0 | |||||||
3 | Sebastian Suarez | 16875347 | 1433 | W24 | 1.0 | |||||||
4 | David Olson | 13913131 | 1400 | W29 | 1.0 | |||||||
5 | Claudio Bastiani-Fonck | 16874166 | 1377 | W25 | 1.0 | |||||||
6 | Charles James | 12448028 | 1368 | W26 | 1.0 | |||||||
7 | Paul Reed | 13373197 | 1322 | W27 | 1.0 | |||||||
8 | Isaac Sterling | 14316046 | 1236 | X28 | 1.0 | |||||||
9 | Tobiah Rex | 30164211 | 1013 | W18 | 1.0 | |||||||
10 | Andrew Ballantyne | 17079795 | 948 | W19 | 1.0 | |||||||
11 | David Nichol | 12934283 | 435 | B--- | 1.0 | |||||||
12 | Iven Yarovoy | 17131276 | unr. | W20 | H--- | 1.0 | ||||||
13 | Ambrogino Giusti | 30223021 | unr. | W21 | 1.0 | |||||||
14 | Andrew Imbens | 30102682 | 1296 | H--- | H--- | H--- | 0.5 | |||||
15 | Peter Borah | 12883291 | 1232 | D17 | 0.5 | |||||||
16 | James Wang | 30209892 | unr. | H--- | H--- | H--- | 0.5 | |||||
17 | Ian Atroshchenko | 30214657 | unr. | D15 | H--- | 0.5 | ||||||
18 | Samuel Agdamag | 14874734 | 1586 | L9 | 0.0 | |||||||
19 | Richard Hack | 12796129 | 1569 | L10 | 0.0 | |||||||
20 | Richard Ahrens | 16953298 | 1228 | L12 | 0.0 | |||||||
21 | William Thibault | 16716976 | 1050 | L13 | 0.0 | |||||||
22 | Andrejs Gulbis | 16741331 | 826 | L1 | 0.0 | |||||||
23 | Romeo Nehme | 16271243 | 795 | L2 | H--- | 0.0 | ||||||
24 | Thomas Gu | 17005685 | 660 | L3 | 0.0 | |||||||
25 | Tyler Johnson | 30212590 | unr. | L5 | 0.0 | |||||||
26 | Tony Kachakji | 30228920 | unr. | L6 | 0.0 | |||||||
27 | Trent Hancock | 30174249 | unr. | L7 | 0.0 | |||||||
28 | Dave Bianco | 12909439 | unr. | F8 | 0.0 | |||||||
29 | Jabez Wesly | 30210917 | unr. | L4 | H--- | H--- | 0.0 |
SwissSys Standings. Jul-Aug 2021 Tuesday Night Marathon: Extra Games - JulyAugTNM (Standings (no tiebrk))
# | Name | Handle | ID | Rating | Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Rd 3 | Rd 4 | Rd 5 | Rd 6 | Rd 7 | Total |
1 | Juan Cendejas | 12717746 | 1718 | W3 | 1.0 | |||||||
2 | David Nichol | 12934283 | 435 | W4 | 1.0 | |||||||
3 | Chelsea Zhou | 15239016 | 1866 | L1 | 0.0 | |||||||
4 | Benjamin Grant | unr. | L2 | 0.0 |
New Thursday Night Marathon Rounds 7&8 Report
by Abel Talamantez
Broadcast setup from the Mechanics' Institute
The final two rounds of the Thursday Night Marathon produced the matchup everyone had been waiting for - the matchup in round 7 of the two GM's Gadir Guseinov and Alex Lenderman again showed that GM Guseinov is a standard of play above many. He put Lenderman in a very tough position right away, and although Lenderman found the right moves to continue on, the pressure eventually became insurmountable, with Guseinov winning material and the game. Guseinov would go on to defeat Austin Mei in the final round in a very interesting game to win the Thursday Night Marathon with a score of 7.5/8. IM Bala Chandra Dhulipalla defeated IM Elliott winslow in round 7 and then survived a great game played by Cailen Melville in round 8 to get a draw in a losing position. It was still enough for Dhulipalla to finish with 6.5/8 and clear 2nd place.
