North Dallas Forty (1979) | Mechanics' Institute

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North Dallas Forty (1979)
February 2015 - Nick Nolte: Rough Cut

Special guest: writer, director, and actor JP Allen (Love and Demons).

Directed by Ted Kotcheff
Mac Davis, Charles Durning

Phil Elliott: Jo Bob is here to remind us that the biggest and the baddest get to make all the rules.
Charlotte: Well I don't agree with that.
Phil Elliott: Agreeing doesn't play into it.

Wide Receiver Phil Elliot plays for the North Dallas Bulls (loosely based on the Dallas Cowboys.) He’s still a great player, but he’s piled up the injuries over the years, relies heavily on painkillers, and is becoming less tolerant of the win-at-any-cost philosophy driving professional football. Nick Nolte is terrific as a man finding it harder and harder to conform, and he’s complimented by a cast that includes Charles Durning as a coach and singer Mac Davis as quarterback Seth Maxwell, Elliot’s canny and cynical best friend. Set against a backdrop of 70s-era high living and hedonism, North Dallas Forty blends drama with biting comedy as it examines the human cost behind the big business of pro football.

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