2nd Bobby Fischer Memorial Tournament | Mechanics' Institute

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2nd Bobby Fischer Memorial Tournament

Saturday, March 1, 2025

In-Person Over-The-Board Event

Open for everyone!

Final Standings -- Winners

Date & Location -- Tournament Format -- Byes -- Prize Fund

Registration -- Eligibility -- Tournament Rules -- FAQ

Wearing a mask is optional.
Tournament capacity: 80 players.

We are full. A waitlist is available for players who would like to be notified if any spots open.
No payment is needed for the waitlist. If and when you are notified of availability, you will be able to complete the registration by paying.
Thank you!


1. Date & Location

  • Saturday, March 1, 2025
  • Location: Mechanics' Institute Chess Room
    57 Post Street, 4th Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94104 (click here to map)


2. Tournament Format:

  • Tournament Format: Swiss System
  • Total Rounds: 4
  • Round Times: 10:00 am, 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm
  • Time Control: G/40;d5  (Game in 40 minutes with a 5-second delay at each move.)
  • Games will be US Chess regular-rated. Tournament results will be submitted immediately after the last round is finished.
  • Three sections: 2000+, 1600-1999, and u1600 & unrated players.
  • Pairings are based on the Mar 2025 regular supplemental US Chess rating.
  • Play-up rule:
    Players must have an 1800 USCF regular supplemental rating to be eligible to play up to the 2000+ section;
    Players must have a 1400 USCF regular supplemental rating to be eligible to play up to the 1600-1999 section.


3. Byes

  • Byes are available for players in any round if they can't participate but would like to stay in the tournament.
  • Max of 2 half-point byes can be requested in this tournament.
  • Round 1-2 byes must be requested 15 minutes prior to the round start time.
  • Round 3-4 byes must be requested before the start of Round 1. Round 4 bye is irrevocable to prevent prize-fund manipulations.
  • Late registrations will receive a 0.5 bye for any missed round, up to a total of 2 rounds.

4. Prize Fund --  $1000 based on 60 paid entries 

  2000+ 1600-1999 u1600
1st Place $200 $150 $100
2nd Place $150 $100 $85
3rd Place $80 $70 $65
  • Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing prize checks.
  • Per IRS rules, anyone with a cumulative $600+ prize in any calendar year must fill out a W9, and the Mechanics' Institute will provide a 1099 form. 


5. Registration:

6. Eligibility

7. Tournament Rules

  • Standard US Chess rules apply.
  • Forfeit time is 40 minutes.

8. FAQ

  • What do the time controls mean?
    Time controls tell you how much time you have for each game.
    G40;d5 means a game in 40 minutes with a 5-second delay on each move. This means you get 40 minutes, your opponent gets 40 minutes, and at each move, the clock counts down from 5 to 0 before the player's time starts. If a player doesn't use up the whole 5 seconds, the remainder of that time is lost.
  • How many games/rounds?
    The 4SS before the time control means it is a Swiss System tournament with four rounds, or four games, that a player can play in. The tournaments are never eliminated, so you can stay in the tournament whether you win or lose. 


Mechanics' Institute Chess Club reserves the right to update any details of this event (including but not limited to sections, time control, round times, prize fund, etc.) as we get closer to the event date to ensure an excellent tournament experience for players.

Prize Winners: 

Tournament Name:  2nd Fischer Memorial Tournament
  Date:  Mar 1, 2025    
  Payout % $1,000 100%
based on 60 paid entries
Actual Payout
$1,300 130% 78 paid entries    
  2000+ 1600-1999 u1600
  Projected Actual Projected Actual Projected Actual
1st Place $200 $260 $150 $195 $100 $130
2nd Place $150 $195 $100 $130 $85 $111
3rd Place $80 $104 $70 $91 $65 $85