GM Guseinov and GM Lenderman doing battle with commentary by GM Nick de Firmian, FM Paul Whitehead and Chess Director Abel Talamantez
Perhaps the game of the round was the matchup in round 8 between FM Max Gedajlovic and GM Alex Lenderman. Max fought bravely and aggressively, obtaining an advantage positionally. After reaching the middle game in a worse position, Lenderman offered a draw which Gedajlovic, after some thinking, declined. He showed the mettle of a player looking to go next level in pressing on in a winning position despite the opposition. It is always a gamble, as the lower rated player is trying to maintain an advantage and fighting against the calculating abilities and expeirence of a seasoned GM. Lenderman pressed on, finding opportunities to complicate the position, and after putting Gedajlovic in time pressure, created enough chaos in the position to get the win desite being the exchange down for much of the endgame. It was a great game to watch, and we will have annotations for the final rounds of the ThNM in the next newsletter. Kudos to Max for going for the win, but kudos as well to Lenderman for staying cool when things got hot.
Special shoutout to Mechanics' regulars Cailen Melville and Jonah Busch for an outstanding performance in this event, as well as Marina Xiao. She will be a force to bre reckoned with in the coming years.
Full standings are below, final standings are pending fair play review.
To watch the broadcast, click HERE.
SwissSys Standings. New Thursday Night Marathon: Open
# | Name | Handle | ID | Rating | Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Rd 3 | Rd 4 | Rd 5 | Rd 6 | Rd 7 | Rd 8 | Total |
1 | GM Gadir Guseinov | gguseinov | 17343590 | 2651 | W12 | W10 | W7 | W2 | W4 | D8 | W3 | W9 | 7.5 |
2 | IM Bala Chandra Dhulipalla | swarnapuri | 30100858 | 2523 | W30 | W19 | W9 | L1 | W17 | W7 | W15 | D5 | 6.5 |
3 | GM Alex Lenderman | alexanderl | 12787646 | 2703 | W23 | W18 | H--- | H--- | D9 | W4 | L1 | W7 | 5.5 |
4 | Sina Mohammadi | sina101 | 14116846 | 2163 | W24 | W22 | W6 | W15 | L1 | L3 | D18 | W19 | 5.5 |
5 | Cailen Melville | mangonel | 14006141 | 1940 | F34 | L14 | X40 | W36 | W24 | W27 | W22 | D2 | 5.5 |
6 | Jonah Busch | kondsaga | 12469525 | 1934 | W14 | W34 | L4 | D23 | L27 | W30 | W12 | W18 | 5.5 |
7 | FM Max Gedajlovic | mmsanchez | 14947382 | 2213 | W32 | W13 | L1 | W16 | W29 | L2 | W10 | L3 | 5.0 |
8 | NM Michael Walder | flightsoffancy | 10345120 | 2157 | L13 | W25 | W32 | W19 | W18 | D1 | D9 | U--- | 5.0 |
9 | Austin Mei | titanchess666 | 16090452 | 2149 | W33 | W11 | L2 | W12 | D3 | W20 | D8 | L1 | 5.0 |
10 | Jeff Andersen | zenwabi | 11296106 | 1643 | W37 | L1 | W34 | W33 | H--- | H--- | L7 | W24 | 5.0 |
11 | Akshaj Pulijala | loltheawesomedude | 16497860 | 1531 | W26 | L9 | W14 | D27 | L16 | W23 | W28 | D17 | 5.0 |
12 | Marina Xiao | programmingmax | 16380642 | 1481 | L1 | W37 | W44 | L9 | W34 | W29 | L6 | W20 | 5.0 |
13 | Casimir Dudek | thechesskid2021 | 30101045 | 1284 | W8 | L7 | X17 | L18 | W21 | D19 | D20 | W22 | 5.0 |
14 | Kevin Thompson | acalbear | 13110777 | 1120 | L6 | W5 | L11 | L28 | X38 | W21 | X29 | W27 | 5.0 |
15 | IM Elliott Winslow | ecwinslow | 10363365 | 2278 | D31 | W39 | W46 | L4 | W35 | W16 | L2 | U--- | 4.5 |
16 | Nathan Fong | nathanf314 | 13001390 | 2004 | W25 | H--- | W20 | L7 | W11 | L15 | H--- | H--- | 4.5 |
17 | Robert Smith | maturner | 12463327 | 1853 | W40 | X46 | H--- | H--- | L2 | L22 | W33 | D11 | 4.5 |
