Simultaneous Exhibition with GM Sam Shankland | Mechanics' Institute

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Simultaneous Exhibition with GM Sam Shankland

Saturday, July 13, 2024


GM Sam Shankland will be visiting our Chess Club on Saturday, July 13, for a 26-board simul at our club.

This event is part of our larger celebration and Open House of the Mechanics' Institute.


About GrandMaster Sam Shankland

  • Shankland was born in Berkeley, California

  • In January 2011, Shankland earned the title of Grandmaster at the Berkeley International

  • In 2012 Shankland won the Northern California International ahead of strong GMs Georg Meier, Alejandro Ramirez, Yury Shulman, and Bartlomiej Macieja.

  • In 2013 Shankland was selected as the 27th Samford Fellow.

  • In 2014 at the 41st Chess Olympiad in Tromsø, Norway, Shankland took home gold for his performance as a reserve player.

  • In September, 2016, Shankland played as fourth board for the United States at the 42nd Chess Olympiad, where the team earned gold for the first time since 1976

  • In April 2018 Shankland took clear first in the US Chess Championship with a score of 81⁄2/11 (+6–0=5). He finished half a point, two points, and three points ahead of Fabiano Caruana, Wesley So, and Hikaru Nakamura, respectively. 

  • In 2019 Shankland finished with 6.5/13 at the Tata Steel Masters, sharing 7th place in what has been called the strongest tournament in the world. He drew his first ever game with World Champion Magnus Carlsen, and he defeated former World Champion Vladimir Kramnik in the final round. Shankland reached a peak rating of 2731 and #22 in the World.

  • In 2021 Shankland won the Prague Masters with 5.5/7 and a performance rating over 2900, the best result in the tournament's history, and also he reached the quarterfinals of the 2021 FIDE World Cup, earning a spot in the 2022 FIDE Grand Prix. 

  • He published two books: in 2018: Small Steps to Giant Improvement: Master Pawn Play in Chess and in 2020: Small Steps 2 Success: Mastering Passed Pawn Play

  • He has several Chessable courses on openings, calculations and various other topics.


Start Time: 12:00pm

Mechanics' Institute Chess Club is providing everything needed for the simul: boards, sets, scoresheets and pens.

We will be broadcasting 6 boards on Link will be coming as we get closer to the event.

Signed boards might be available for purchase at the event.


Entry fee:

  • $65 for MI members

  • $70 for non-MI members





Advance Entries

-- coming as we get closer to the event.

Mechanics' Institute