20th Bagby Memorial Championship (G/45) - In-Person | Mechanics' Institute

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20th Bagby Memorial Championship (G/45) - In-Person

Sunday, July 18, 2021

In-Person Over-The-Board Event

Open for everyone!

Final Standings -- Winners -- Date & Location -- Tournament format -- Byes -- Prize Fund

Registration -- Eligibility -- Tournament rules -- FAQ

Update - Please Read! 

Out of an abundance of caution, and to mitigate risk as much as possible, we have decided that for our events, we will require masks for all participants and spectators.
While at the moment San Francisco Public Health ordinances do not require masks indoors for vaccinated persons, we decided we would do so for our events given the popularity and size.
We expect the chess room to be full, and we feel these increased safety measures will lead to a safer and more enhanced playing experience.
This will go in effect for the time being, inclusive of our weekend events and our Tuesday Night Marathon.
We will have masks on site for those who do not have one, and will remain vigilant in ensuring the safety of all our participants, members, and parents and spectators. 
Thank you for your understanding and your full cooperation is much appreciated!

1. Date & Location

  • Sunday, July 18
  • Location: Mechanics' Institute - Chess Room 4th Floor
    57 Post Street, San Francisco, CA 94104 (click here to map)


2. Tournament format:

  • Tournament format: individual Swiss
  • Total Round: 4 rounds
  • Round times: 10AM, *lunch break*, 12:30PM, 2:30PM and 4:30PM
  • Time control: G/45;d5  (Game in 45 minutes with 5 second delay with each move. -- Please note that we are back to delay!)
  • Games will be US Chess regular rated - tournament will be submitted immediately after last round finished.
  • Sections: TWO sections: 1800+ and under1800
  • Pairings are based on the July 2021 OTB or ONL supplemental regular US Chess rating. The higher rating will be used for pairing purposes.
  • Playup: Players must have a 1600 USCF OTB or ONL supplemental rating in order to be eligible to play up to the 1800+ section.

3. Byes

  • Byes are available for players in any rounds in case they can't participate but would like to stay in the tournament.
  • Max 2 half-point byes can be requested in this tournament.
  • Round 1-2 byes must be requested 15 minutes prior to the round start time.
  • Round 3-4 byes must be requested before start of Round 1. Round 4 bye is irrevocable to prevent prize fund manipulations.
  • Late registrations will receive a 0.5 bye for any missed round, up to total 2 rounds.

4. Prize Fund --  $720 based on 40 paid entries

  1800+ u1800
1st Place $240 $150
2nd Place $120 $65
3rd Place $85 $60
  • Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing prize checks.
  • Per IRS rules anyone with a cumulative $600+ prizes in any calendar year will need to fill out a W9 and Mechanics' Institute will be providing a 1099 form. 

5. Registration - FULL - No online registration possible.

6. Eligibility

  • Players must have current US Chess Federation membership. Expiration date of their US Chess membership must be later than the last day of the tournament.
  • Not sure if you have a membership? Need to check the expiration date of your members? Visit: https://new.uschess.org/player-search
  • Become a member or renew your membership: https://new.uschess.org/player-search

7. Tournament rules

  • Standard US Chess rules apply.
  • Forfeit time is 45 minutes.

8. FAQ

  • What are the time controls mean?
    Time controls are telling you how much time you have for each game.
    G45;d5: Game in 45 minutes with 5 second delay with each move. This means you get 45 minutes, your opponent gets 45 minutes and at each move the clock counts down from 5 to 0 before the player's time starts. If player doesn't use up the whole 5 seconds, that time is lost.
  • How many games/rounds?
    The 4SS before the time control means how many rounds, i.e. how many games can a player play in the tournament. The tournaments are never elimination, so win or lose you can stay in the tournament.
  • Players Database
    For players who are interested in play in our tournament.
    PLEASE fill out our Players database: https://forms.gle/X3hChCWbusHp4Ze56 to get email notifications about last minute changes and invitational opportunities. 