18 | Callaghan McCarty-Snead | doctorbanner | 14948275 | 1700 | W43 | L3 | W24 | W13 | L8 | W35 | D4 | L6 | 4.5 |
19 | Ethan Mei | erm999 | 16090467 | 1585 | W41 | L2 | W36 | L8 | W42 | D13 | W27 | L4 | 4.5 |
20 | Aaron Nicoski | kingsmasher35 | 12797931 | 1789 | W36 | D35 | L16 | W41 | W23 | L9 | D13 | L12 | 4.0 |
21 | William Kelly | wkelly | 30161947 | 1677 | H--- | H--- | L33 | W38 | L13 | L14 | X41 | W32 | 4.0 |
22 | Bryan Hood | fiddleleaf | 12839763 | 1574 | W38 | L4 | H--- | H--- | W33 | W17 | L5 | L13 | 4.0 |
23 | Ethan Sun | sfdeals | 16964125 | 1488 | L3 | W43 | W42 | D6 | L20 | L11 | D30 | W33 | 4.0 |
24 | Sarvagnya Brahmanapally | bsarvagnya | 16466227 | 1323 | L4 | W26 | L18 | W44 | L5 | W34 | X25 | L10 | 4.0 |
25 | Aditha Chitta | adichi | 16695036 | 1185 | L16 | L8 | L26 | W39 | X41 | W42 | F24 | W31 | 4.0 |
26 | Jonathan Rice | ricejonathanc | 30205348 | unr. | L11 | L24 | W25 | L34 | W36 | L33 | X40 | W30 | 4.0 |
27 | Fong Kevin | chessappeals | 17254586 | 1783 | H--- | W31 | D35 | D11 | W6 | L5 | L19 | L14 | 3.5 |
28 | NM Tom Maser | talenuf | 10490936 | 1900 | L35 | F33 | W37 | W14 | H--- | H--- | L11 | U--- | 3.0 |
29 | Jason Ochoa | barok44 | 12440572 | 1759 | X46 | W40 | H--- | H--- | L7 | L12 | F14 | U--- | 3.0 |
30 | Michael Xiao | swimgrass | 16380636 | 1363 | L2 | D41 | W39 | L35 | W32 | L6 | D23 | L26 | 3.0 |
31 | Paul Krezanoski | pjkrizzle | 16897133 | 1346 | D15 | L27 | F41 | H--- | U--- | W40 | W37 | L25 | 3.0 |
32 | Ivan Zong | ivanzong | 30131397 | 1335 | L7 | W38 | L8 | L42 | L30 | W44 | W39 | L21 | 3.0 |
33 | Sean Wu | dum2020areeews | 16802870 | 1220 | L9 | X28 | W21 | L10 | L22 | W26 | L17 | L23 | 3.0 |
34 | Pratyush Bhingarkar | greenninja2019 | 30015889 | 1165 | X5 | L6 | L10 | W26 | L12 | L24 | W42 | L36 | 3.0 |
35 | Katherine Sunny Lu | 2nf31-0 | 16425316 | 1085 | W28 | D20 | D27 | W30 | L15 | L18 | U--- | U--- | 3.0 |
36 | Bruce Hedman | bruce_hedman | 17344551 | 1055 | L20 | W45 | L19 | L5 | L26 | L39 | W43 | W34 | 3.0 |
37 | Arumin Ravisankar | aruminchess | 30025152 | 869 | L10 | L12 | L28 | L40 | W39 | W38 | L31 | X43 | 3.0 |
38 | Victor Beauchamp | greatboomer | 30154650 | 807 | L22 | L32 | X45 | L21 | F14 | L37 | X44 | W42 | 3.0 |
39 | Ishan Goteti | aurex79 | 17016988 | 615 | W45 | L15 | L30 | L25 | L37 | W36 | L32 | B--- | 3.0 |
40 | JJ Ziebart | tomatosoupgirl | 30166361 | 1072 | L17 | L29 | F5 | W37 | W44 | L31 | F26 | U--- | 2.0 |
41 | Adithya Shankar Katepalli | 2021adi | 30153861 | 824 | L19 | D30 | X31 | L20 | F25 | H--- | F21 | U--- | 2.0 |
42 | Jimolee Gray | grayj43 | 30172836 | unr. | H--- | H--- | L23 | W32 | L19 | L25 | L34 | L38 | 2.0 |
43 | Thomas Cunningham | banjotom | 12923340 | 971 | L18 | L23 | H--- | U--- | H--- | H--- | L36 | F37 | 1.5 |
44 | Cleveland W Lee | Vincitore51745 | 12814843 | unr. | H--- | H--- | L12 | L24 | L40 | L32 | F38 | U--- | 1.0 |
45 | James Hamlett | james_hamlett_IV | 12374510 | 1561 | L39 | L36 | F38 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 0.0 |
46 | Jerry Li | figsnoring | 16551291 | 1015 | F29 | F17 | L15 | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | U--- | 0.0 |
SwissSys Standings. New Thursday Night Marathon: Extra Games
# | Name | Handle | ID | Rating | Rd 1 | Total |
1 | Paul Krezanoski | pjkrizzle | 16897133 | 1346 | W2 | 1.0 |
2 | Aditha Chitta | adichi | 16695036 | 1185 | L1 | 0.0 |
Tony's Teasers
Here is a mate in two from longtime Mechanics' Institute player Tony Lama. This should occupy a good chunk of your time this weekend!
