3rd Neil Falconer Memorial Tournament (FIDE-rated) | Mechanics' Institute

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3rd Neil Falconer Memorial Tournament (FIDE-rated)

Saturday, February 22, 2025 to Sunday, February 23, 2025

4-Round Swiss - Full Weekend, FIDE-Rated Tournament

Open to Everyone!


Standings - Prize Winners

Dates & Location -- Tournament Format -- Byes -- Prize Fund

Registration -- Eligibility -- Tournament Rules  -- Change Request Form -- FAQ

Masks are optional in the chess room.
Tournament capacity: 80 players

The top 6 boards are broadcasted on Chess.com with a 15-minute delay:


1. Dates & Location

• Saturday, February 22 - Sunday, February 23

• Location: Mechanics' Institute Chess Room
  57 Post Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104 (click here to map)

2. Tournament Format:

• Tournament Format: Individual Swiss

• Total Rounds: 4

• Round Times: Saturday 10:00 am, 2:30 pm and Sunday 10:00 am, 2:30 pm

• Time Control: G/90+30s inc  (Game in 90 minutes with a 30-second increment after each move.)

• Games will be US Chess regular-rated and FIDE-rated. Tournament results will be submitted immediately after the last round is finished.

• Sections: 2000+, 1600-1999 and under1600.

• Pairings are based on the Feb 2025 supplemental regular US Chess ratings.

• Play-up: Players must have an 1800 USCF regular supplemental or actual rating in order to be eligible to play up to the 2000+ section, and similarly, players must have a 1400 USCF regular supplemental or actual rating in order to be eligible to play up to the 1600-1999 section.  FIDE Rating may not be used as a replacement for US Chess ratings to select the players' selection. The play-up fee is determined based on the supplemental rating.

• Unrated players can only play in the u1600 section.

• To request any change, please use the Change Request Form.

3. Byes

• Byes are available for players in any round in case they can't participate but would like to stay in the tournament.

• A maximum of 2 half-point byes can be requested in this tournament.

• Round 1-3 byes must be requested 15 minutes prior to the round start time.

• Round 4 byes must be requested before the start of Round 1. Round 4 bye is irrevocable to prevent prize-fund manipulations.

• Late registrations will receive a half-point bye for any missed round, up to a total of 2 rounds.

• To request a bye after registration, please use the Change Request Form.

4. Prize Fund

• $2600 based on 80 paid entries. 

  2000+ 1600-1999 u1600
1st Place $425 $325 $250
2nd Place $325 $225 $150
3rd Place $225 $125 $100
Best under2200 $100    
Best under2000 $100    
Best under1800   $75  
Best under1600   $75  
Best under1400     $50
Best under1200     $50

• Under prizes are based on the USCF OTB rating.

• Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing prize checks.

• Per IRS rules, anyone with a cumulative $600+ prize in any calendar year will need to fill out a W-9 form, and the Mechanics' Institute will provide a 1099 form at the end of the calendar year.

5. Registration

• Onsite Registration: Saturday, February 22: 9:30 am-9:45 am

• Mechanics' Institute Member: $70

• Non-Member: $100

• Play-up for member: $15

• Play-up for non-members: $20

• Late fee on the day of the tournament: $20

• $5 admin fee for all cancellations & refunds.

• Free entry for GM/IM/WGM/WIMs by February 15. 

• Click here to register: https://mechanics-institute.jumbula.com/2025Tournaments/3rdNeilFalconerMemorialTournament

• To request any change, please use the Change Request Form.

6. Eligibility

• Players must have a current US Chess Federation membership. The expiration date of their US Chess membership must be later than the last day of the tournament.

• Not sure if you have a membership? Need to check the expiration date of your members? Visit: https://new.uschess.org/player-search

• Become a member or renew your membership: https://new.uschess.org/player-search

7. Tournament Rules

• Standard US Chess and modified FIDE rules apply.

