18th Annual Steve Brandwein / Ray Schutt / Jay Whitehead Memorial Blitz | Mechanics' Institute

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18th Annual Steve Brandwein / Ray Schutt / Jay Whitehead Memorial Blitz

Saturday, May 11, 2024

In-Person Over-The-Board
Non-rated Event

Open for everyone!
2:00 pm-5:00 pm

Final Standings -- Prize Winners

Date & Location -- Tournament Format -- Byes -- Prize Fund

Registration -- Tournament Rules -- FAQ

Tournament capacity: 80 players.


1. Date & Location

  • Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 2:00 pm
  • Location: Mechanics' Institute Chess Room
    57 Post Street, 4th Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94104 (click here to map)


2. Tournament Format:

  • Tournament Format: Swiss System
  • Total Rounds: 6 rounds of double games
  • Players will play TWO games in one round: against the same opponent with alternating colors.
  • Total of 2 points for every round. Maximum score for the tournament is 12.
  • First Round: 2:00 pm and consecutive rounds are on a rolling schedule. Estimated endgame: 5:00 pm.
  • Time Control: G/4+2  (Game in 4 minutes with a 2-second increment with each move.)
  • Games will NOT be US Chess rated. 
  • Sections: One Open section.
  • Pairings are based on the higher of May 2024 OTB supplemental regular or blitz US Chess rating. 

3. Byes

  • Byes are available for players in case they can't participate but would like to stay in the tournament.
  • Byes can be requested for a maximum of 2 rounds, with receiving one point for each round (half point for each game in a round).
  • Late registrations will receive two half-point byes for any missed round, up to a total of 2 rounds.

4. Prize Fund --  $400 based on 60 paid entries 

1st Place $130
2nd Place $105
3rd Place $80
Best Under 1800 $55
Best Under 1300 $30
  • Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing prize checks.
  • Per IRS rules anyone with a cumulative $600+ prizes in any calendar year will need to fill out a W9 and Mechanics' Institute will be providing a 1099 form. 

5. Registration:

7. Tournament Rules

  • Standard US Chess rules apply even though the tournament will not be rated by US Chess.
  • Forfeit time is 4 minutes.

8. FAQ

  • What do the time controls mean?
    Time controls tell you how much time you have for each game.
    G4+2 means game in 4 minutes with a 2 second increment with each move from move 1. This means you get 4 minutes, your opponent gets 4 minutes, and at each move the clock adds 2 second to the players time. 
  • How many games/rounds?
    The 6DSS before the time control means it is a Swiss System tournament with six rounds, with two games in each round games. This makes it a total of 12 games played in this tournament. The tournaments are never elimination, so win or lose, you can stay in the tournament. 


Mechanics' Institute Chess Club reserves the right to update any details of this event (including but not limited to sections, time control, round times, prize fund, etc.) as we get closer to the event date to ensure an excellent tournament experience for players.


Prize Winners: 

Tournament Name:  18th Annual Steve Brandwein / Ray Schutt / Jay Whitehead Memorial Blitz
  Date:  May 11, 2024  
  Pay out % $400 100%
based on 60 paid entries
Actual Payout
$313 78% 47 paid entries  
      Projected Actual  
    1st Place $130 $102  
    2nd Place $105 $82  
    3rd Place $80 $63  
    Best u1800 $55 $43  
    Best u1300 $30 $24



Prizes. 18th Annual Steve Brandwein / Ray Schutt / Jay Whitehead Memorial Blitz: Open

# Name Cash Prize credited to pool
1 Daniel Naroditsky (11.0/2768) 92.00 1st Place: $102;
2nd Place: $82;
2-way split of $184: $92 each
2 Christopher Yoo (11.0/2660) 92.00
6 Pranav Senthilkumar (9.0/2085) 31.50 3rd Place: $63;
2-way split: $31.50 each
11 Jeremy Cawthon (9.0/1996) 31.50
28 Gary Scheppler (8.5/1612) 43.00 Best u1800: $43
40 Fadi Arodaki (6.0/1203) 12.00 Best u1300: $24;
2-way split: $12 each
38 Noah Math (6.0/1294) 12.00