White to move and mate in 2
Mechanics' Institute Events Schedule
The Mechanics' Institute will continue to hold regular and online events. Here is our upcoming schedule for players:
July 13-August 24: Tuesday Night Marathon Live; 7 rounds, FIDE & USCF rated, G/120;d5 - Live @ Mechanics':
July 18: Charles Bagby Memorial; 4 rounds, USCF rated, G/45;d5 - Live @ Mechanics':
Mechanics' Institute Class Schedule
Click HERE to see our full slate of specialty chess classes, we offer something for everyone!
Scholastic Bulletin
The scholastic news will be covered in a dedicated, monthly publication:
Scholastic Chess Bulletin
Please click the following LINK to read our latest edition.
All of us at Mechanics' Institute would like to thank you for your support of our scholastic chess programming.
FM Paul Whitehead's Column
[email protected]
Finishing Tactics from the World Championship Matches 20: Smyslov – Botvinnik 1958
After losing the title a year earlier, Botvinnik exercised his right to a rematch (under FIDE rules at the time) and came out slugging – he won the first three games and ultimately the contest by the score of +7 -5 =11.
The players were not at their best: both came down with the flu, and both were prone to strange mistakes and lapses:
Smyslov – Botvinnik, 3rd Match Game 1958.
Here the World Champion made the elementary blunder 1.Ne5? losing 2 pieces for a rook and ultimately the game after the simple 1…Rxc3! 2.cxb7+ Kxb7 3.Rxc3 Bxe5.
Even more surprising was what happened here:
Smyslov – Botvinnik, 15th Match Game 1958.
Black was enjoying his position so much (he’s very close to winning) he “forgot” about the clock and lost on time!
1. Botvinnik – Smyslov, 2nd Match Game 1958.
White moves. Win a little something.
2. Smyslov – Botvinnik, 5th Match Game 1958.
White moves. Surprise!
3. Smyslov – Botvinnik, 9th Match Game 1958.
Black moves. What’s your defensive task?
4. Botvinnik – Smyslov, 14th Match Game 1958.
White moves. Not difficult, but be accurate.
GM Nick de Firmian's Column
The Old Man and the Chessboard
In Hemingway’s famous novel about an aging fisherman, the protagonist battles for days to reel in a great marlin. Ultimately he wins the battle against the marlin, but fails when encountering too many sharks that eat the marlin tied to his boat and steal his hard-earned victory.
The Grand Croatian Chess Tour saw the return of the great Garry Kasparov to the chess board. He too ran into a bunch of sharks who stole all his points, and in eighteen rounds of blitz chess against the young top players of today Kasparov scored only two and a half points. This disappointing showing is usually done by an amateur who gets to play with the pros, and that player is often labeled the “fish” of the tournament. It was painful to see how a great champion can fall.
“The old get old and the young get stronger” sang Jim Morrison. So perhaps we must resign ourselves to playing worse chess as we age. Here we have some good news for those who wish to defy the march of time. Second place in this same tournament went not to one of the young sharks, but to 51 year old Vishy Anand. Anand is of course a former world champion and was a rival to Kasparov in the 1990’s. It was inspiring to see him vanquishing players half his age. The rest of us may take solace that excellence at chess isn’t just about age, but about staying motivated and dedicated to the game.