• Forfeit time is 60 minutes. Please be considerate of your opponent, and don't be late! Let us know if you can't make it to one round!

8. FAQ

• What do the time controls mean?
The time controls tell you how much time you have for each game.
For example, G/90+30inc means a game in 90 minutes with a 90-second increment with each move. This means you get 90 minutes, your opponent gets 90 minutes, and at each move, 30 seconds are added to your clock.

• How many games/rounds?
The 4SS before the time control means there are four rounds or four games a player can play in the tournament. The tournaments are never eliminated, so you can stay in the tournament.


Mechanics' Institute Chess Club reserves the right to update any details of this event (including, but not limited to, sections, time control, round times, prize fund, etc.) as the event date approaches to ensure an excellent tournament experience for players.

Prize Winners: 

  Tournament Name:  3rd Falconer Memorial tournament      
    Date:  Feb 22-23, 2025      
    Pay out % $2,600 100%
based on 80 paid entries
    Actual Payout $2,925 113% 90 paid entries      
    2000+ 1600-1999 u1600  
    Projected Actual Projected Actual Projected Actual  
  1st Place $425 $478 $325 $366 $250 $281  
  2nd Place $325 $366 $225 $253 $150 $169  
  3rd Place $225 $253 $125 $141 $100 $113  
  Best Under2200 $100 $113          
  Best Under2000 $100 $113          
  Best Under1800     $75 $84      
  Best Under1600     $75 $84      
  Best Under1400         $50 $56  
  Best Under1200         $50 $56


Prizes: 3rd Falconer Memorial

# Name Cash Prize credited to pool Section
1 GM Fidel Corrales Jimenez (4.0/2628) 478.00 1st Place: $478 2000+
7 CM Jashith Karthi (3.5/2160) 366.00 2nd Place: $366
9 Neil S Bhaduri (3.0/2118) 159.66 3rd Place: $253;
Top u2200: $113;
Top u2000: $113;
3-way split of $479: $159.66 each
15 Reyansh Paragiri (3.0/1981) 159.66
13 Austin Jin (3.0/2008) 159.66
17 Hayden Brongersma (4.0/1562) 366.00 1st Place: $366 1600-1999
2 Alexander Pn Ng (3.0/1780) 112.40 2nd Place: $253;
3rd Place: $141;

Top u1800: $84;
Top u1600: $84;
5-way split of $562: $112.40 each
23 Samarth Ram Bharadwaj (3.0/1514) 112.40
1 Philip Leszczynski (3.0/1930) 112.40
3 Colin Yi (3.0/1763) 112.40
7 Arjun Rao (3.0/1685) 112.40
2 Liam Martinez (3.5/1391) 225.00 1st Place: $281;
2nd Place: $169;
2-way split of 450: $225 each
5 Itzhak Avraham (3.5/1290) 225.00
3 Ritwik Saha (3.0/1347) 45.00 Place: 3 - $113;
Top u1400: $56;
Top u1200: $56;
5-way split of $225: $45 each
6 Yudhin Bogi (3.0/1289) 45.00
9 Navaneet Vishnusai Jonnalagada (3.0/1233) 45.00
10 Pranav Db (3.0/1187) 45.00
22 Abhinav Goel (3.0/301) 45.00