 Final Standings 

SwissSys Standings. 18th Annual Steve Brandwein / Ray Schutt / Jay Whitehead Memorial Blitz: Open

# Name ID Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Rd 7 Rd 8 Rd 9 Rd 10 Rd 11 Rd 12 Total Prize
1 Daniel Naroditsky 12892910 2768 W21 W21 W18 W18 W3 W3 W7 W7 W2 L2 W12 W12 11.0 92.00
2 Christopher Yoo 15244943 2660 W33 W33 W14 W14 W13 W13 W12 W12 L1 W1 W7 W7 11.0 92.00
3 Pranav Senthilkumar 14020007 2085 X25 X25 W22 W22 L1 L1 W29 W29 W17 W17 L8 W8 9.0 31.50
4 Jeremy Cawthon 15038608 1996 W45 W45 W20 D20 W17 W17 W8 L8 L12 D12 W19 W19 9.0 31.50
5 Yali Dancig-Perlman 16280288 1824 W38 W38 W9 W9 L12 L12 W31 L31 W18 W18 W14 D14 8.5  
6 Gary Scheppler 12626456 1612 F7 F7 W28 W28 W18 L18 W43 W43 W46 W46 W31 D31 8.5 43.00
7 Ladia Jirasek 14196222 2433 X6 X6 W43 W43 W31 W31 L1 L1 W8 W8 L2 L2 8.0  
8 Arthur Ismakov 12654576 2140 W35 W35 W19 W19 W16 W16 L4 W4 L7 L7 W3 L3 8.0  
9 Hayden Karkainen 16044122 2045 W11 W11 L5 L5 W20 W20 W19 L19 W13 W13 L10 W10 8.0  
10 Stephen Parsons 16566932 1842 W40 W40 L12 L12 W26 W26 L23 W23 W29 W29 W9 L9 8.0  
11 Aditya Srikanth 13520136 1457 L9 L9 W41 W41 W43 L43 W24 W24 W22 L22 W26 W26 8.0  
12 Dipro Chakraborty 12935003 2272 W34 W34 W10 W10 W5 W5 L2 L2 W4 D4 L1 L1 7.5  
13 Eitetsu Potharam 14681385 1914 W46 W46 W23 W23 L2 L2 W22 D22 L9 L9 W43 W43 7.5  
14 Xavier Negron 14909287 1880 W28 W28 L2 L2 W34 W34 L16 W16 W23 W23 L5 D5 7.5  
15 Zhuoyuan Wu 16772836 1814 W51 W51 L17 D17 L29 L29 W45 W45 W30 W30 L16 W16 7.5  
16 Liri ("gogo") Dancig-Perlman 17151222 1777 W48 W48 W30 W30 L8 L8 W14 L14 W43 D43 W15 L15 7.5  
17 Quincy Chen 13716492 2043 W26 W26 W15 D15 L4 L4 W27 W27 L3 L3 W22 D22 7.0  
18 Christopher Powers 30462548 1884 W36 W36 L1 L1 L6 W6 W25 W25 L5 L5 W34 W34 7.0  
19 Caleb Martinez 31785847 1830 W47 W47 L8 L8 W32 W32 L9 W9 W31 W31 L4 L4 7.0  
20 Marlon Rigel 30206555 1770 W39 W39 L4 D4 L9 L9 L40 W40 W35 L35 W36 W36 6.5  
21 Sheng Jian 31211361 1625 L1 L1 W32 L32 W46 W46 L30 W30 W27 L27 W29 D29 6.5  
22 Hayes Marvin 30636603 1829 W41 W41 L3 L3 W42 W42 L13 D13 L11 W11 L17 D17 6.0  
23 Rehaan Malhotra 30118209 1735 W50 W50 L13 L13 W49 W49 W10 L10 L14 L14 L25 W25 6.0  
24 Na Chea 15147161 1653 W42 W42 L29 L29 W30 L30 L11 L11 W40 W40 L27 W27 6.0  