(1) GM Kasparov,Garry - GM Vachier-Lagrave,Maxim [A30]
Grand Chess Tour Croatia, 11.07.2021
This game was played in the second to last round, with MVL in first place. Despite having a terrible tournament Kasparov is determined to show the leader what championship chess is. 1.Nf3 c5 2.c4 Nf6 3.g3 b6 4.Bg2 Bb7 5.Nc3 g6 6.0-0 Bg7 7.d4 cxd4 8.Nxd4 Bxg2 9.Kxg2 This hedgehog position out of an English Opening is just a tad better for White. 9...Qc8 10.b3 Qb7+ 11.f3 d5 MVL makes the center break instead of sitting back on the first three ranks as most Hedgehog players do. This equalizes space in the center, but Black lags in development in the resulting open position. 12.cxd5 Nxd5 13.Nxd5 Qxd5 14.Be3 Nc6 15.Nxc6! Qxc6 16.Rc1
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(2) GM Anand,Vishy - GM Nepomniachtchi,Ian [B46]
Grand Chess Tour Croatia, 11.07.2021
Here Anand meets the current challenger to the chess throne, Nepomniachtchi, who will have the title match with Magnus in November. 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Nxc6 bxc6 7.Qf3 d5 8.Qg3 f5!? As he often does, Nepo chooses an imbalanced position. 9.exf5 exf5 10.Bf4 Nf6 11.Be2 Ra7 12.0-0 Kf7 13.Rad1 h6 14.Be5 g5 15.Rfe1 Bg7 16.Bf1 Re7 17.Bd4 Rhe8
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44.Qe5! leaving the white knight hanging allows Anand to press the attack. 44...Qf8 45.Re7+ Kg8 46.Qe6+ Kh8 47.Rf7 Qxf7 48.Qxf7 Rxf2 The white queen is too strong for the black rook and knight. Vishy wraps it up efficiently. 49.Kg1 Rf4 50.Qg6 Rf3 51.Qxh6+ Kg8 52.Qg6+ Kf8 53.Kg2 1-0
Solutions to FM Paul Whitehead's Column
1. Botvinnik – Smyslov, 2nd Match Game 1958.
1.Nc6! was a cute little move, and white won a pawn after 1…Bxc6 2.Qxc4+ d5 3.Qxc6. Black was faced with an impossible defensive task (3…Rxb4 4.Nxd5 wins) and succumbed quickly: 3…Rd8 4.Qb6 Qe7 5.Qd4 Qd6 6.Rfe1 Rfe8 7.Rxe5 Rxe5 8.b5 Ne6 9.Qa7 d4 10.Ne4! 1-0. If 10…Rxe4 11.Qa8+.
2. Smyslov – Botvinnik, 5th Match Game 1958.
1.Kd3!! 1-0. Threat: 2.b4# which black can only delay, but not stop.
3. Smyslov – Botvinnik, 9th Match Game 1958.
1…g5! Hiding the king behind the attacking h-pawn saves the day. The game petered out to a draw after 2.Bxg5 Qd6 3.Rh4 Nf6 21.Bxf6 Qxf6 22.Rxg4+ Kh8 23.Kb1 Rg8 24.Rb4 a5 25.Rb6 Bxc3 26.bxc3 Rab8 27.Rxb8 Rxb8+ 28.Ka1 Rg8 29.Qe3 Rg4 30.a3 Re4 31.Qd3 Qe5 32.Kb2 Re3 33.Qd4 Qxd4 34.cxd4
Kg7 35.Rg1+ Kf7 36.h6 Rh3 37.Rg7+ Kf6 38.Rh7 Rh4 39.Kc3 Rh3+ 40.Kb2 Rh4 1/2-1/2
4. Botvinnik – Smyslov, 14th Match Game 1958.
1.f4! 1-0. But not 1.c8=Q? which only leads to a draw after 1…Rxc8 2.Kxc8 Kxf2. After 1.f4 white can simply push his f-pawn and sacrifice his rook if need be for the h-pawn.
Solution To Tony's Teaser (Thanks Jon Frankle)
1. Rb7!! Bxb7 2. Bxb7# or 1. Rb7, Ke4 2. Nf6# or.. 1. Rb7 any bishop move not Bxb7, Rb5 or Rd7# with discovery
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