SwissSys Report: 3rd Falconer Memorial

SwissSys Standings. 3rd Falconer Memorial: 2000+

# Name Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total Prize
1 GM Fidel Corrales Jimenez 2628 W18 W3 W8 W6 4.0 478.00
2 CM Jashith Karthi 2160 H--- W11 W12 W7 3.5 366.00
3 Neil S Bhaduri 2118 W27 L1 W25 W16 3.0 159.67
4 Austin Jin 2008 W29 D17 D10 W13 3.0 159.67
5 Reyansh Paragiri 1981 W28 L12 W27 W17 3.0 159.67
6 FM Ruiyang Yan 2347 D11 W24 W17 L1 2.5  
7 Aryan Achuthan 2230 W14 W23 D9 L2 2.5  
8 Sebastian Suarez 2221 W19 W10 L1 H--- 2.5  
9 Ivan Zhou 2163 W26 W13 D7 U--- 2.5  
10 Kanwar Sethi 2111 W22 L8 D4 W19 2.5  
11 Xavier Negron 1915 D6 L2 W15 W21 2.5  
12 Andrey Malkhasyan 2121 W21 W5 L2 U--- 2.0  
13 Vian Yang 2011 W15 L9 W20 L4 2.0  
14 Vivaan Pavuluri 1898 L7 W30 L16 W27 2.0  
15 Cailen Jeremiah Melville 1779 L13 W26 L11 W25 2.0  
16 Om Suthar 1743 L24 B--- W14 L3 2.0  
17 Theodore Biyiasas 2164 W20 D4 L6 L5 1.5  
18 Sudeep Suresh 1973 L1 L27 W30 D20 1.5  
19 Deepak M Kini 1886 L8 W22 D21 L10 1.5  
20 Evan Shi 1858 L17 W29 L13 D18 1.5  
21 Adithya Chitta 1834 L12 W28 D19 L11 1.5  
22 Deepak Sundaram 1808 L10 L19 W28 D26 1.5  
23 Kyle Chan 2053 W30 L7 U--- U--- 1.0  
24 Rehaan Malhotra 2001 W16 L6 U--- U--- 1.0  
25 Raghu Rajaram 1862 H--- H--- L3 L15 1.0  
26 Vidyuth Harish 1845 L9 L15 D29 D22 1.0  
27 Kshitij Tomar 1822 L3 W18 L5 L14 1.0  
28 Xiaoshan Chen 1656 L5 L21 L22 W30 1.0  
29 Haig Amloyan 1770 L4 L20 D26 U--- 0.5  
30 Kar Lun Cheng 1781 L23 L14 L18 L28 0.0  

SwissSys Standings. 3rd Falconer Memorial: 1600-1999

# Name Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total Prize
1 Hayden Brongersma 1562 W31 W7 W2 W6 4.0 366.00
2 Philip Leszczynski 1930 W11 W22 L1 W10 3.0 112.40
3 Alexander Pn Ng 1780 D12 W34 D7 W14 3.0 112.40
4 Colin Yi 1763 H--- H--- W12 W19 3.0 112.40
5 Arjun Rao 1685 W13 W19 H--- H--- 3.0 112.40
6 Samarth Ram Bharadwaj 1514 W34 W15 W8 L1 3.0 112.40
7 Beckett Spence 1711 W30 L1 D3 W22 2.5  
8 Cesar Bercilla, Jr Tamondong 1688 W23 W18 L6 D13 2.5  
9 Robert Huskins 1667 L20 H--- W28 W29 2.5  
10 Avik Saha 1644 W26 W21 D14 L2 2.5  
11 Elena Hingyip Pang 1542 L2 D26 W23 W24 2.5  
12 Necip Sayiner 1530 D3 W25 L4 W21 2.5  
13 Olivia Xu 1512 L5 W32 W17 D8 2.5  
14 Hugo Pu 1439 W33 W17 D10 L3 2.5  
15 Anjali Rao 1669 W24 L6 H--- H--- 2.0  
16 Rayna Yan 1659 D25 L20 D27 W31 2.0  
17 Tingxuan Liu 1627 W27 L14 L13 W25 2.0  
18 Rishan Biswas 1570 W29 L8 L21 W32 2.0  
19 Varad Yatin Korde 1542 W32 L5 W31 L4 2.0  
20 Adit Rajaram 1429 W9 W16 U--- U--- 2.0  
21 Tingshun Liu 1427 W35 L10 W18 L12 2.0  
22 Naga Abhiram Ponnaluri 1571 W28 L2 D24 L7 1.5  
23 Yaniv Yehezkel Vinish 1516 L8 D29 L11 W33 1.5  
24 Rishan Kayal 1431 L15 W35 D22 L11 1.5  
25 Saahas Kishore 1417 D16 L12 W33 L17 1.5  
26 Felix Y Chen 1417 L10 D11 H--- H--- 1.5  
27 Loida Cheng Guo 1387 L17 D33 D16 D28 1.5  
28 Jayden Jin 1374 L22 W30 L9 D27 1.5  
29 Angela Zixi Wang 1303 L18 D23 W30 L9 1.5  
30 John Chan 1529 L7 L28 L29 B--- 1.0  
31 Ritvik Reddy Vuluvala 1287 L1 B--- L19 L16 1.0  
32 Neeraj Rao 1269 L19 L13 B--- L18 1.0  
33 Sarvagnya Brahmanapally 1680 L14 D27 L25 L23 0.5  
34 Toby Tran 1685 L6 L3 U--- U--- 0.0  
35 Phil Ploquin 1661 L21 L24 U--- U--- 0.0  