25 Rayna Yan 30157975 1535 F3 F3 W47 L47 W36 W36 L18 L18 W39 W39 W23 L23 6.0  
26 David Eytan 14629334 1424 L17 L17 W38 W38 L10 L10 W50 W50 W32 W32 L11 L11 6.0  
27 Noah Math 30248722 1294 L31 L31 W50 W50 W35 W35 L17 L17 L21 W21 W24 L24 6.0 12.00
28 Fadi Arodaki 31279904 1203 L14 L14 L6 L6 W41 L41 W48 W48 L37 W37 W50 W50 6.0 12.00
29 Scott Mason 12456663 2018 W32 L32 W24 W24 W15 W15 L3 L3 L10 L10 L21 D21 5.5  
30 James Jones 10168350 2000 W44 W44 L16 L16 L24 W24 W21 L21 L15 L15 W35 D35 5.5  
31 Fredrick Dutter 12343420 1900 W27 W27 W49 W49 L7 L7 L5 W5 L19 L19 L6 D6 5.5  
32 Romeo Nehme 16271243 1411 L29 W29 L21 W21 L19 L19 W42 W42 L26 L26 W40 D40 5.5  
33 Phil Ploquin 12535882 1622 L2 L2 W36 L36 W47 L47 W39 L39 W45 W45 U--- U--- 5.0  
34 Hoa Long Tam 16919862 1603 L12 L12 W37 W37 L14 L14 L47 W47 W49 W49 L18 L18 5.0  
35 Samuel Agdamag 14874734 1589 L8 L8 W40 D40 L27 L27 W38 W38 L20 W20 L30 D30 5.0  
36 Thu Le 17248797 1280 L18 L18 L33 W33 L25 L25 W51 W51 W44 W44 L20 L20 5.0  
37 Yinuo Hu 17219612 1106 L43 L43 L34 L34 L38 L38 B--- B--- W28 L28 W49 W49 5.0  
38 Renate Otterbach 14565208 949 L5 L5 L26 L26 W37 W37 L35 L35 W41 L41 W44 W44 5.0  
39 Harris Epstein   unr. L20 L20 L46 W46 L44 W44 L33 W33 L25 L25 W45 W45 5.0  
40 Jimmy Sanchez 31353728 1097 L10 L10 L35 D35 W48 W48 W20 L20 L24 L24 L32 D32 4.0  
41 Merlin Mackley 31277598 952 L22 L22 L11 L11 L28 W28 L46 L46 L38 W38 B--- B--- 4.0  
42 John Mark Krejci 31632579 unr. L24 L24 B--- B--- L22 L22 L32 L32 W50 W50 F48 F48 4.0  
43 Leon Alston 11331823 1858 W37 W37 L7 L7 L11 W11 L6 L6 L16 D16 L13 L13 3.5  
44 Mitchell Walters 31506613 1304 L30 L30 W51 L51 W39 L39 W49 L49 L36 L36 L38 L38 3.0  
45 Ruyi Hu 16659933 1300 L4 L4 L48 W48 W51 W51 L15 L15 L33 L33 L39 L39 3.0  
46 William Fitzgerald 17048414 1297 L13 L13 W39 L39 L21 L21 W41 W41 L6 L6 U--- U--- 3.0  
47 Daniel Gorback 12555498 999 L19 L19 L25 W25 L33 W33 W34 L34 U--- U--- U--- U--- 3.0  
48 Bristen Bluntach 31632661 550 L16 L16 W45 L45 L40 L40 L28 L28 W51 W51 F42 F42 3.0  
49 Betai Koffi 31878983 unr. B--- B--- L31 L31 L23 L23 L44 W44 L34 L34 L37 L37 3.0  
50 Owen Lopez-Oneal   unr. L23 L23 L27 L27 B--- B--- L26 L26 L42 L42 L28 L28 2.0  
51 Prerit Ghandi   770 L15 L15 L44 W44 L45 L45 L36 L36 L48 L48 U--- U--- 1.0  
Mechanics' Institute