Prizes: 3rd Bobby Fischer Memorial

# Name Cash Prize credited to pool Section
2 Ethan Guo (3.5/2244) 260.00 1st Place: $260 2000+
4 Hanchi Yao (3.0/2199) 59.80 2nd Place: $195;
3rd Place: $104;
5-way split of $299: $59.80 each
5 Laurie Qiu (3.0/2192) 59.80
8 Yuvraj Si Sawhney (3.0/2062) 59.80
10 Sudeep Suresh (3.0/1973) 59.80
13 Jenny Qi (3.0/1938) 59.80
11 Sreyshth Krishnan (4.0/1579) 195.00 1st Place: $195 1600-1999
23 Tingshun Liu (3.5/1395) 130.00 2nd Place: $130
7 Zachary Bookman (3.0/1601) 30.33 3rd Place: $91;
3-way split: $30.33 each
13 Rishan Biswas (3.0/1570) 30.33
20 Matthew Ong (3.0/1465) 30.33
9 Abhijoy Mukherjee (4.0/1267) 130.00 1st Place: $130 u1600
12 Navaneetha Prabhu (3.5/1218) 98.00 2nd Place: $111;
3rd Place: $85;
2-way split of $196: $98 each
15 Jonathan Dai (3.5/1083) 98.00


SwissSys Report: 3rd Bobby Fischer Memorial

SwissSys Standings. 3rd Bobby Fischer Memorial: Open

# Name ID Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total Prize
1 Ethan Guo 16761994 2244 W18 W10 W9 D3 3.5 260.00
2 Hanchi Yao 16512998 2199 W24 L11 W19 W10 3.0 59.80
3 Laurie Qiu 30582856 2192 W13 W5 D4 D1 3.0 59.80
4 Yuvraj Si Sawhney 17095004 2062 W23 W7 D3 H--- 3.0 59.80
5 Sudeep Suresh 17251915 1973 W15 L3 W16 W11 3.0 59.80
6 Jenny Qi 17050786 1938 W25 D8 W11 D9 3.0 59.80
7 Sebastian Suarez 16875347 2210 W21 L4 D12 W19 2.5  
8 Kaustub Kodihalli 16403432 2182 D19 D6 D14 W18 2.5  
9 Rohan Das 15263634 2099 W22 W12 L1 D6 2.5  
10 Reyansh Paragiri 30233070 1978 W14 L1 W17 L2 2.0  
11 Zee Chin 16965808 1964 W16 W2 L6 L5 2.0  
12 Tapas Aara Natraj 17303765 1942 W17 L9 D7 D14 2.0  
13 Evan Shi 16997990 1846 L3 L15 W22 W23 2.0  
14 Carson Armstrong 31136758 1822 L10 W24 D8 D12 2.0  
15 Aditya Panikkath 30103787 1814 L5 W13 L18 W20 2.0  
16 Raghu Rajaram 12698822 1812 L11 W22 L5 W21 2.0  
17 Christopher Snell 12659622 1808 L12 B--- L10 W24 2.0  
18 Shubham Patankar 15259967 1880 L1 H--- W15 L8 1.5  
19 Om Suthar 16851816 1831 D8 W20 L2 L7 1.5  
20 Roger Chris Smith 14437543 1872 H--- L19 D23 L15 1.0  
21 Sean X Zhang 17109032 1858 L7 D23 D24 L16 1.0  
22 Xiaoshan Chen 31974206 1828 L9 L16 L13 B--- 1.0  
23 Vedant Verma 16994832 1825 L4 D21 D20 L13 1.0  
24 Pedro Paulino 32335974 1856 L2 L14 D21 L17 0.5  
25 Daniel Cremisi 14543654 2388 L6 U--- U--- U--- 0.0  