SwissSys Standings. 3rd Falconer Memorial: U1600

# Name Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total Prize
1 Liam Martinez 1391 W16 W9 W14 D2 3.5 225.00
2 Itzhak Avraham 1290 W10 W15 W4 D1 3.5 225.00
3 Ritwik Saha 1347 W22 D6 W21 D5 3.0 45.00
4 Yudhin Bogi 1289 W27 W19 L2 W15 3.0 45.00
5 Navaneet Vishnusai Jonnalagada 1233 W20 W11 D6 D3 3.0 45.00
6 Pranav Db 1187 W17 D3 D5 W12 3.0 45.00
7 Abhinav Goel 301 W8 H--- D12 W14 3.0 45.00
8 Robert Turner 1253 L7 W26 W22 H--- 2.5  
9 Ayaan Shokeen 1161 W18 L1 W24 H--- 2.5  
10 Rohan Priyadarshi 1012 L2 D18 W25 W22 2.5  
11 Ryan S Benkeser unr. W21 L5 W16 D18 2.5  
12 Albert Martin Starr 1500 D26 W13 D7 L6 2.0  
13 Dev Isak Kosuri 1297 L19 L12 W23 W24 2.0  
14 Elaine Xue 1280 W23 W24 L1 L7 2.0  
15 Anish Rapaka 1111 W25 L2 W19 L4 2.0  
16 James Fu 1086 L1 W20 L11 W25 2.0  
17 Maxime Stuck unr. L6 L22 B--- W21 2.0  
18 Sumanth Pavuluri unr. L9 D10 W26 D11 2.0  
19 Anish Nalakonda 1045 W13 L4 L15 D20 1.5  
20 Curtis Lee unr. L5 L16 W27 D19 1.5  
21 Keller Ma 1149 L11 W23 L3 L17 1.0  
22 Kiaan Singh 1077 L3 W17 L8 L10 1.0  
23 Cameron Kamal Chemait 842 L14 L21 L13 W27 1.0  
24 MAXWELL A SILLS 712 B--- L14 L9 L13 1.0  
25 Ethan Burson unr. L15 W27 L10 L16 1.0  
26 Daniel Morris 1110 D12 L8 L18 U--- 0.5  
27 Shelton Cai 908 L4 L25 L20 L23 0.0  

SwissSys Standings. 3rd Falconer Memorial: Extra Rated

# Name Rating Rd 1 Total Prize
1 Neeraj Rao 1269 W2 1.0  
2 Maxime Stuck unr. L1 0.0  


SwissSys Report: 3rd Falconer Memorial

SwissSys Report: 3rd Falconer Memorial

SwissSys Report: 3rd Falconer Memorial

SwissSys Report: 3rd Falconer Memorial

Pairings for Round 1. 3rd Falconer Memorial: Extra Rated

Bd Res White Res Black
42 1 Neeraj Rao (1269 - 0.0) 0 Maxime Stuck (unr. - 0.0)
Mechanics' Institute