February 2021 Tuesday Night Marathon Online | Mechanics' Institute

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February 2021 Tuesday Night Marathon Online

Tuesday, February 9, 2021 to Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Three Tuesdays: Feb 9, 16, 23

USCF Online Regular Rated event via Chess.com
Open for everyone! 

Standings -- Pairings -- Google Sheet

Platform -- Dates -- Tournament format -- Byes -- Prize Fund

Registration -- Eligibility -- Tournament rules -- Fair Play -- FAQ

1. Platform

2. Dates

  • Three Tuesdays in February 2021: Feb 9, 16, 23

3. Tournament format:

  • Tournament format: individual Swiss
  • Total Round: 6 rounds  ---   2 rounds each night
  • Round times: each Tuesday 6:30PM & 8:00PM Pacific Time (GMT+8)
  • Time control: G/35+2  (Game in 35 minutes with 2 second increement with each move.)
  • Games will be US Chess online regular rated - tournament will be submitted 7-14 days after the tourament to allow all games to be screened for fair play.
  • Sections: 1800+ & u1800 (see eligibility for players in the 1800+ section)
  • Pairings are based on the February 2021 OTB or ONL supplemental regular US Chess rating. The higher rating will be used for pairing purposes.
  • Pairings for each round are posted on a Google Sheet as well as here.

3.A. How to Play?

  • Welcome email is sent out before the tournament that explains all the details how to play in the tournament. Be sure to provide a correct email when registering for the event!
  • Players must be logged in to chess.com AND stay on chess.com/live at the start of the round and wait for their game to pop up!
  • Players must NOT engage in any play (game, challenge, other touranment).
  • Games are MANUALLY STARTED by the Chief TD and will automatically pop up for every player. White's clock will automatically start, and games will NOT be aborted due to no move.
  • Tournament Help Desk is available for any player who needs to get in touch with the Chief TD. Zoom link to the Help Desk is shared with every player regsitered for the event.
  • NEW: communication channel for the players to interact with each other is now available through Discord.
    Please connect via: 

4. Byes

  • Byes are available for players in any rounds in case they can't participate but would like to stay in the tournament.
  • Max 3 half-point byes can be requested in this tournament.
  • Round 1-4 byes must be requested 15 minutes prior to the round start time.
  • Round 5-6 byes must be requested before start of Round 1. Round 6 bye is irrevocable to prevent prize fund manipulations.
  • Late registrations will receive a 0.5 bye for any missed round, up to total 3 rounds.

5. Prize Fund

  • NEW Increased Prize Fund: $1000 based on 50 paid entries
  1800+ u1800+
1st Place $250 $200
2nd Place $150 $100
3rd Place $100 $50
Best under2000 $50  
Best under1400   $50
Best Female $50
  • Prizes are paid out after fair play review has been completed, and results are finalized.
  • Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing prize checks.
  • Per IRS rules anyone with a cumulative $600+ prizes in any calendar year will need to fill out a W9 and Mechanics' Institute will be providing a 1099 form. More details coming soon.

6. Registration

  • MI library member: $30
  • Non-MI library member: $50
  • Play-up fee: $10 (Only available for players with USCF rating 1600+. Players with rating under 1600 are not eligible.)
  • $5 admin fee for all cancellations & refunds.

7. Eligibility

  • Players must have current US Chess Federation membership. Expiration date of their US Chess membership must be later than the last day of the tournament.
  • Not sure if you have a membership? Need to check the expiration date of your members? Visit: https://new.uschess.org/player-search
  • Become a member or renew your membership: https://new.uschess.org/player-search
  • Players must have a chess.com account in good standing. Any previously closed account must be disclosed to the organizer by sending a confidential email to [email protected].
  • 1800+ section eligibility: players must have a minimum 1600 USCF OTB or ONL supplemental rating in order to be eligible to play in the 1800+ section.

8. Tournament rules

  • Standard US Chess rules apply, with special focus on the Chapter 10 Online Chess rules.
  • Forfeit time is 15 minutes: if player is not logged in by 6:45pm and 8:15pm, respectively, the opponent will be awarded a forfeit win.

9. Fair play

  • Monitoring requirements:

  • Players must abide by US Chess’s Rules of Chess and Code of Ethics, as well as by Chess.com’s Community Policies. Players may not use external chess assistance of any kind: no computer engine, no database, no chess program, no book, no hand-written notes, no other person, etc.
  • Fair play screening: all games will be screened by both Chess.com and by Dr. Kenneth W. Regan, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo.
  • US Chess online rated tournament - most USCF rules and consequences apply.
  • Players should not use any outside assistance: not have other browsers open and not be talking to other people during their games
  • Players found or believed to be violating fair play are not eligible for a prize and their account will be removed from Mechanics' group.
  • Players who are confirmed to be using outside assistance will be reported to US Chess and restricted from future Mechanics' online and over-the-board events.
  • Parents - Please help us educate your child that IT'S SIMPLY NOT WORTH THE RISK!
  • Prize distributions and rating submission will take place AFTER all games have been screened.
  • If you believe you have circumstances that would necessitate an alternative, please contact us.