SwissSys Standings. 3rd Bobby Fischer Memorial: 1600-1999

# Name ID Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total Prize
1 Sreyshth Krishnan 30452740 1579 W5 W21 W12 W3 4.0 195.00
2 Tingshun Liu 30055687 1395 B--- D20 W19 W8 3.5 130.00
3 Zachary Bookman 12668617 1601 W18 W9 W4 L1 3.0 30.33
4 Rishan Biswas 30138290 1570 W6 W7 L3 W12 3.0 30.33
5 Matthew Ong 31566682 1465 L1 W23 W21 W10 3.0 30.33
6 Advit Am Kulkarni 30046098 1753 L4 D14 W16 W15 2.5  
7 Rayna Yan 30157975 1642 W22 L4 D14 W19 2.5  
8 Kyle Merri Kaylor 14356875 1596 D19 W16 W20 L2 2.5  
9 Ces Tamondong Jr 12439091 1691 W13 L3 L15 W18 2.0  
10 A Shenvi Priolkar 30065668 1661 W23 L12 W13 L5 2.0  
11 Ethan Wangche Gao 30512285 1585 H--- L19 W17 D14 2.0  
12 Tingxuan Liu 17234081 1576 W15 W10 L1 L4 2.0  
13 Olivia Xu 31352797 1557 L9 W22 L10 X21 2.0  
14 Po-Yen Lee 30865708 1432 H--- D6 D7 D11 2.0  
15 Youting Long 31264173 1426 L12 B--- W9 L6 2.0  
16 Jeff C Andersen 11296106 1581 H--- L8 L6 W22 1.5  
17 Joshua Hua 30191695 1526 L21 D18 L11 W23 1.5  
18 Elena Hingyi Pang 30492712 1496 L3 D17 W23 L9 1.5  
19 Charli Schaezlein 31629140 1473 D8 W11 L2 L7 1.5  
20 Frederic Dutter 12343420 1900 H--- D2 L8 U--- 1.0  
21 Shiv Sohal 30032729 1682 W17 L1 L5 F13 1.0  
22 Craig Yamamoto 12217820 1500 L7 L13 B--- L16 1.0  
23 John Chan 12561007 1520 L10 L5 L18 L17 0.0  

SwissSys Standings. 3rd Bobby Fischer Memorial: U1600

# Name ID Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total Prize
1 Abhijoy Mukherjee 16250617 1267 W32 W17 W16 W8 4.0 130.00
2 Navaneetha Prabhu 30250735 1218 W27 W6 W7 H--- 3.5 98.00
3 Jonathan Dai 31493104 1083 W29 W14 D9 W15 3.5 98.00
4 Albert Mart Starr 12844781 1518 W18 L8 W25 W9 3.0  
5 Aiden Liao 17075676 1412 W22 L9 W17 W14 3.0  
6 Max Snyder 31626474 1350 W30 L2 W26 W16 3.0  
7 Felix Castro 16876320 1312 W19 W10 L2 W18 3.0  
8 Navan Jonnalagada 16499405 1236 W24 W4 W11 L1 3.0  
9 Michael Rut James 31845097 1240 W23 W5 D3 L4 2.5  
10 Arav Munjal 16640722 1110 W20 L7 W21 D12 2.5  
11 Maxwell A Sills 12766996 712 W15 W12 L8 H--- 2.5  
12 J David Escobar 12545570 1436 H--- L11 W23 D10 2.0  
13 Joylin Li 30158030 1360 W25 L16 L18 W22 2.0  
14 Andrew Yu 31681086 1314 W26 L3 W27 L5 2.0  
15 Willia Fitzgerald 17048414 1311 L11 W31 W20 L3 2.0  
16 James Fu 31422544 1138 W28 W13 L1 L6 2.0  
17 Brandon Bass 30344318 1073 W21 L1 L5 W27 2.0  
18 Anish Rapaka 30668600 1038 L4 W24 W13 L7 2.0  
19 Eric Liu 12929670 804 L7 L20 W28 W29 2.0  
20 Pandu Rendradjaja 32298555 unr. L10 W19 L15 W25 2.0  
21 Ryan Radfo Phelps 30135723 unr. L17 W32 L10 W26 2.0  
22 Raymond Liu 31430334 1031 L5 D23 W31 L13 1.5  
23 Leonardo Arcinas 32285009 unr. L9 D22 L12 W30 1.5  
24 Mykhailo Voronin 32224512 unr. L8 L18 D30 W31 1.5  
25 Teresa Long 31662752 995 L13 W28 L4 L20 1.0  
26 Yinpok R Lee 32231030 935 L14 W29 L6 L21 1.0  
27 Daniel Wallace 32336668 unr. L2 W30 L14 L17 1.0  
28 Esther S Witbeck 32299528 unr. L16 L25 L19 W32 1.0  
29 Alon Doitel 32252326 unr. L3 L26 W32 L19 1.0  
30 Rohan Priyadarshi 16760860 985 L6 L27 D24 L23 0.5  
31 Chun-Yen Lee 30868257 579 H--- L15 L22 L24 0.5  
32 Adhwait Panikkath 31209952 172 L1 L21 L29 L28 0.0  
Mechanics' Institute