Grow Your Family Tree: Ancestry Library Edition | Mechanics' Institute

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Grow Your Family Tree: Ancestry Library Edition
Library Databases

The Ancestry database provides access to billions of records in census data, vital records, directories, photos, and more. This class will provide tips on searching, how to download records, and plenty of time for hands-on practice. Participants are welcome to bring their own laptop, iPad, or similar WiFi-enabled device.


Members Only; Free
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3rd Floor Library - Classroom A
Information Desk - 415-393-0102
Register now by using the form below or calling 415-393-0101.

Future Classes

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From Bad News to Fake News: Media & Conflict 1850-2017
A four-part serial with Myles Dungan, part of the Monday Noontime History Series.

Jul 29 - 12:00 pm

From Bad News to Fake News: Media & Conflict 1850-2017
A four-part serial with Myles Dungan, part of the Monday Noontime History Series.

Aug 5 - 12:00 pm

From Bad News to Fake News: Media & Conflict 1850-2017
A four-part serial with Myles Dungan, part of the Monday Noontime History Series.

Aug 28 - 6:15 pm

Storytelling and Improvisation Workshop with Corey Rosen
We'll be kicking off our 2024-2025 Storytelling Showcase season with this workshop with Corey Rosen, author and host of "The Moth."