Prize Winners: 

Prizes. 20th Bagby Memorial Championship: 1800+

# Name Cash Prize credited to pool
9 Nicholas Weng (3.5/2013) $274.41 1st Place: $444;
2nd Place: $222;
3rd Place: $157.25
2-way split of $823.25
10 Matthew Ng (3.5/2000) $274.41
18 Luiz Uribe (3.5/1856) $274.41

Prizes. 20th Bagby Memorial Championship: under1800

# Name Cash Prize credited to pool
10 Adam Stafford (4.0/1473) $198.87 1st Place: $277.50;
2nd Place: $120.25;
2-way split of $397.75
18 Daniil Kardava (4.0/1380) $198.87
11 Wentao Wu (3.5/1472) $111.00 3rd Place: $111

USCF rating link: http://www.uschess.org/msa/XtblMain.php?202107189712.0

SwissSys Report: 20th Bagby Memorial Championship

SwissSys Standings. 20th Bagby Memorial Championship: 1800+

# Name ID Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total Prize
1 Nicholas Weng 15499404 2013 W32 W27 W5 D4 3.5 274.42
2 Matthew Ng 11440339 2000 W21 W17 D10 W15 3.5 274.42
3 Luiz Uribe 12839860 1856 D4 W9 W14 W10 3.5 274.42
4 Siddharth Arun 13206647 2253 D3 W26 W6 D1 3.0  
5 Evan Ai 14780703 2058 W28 W12 L1 W17 3.0  
6 Jacob Chiang 16093205 1998 X14 W13 L4 W16 3.0  
7 Rithwik Narendra 14903560 1849 D9 W23 D11 W22 3.0  
8 Abhishek Mallela 12888811 2159 L27 W32 W19 D12 2.5  
9 Austin Mei 16090452 2149 D7 L3 W24 W25 2.5  
10 Laimonas Turauskas 30228235 2126 W19 W18 D2 L3 2.5  
11 Pranav Senthilkumar 14020007 2046 W20 D25 D7 D13 2.5  
12 Ako Heidari 15206848 1964 W33 L5 W29 D8 2.5  
13 Ranen Lardent 12614986 1803 W22 L6 W18 D11 2.5  
14 Glenn Kaplan 12680193 1776 H--- W31 L3 W23 2.5  
15 Aiden Liu 16850092 1715 D23 W24 W25 L2 2.5  
16 Elliott Winslow 10363365 2278 L25 W20 W27 L6 2.0  
17 Advay Bansal 16068511 1949 W29 L2 W30 L5 2.0  
18 Rohan Rajaram 15739716 1933 W30 L10 L13 W26 2.0  
19 Andrew Ng 14302931 1844 L10 W33 L8 W29 2.0  
20 Tony Zhou 16147444 1816 L11 L16 W33 W30 2.0  
21 Jacob Wang 17083655 1782 L2 L22 W28 W27 2.0  
22 Atul Thirumalai 14973786 2043 L13 W21 D26 L7 1.5  
23 Daniel Lin 15176393 1983 D15 L7 W31 L14 1.5  
24 Ethan Guo 16761994 1953 D31 L15 L9 W33 1.5  
25 Mikhail Molodyk 13573825 1877 W16 D11 L15 L9 1.5  
26 Dylan Tang 16551237 1619 B--- L4 D22 L18 1.5  
27 Patrick Liu 16667410 1851 W8 L1 L16 L21 1.0  
28 Max Hao 16083648 1842 L5 L29 L21 W31 1.0  
29 Vian Yang 15804394 1620 L17 W28 L12 L19 1.0  
30 Leon Quin 30191497 1611 L18 B--- L17 L20 1.0  
31 Vikrant Ganesan 16786952 1628 D24 L14 L23 L28 0.5  
32 James Mahooti 12621393 1800 L1 L8 U--- U--- 0.0  
33 Jeff Andersen 11296106 1643 L12 L19 L20 L24 0.0  