10. FAQ

  • What are the time controls mean?
    Time controls are telling you how much time you have for each game.
    G35+2 for example: Game in 35 minutes with 2 second increment. This means you get 35 minutes, your opponent gets 35 minutes and with each move every player gets 2 second added to the clock. So one game can last up to 70-80 minutes.
  • How many games/rounds?
    The 6SS before the time control means how many rounds, i.e. how many games can a player play in the tournament. The tournaments are never elimination, so win or lose you can stay in the tournament.
  • Do I need to join the club on chess.com to play? 
    No, but it's highly recommended.
    https://www.chess.com/club/mechanics-chess-club-uscf-online-rated - we provide regular updates and news on that channel, as well as occasional free tournament.
  • Players Database
    For players who are interested in play in our online tournament.
    PLEASE fill out our online Players database: https://forms.gle/X3hChCWbusHp4Ze56 to get email notifications about last minute changes and invitational opportunities. 



11. Testimonials

"As always thank you for directing another wonderful tournament. My goodness, you’ve attracted a lot of strong players.” Tom M.

Prize Winners: 
1 Gadir Guseinov 1st Place 1800+  $            300.00
2 Alexander Lenderman 2nd Place 1800+  $            180.00
3 Daniel Lin 3rd Place 1800+  $            120.00
4 Max Hao Best u2000  $               60.00
5 Aaron Nicoski 1st & 2nd u1800 ($120+$60)
split into 2
 $            180.00
6 Michael Jannetta  $            180.00
7 Marina Xiao 3rd Place u1800 ($60) & Best Female ($60)  $            120.00
8 Sebastian Suarez Best u1400  $               60.00

 Final Standing

SwissSys Report: 2021 February TNM

SwissSys Standings. 2021 February TNM: 1800+

# Name ID Rating Fed Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Total
1 GM Gadir Guseinov 17343590 2673 gguseinov W31 W6 W23 D2 W9 W4 5.5
2 GM Aleksandr Lenderman 12787646 2704 alexanderl W13 W10 W22 D1 D4 W6 5.0
3 Daniel Lin 15176393 2009 smilyface4 W17 L22 W16 W24 W5 D9 4.5
4 GM Jim Tarjan 10991820 2469 tirantes W28 D7 W14 W5 D2 L1 4.0
5 FM Eric Li 15688436 2344 kingandqueen2017 W29 W25 W9 L4 L3 W15 4.0
6 Arthur Liou 12906142 2034 artliou W21 L1 W19 W12 W11 L2 4.0
7 David Askin 13776967 2023 david_askin W8 D4 W10 L9 D15 W14 4.0
8 Max Hao 16083648 1761 joseph_truelsons_fan L7 W28 L11 W19 W24 W12 4.0
9 FM Kyron Griffith 12860484 2504 kyrongriffith W11 W24 L5 W7 L1 D3 3.5
10 Alan Finkelstein 14958842 2066 stratus_junior W20 L2 L7 W25 W18 D11 3.5
11 Jeffery Wang 16291100 1890 twangbio L9 W26 W8 W23 L6 D10 3.5
12 Cailen Melville 14006141 1940 mangonel W27 L23 W25 L6 W26 L8 3.0
13 Jonah Busch 12469525 1934 kondsaga L2 L14 W29 L26 W25 W27 3.0
14 Guy Argo 12517167 1928 GuyArgo H--- W13 L4 D17 W27 L7 3.0
15 Javier Silva 16089208 1889 j3chess24 L22 W21 D17 W27 D7 L5 3.0
16 John R Hartmann 12552251 1765 john_hartmann H--- H--- L3 D28 D17 W24 3.0
17 Sanjeev Anand 14436451 1757 chessp1234 L3 W29 D15 D14 D16 D18 3.0
18 Chelsea Zhou 15239016 1869 mwncklmann H--- H--- L24 W21 L10 D17 2.5
19 Ranen Lardent 12614986 1820 dashrndrx L23 W31 L6 L8 D21 W26 2.5
20 Alexander Perlov 16465198 1803 TNM2021 L10 H--- L27 H--- W29 H--- 2.5
21 Philip Gerstoft 12913356 1767 pgstar3 L6 L15 W31 L18 D19 W28 2.5
22 IM Josiah Stearman 14006506 2491 josiwales W15 W3 L2 U--- U--- U--- 2.0
23 IM Elliott Winslow 10363365 2278 ecwinslow W19 W12 L1 L11 U--- U--- 2.0
24 Nicholas Weng 15499404 2056 ninjaforce W26 L9 W18 L3 L8 L16 2.0
25 Vishva Nanugonda 16380312 1817 3ke31-0 W30 L5 L12 L10 L13 W29 2.0
26 Kevin Fong 17254586 1783 chessappeals L24 L11 W28 W13 L12 L19 2.0
27 David Rakonitz 12931024 1622 mechanjin L12 B--- W20 L15 L14 L13 2.0
28 Stewart Katz 12458563 1835 knvsback L4 L8 L26 D16 B--- L21 1.5
29 Adam Mercado 16571026 1831 a-boy415 L5 L17 L13 B--- L20 L25 1.0
30 NM Alice Lee 16059648 2200 powerofapoint L25 H--- U--- U--- U--- U--- 0.5
31 NM Tom Maser 10490936 1900 talenuf L1 L19 L21 H--- U--- U--- 0.5