SwissSys Standings. 20th Bagby Memorial Championship: under1800

# Name ID Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total Prize
1 Adam Stafford 14257838 1473 W35 W17 W21 W4 4.0 198.88
2 Daniil Kardava 15961344 1380 W44 W7 W23 W5 4.0 198.88
3 Wentao Wu 16629782 1472 W24 D11 W29 W13 3.5 111.00
4 Frederick Hope 12646004 1646 W19 W15 W16 L1 3.0  
5 Zachary Filler 14040236 1609 W20 W10 W18 L2 3.0  
6 Luke Widjaja 16010621 1527 L23 W36 W17 W16 3.0  
7 Kevin Sun 16898540 1517 W42 L2 W34 W18 3.0  
8 Nursultan Uzakbaev 17137317 1513 W28 L16 W19 W21 3.0  
9 Ella Guo 16380657 1463 W36 L21 W20 W23 3.0  
10 Aaron Craig 12872385 1408 W39 L5 W26 W25 3.0  
11 Andrew Ballantyne 17079795 1299 W41 D3 W27 H--- 3.0  
12 Carliteau Leger 12841454 1487 D29 L23 W28 W22 2.5  
13 Aaron Ng 14302925 1455 W38 D27 W14 L3 2.5  
14 Abhi Kulgod 13306912 1317 D30 W31 L13 W29 2.5  
15 Sebastian Suarez 16875347 1433 X43 L4 L25 W37 2.0  
16 Greg Zhou 16183296 1389 W40 W8 L4 L6 2.0  
17 Matthew Perez 16711456 1230 W25 L1 L6 W38 2.0  
18 Cj Apel 16165833 1223 W26 W33 L5 L7 2.0  
19 Adithya Chitta 16695036 1185 L4 W37 L8 W40 2.0  
20 Matt Long 13377410 1179 L5 W39 L9 W31 2.0  
21 Shiv Sohal 30032729 1168 W31 W9 L1 L8 2.0  
22 Austin Jin 17144712 1153 L32 W44 W33 L12 2.0  
23 Justin Brunet 30055583 1096 W6 W12 L2 L9 2.0  
24 Arjun Muthukumaran 30018527 909 L3 L26 W39 W33 2.0  
25 Jay Phatak 30220271 unr. L17 W35 W15 L10 2.0  
26 Aaron Metyko 30209636 unr. L18 W24 L10 W34 2.0  
27 Teodoro Porlares 12773115 1789 W34 D13 L11 U--- 1.5  
28 Noah Johnson 30182833 1015 L8 W40 L12 H--- 1.5  
29 Tobiah Rex 30164211 1013 D12 W30 L3 L14 1.5  
30 Bradley Patterson 30167485 unr. D14 L29 L31 W42 1.5  
31 Albert Starr 12844781 1609 L21 L14 W30 L20 1.0  
32 Dylan Tang 16551237 1595 W22 U--- U--- U--- 1.0  
33 Daniel Marcus 12905558 1458 W37 L18 L22 L24 1.0  
34 Sean Wu 16802870 1206 L27 W38 L7 L26 1.0  
35 Rehaan Malhotra 30118209 1007 L1 L25 W43 U--- 1.0  
36 Thomas Gu 17005685 660 L9 L6 L40 B--- 1.0  
37 Eli Lee 16707438 491 L33 L19 B--- L15 1.0  
38 Luka Vyatkin 30209432 unr. L13 L34 W42 L17 1.0  
39 Elizabeth Denhup 30161536 unr. L10 L20 L24 W43 1.0  
40 Tyler Johnson 30212590 unr. L16 L28 W36 L19 1.0  
41 Alexia Laffin 30211880 unr. L11 W42 U--- U--- 1.0  
42 William Thibault 16716976 1050 L7 L41 L38 L30 0.0  
43 Bolorkhuu Chadraabal 30231347 unr. F15 U--- L35 L39 0.0  
44 Eric Castro 30229549 unr. L2 L22 U--- U--- 0.0  


Mechanics' Institute