SwissSys Standings. 2021 February TNM: u/1800

# Name ID Rating Fed Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Total
1 Aaron Nicoski 12797931 1789 kingsmasher35 D2 W26 W12 D3 W6 W4 5.0
2 Michael Jannetta 15172933 1166 gm_fobby_bischer D1 W28 W25 W24 D4 W5 5.0
3 Marina Xiao 16380642 1493 programmingmax W30 W18 F20 D1 W11 W9 4.5
4 Sebby Suarez 16875347 1183 sebbymeister W11 W19 W9 W5 D2 L1 4.5
5 Patrick Donnelly 12716964 1635 thedarkbishop W14 W6 W7 L4 W18 L2 4.0
6 Daniel R Perlov 16465203 1463 Daniel_Perlov W22 L5 W30 W20 L1 W17 4.0
7 Jahaan Ansari 21004356 1446 jah23 W17 W12 L5 L18 W26 W13 4.0
8 Ethan Sun 16964125 1337 sfdeals W27 L9 L22 W15 W24 W18 4.0
9 Nursultan Uzakbaev 17137317 1513 rimus11 W21 W8 L4 D11 W12 L3 3.5
10 Andrew Ballantyne 17079795 1151 andrewaballantyne L12 W17 L11 D21 W29 W22 3.5
11 Rajtilak Jagannathan 30109752 unr. rtindru L4 W16 W10 D9 L3 W20 3.5
12 Georgios Tsolias 17266862 1679 giorgostsolias W10 L7 L1 W22 L9 W21 3.0
13 Paul Krezanoski 16897133 1293 pjkrizzle L18 W29 H--- H--- W25 L7 3.0
14 Bruce Hedman 17344551 1037 bruce_hedman L5 L22 W29 L17 W30 W25 3.0
15 Justin Brunet 30055583 1026 night_breeze L25 L23 W28 L8 W31 W24 3.0
16 Adithya Chitta 16695036 976 adichi L19 L11 W27 L25 W23 W26 3.0
17 Shiv Sohal 30032729 861 dribbler23 L7 L10 W31 W14 W19 L6 3.0
18 Austin Bourdier 30032406 unr. austin809 W13 L3 W26 W7 L5 L8 3.0
19 Nicholas Brown 12446259 1495 nmbrown2 W16 L4 F23 H--- L17 W29 2.5
20 Michael Xiao 16380636 1363 swimgrass W23 W25 F3 L6 D22 L11 2.5
21 Jerry Li 16551291 977 figsnoring L9 W27 L24 D10 X28 L12 2.5
22 Sean Wu 16802870 907 dum2020areeews L6 W14 W8 L12 D20 L10 2.5
23 Samuel Brown 16380615 673 comfyqueso L20 W15 F19 H--- L16 W28 2.5
24 Reka Sztaray 14656444 1533 coachreka H--- H--- W21 L2 L8 L15 2.0
25 Maximillian Katz 13994425 1515 malletpercussion W15 L20 L2 W16 L13 L14 2.0
26 Ian Liao 16738735 1190 victor6688 W31 L1 L18 W30 L7 L16 2.0
27 Abhirup Mukherjee 17149023 672 phantom_beast23 L8 L21 L16 L29 B--- W30 2.0
28 Michael Hilliard 12279170 1446 echecsmike D29 L2 L15 W31 F21 L23 1.5
29 Cleveland Lee 30037403 812 vincitore51745 D28 L13 L14 W27 L10 L19 1.5
30 Charvi Atreya 16816706 944 charvii L3 W31 L6 L26 L14 L27 1.0
31 Aidan Cumbo 30118987 unr. worsepot L26 L30 L17 L28 L15 B--- 1.0




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