Chess Room Newsletter #845 | Mechanics' Institute

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Chess Room Newsletter #845

Gens Una Sumus!

Mechanics’ Institute Chess Club Newsletter #845
October 5, 2018

No matter what else happens in life, you can sit down to a chess board and you will always find the same number of ranks and files; there is always a white square in the right corner and if you make the moves, you will do well. In life, you could make all the right decisions and still wind up in the streets.

—Viktors Pupols, Seattle Post Intelligencer March 10, 1977;
Northwest Chess August 1977, page 5

1) Mechanics’ Institute Chess Club News

International Master Elliott Winslow won the 123-player Walter Shipman Memorial Tuesday Night Marathon with a 8–1 score. FIDE Master Ezra Chambers was second at 7½, and Women’s FIDE Master Natalya Tsodikova regained her USCF Master title by finishing clear third with 7 points.

The big rating gainers for players with established ratings were

Nicholas Latourette (+253)
Renate Otterbach (+238)
Robert Frank (+228)
Andrew Yun (+143)

From round 9 of the Walter Shipman TNM G/2 Tuesday Night Marathon:
White to move (Chambers–Tsodikova after 17...Qh5)Black to move (Chambers–Tsodikova after 24 e4)
Black to move (Winslow–Askin after 19 Nb5)White to move (Diaz–Boldi after 45...Rf6)
White to move (Gaffagan–Babayan after 53...Nf8)White to move (Chambers–Mays after 8...O-O)
For the solutions, see the game scores for round 9.

National Master Conrado Diaz won the October 3rd edition of the Mechanics’ Wednesday Night Blitz with 10½ from 12. Second in the 14-player event was Expert Jules Jelinek with 10 points, and third was National Master Jordy Mont-Reynaud with 8.

We note belatedly the passing of former MI member Leonid Stolyarov (July 5, 1934 - May 23, 2017). Mr. Stolyarov, a USCF Senior Master, was born in Ukraine and made his home in the Sunset District of San Francisco the last four decades of his life.

Few individuals have done more for the Mechanics’ Institute Chess Club than Arthur Stamer, Henry Gross and Charles Bagby, each of whom made major contributions to the Institute for close to 40 years.

Arthur Stamer, who was the first MI Chess Director from 1951 to 1963, and National Masters Henry Gross (standing) and Charles Bagby. (Photo: Mechanics’ Institute Archives)

Arthur Stamer was the first MI Chess Director, holding this position from 1951 until his death in 1964 (previous to this the Chess Room was run by a committee). He was Mechanics Institute Chess Club champion in 1905 and 1923.

Henry Gross was a former California State Champion (1952). In 1928, he tied for 1st place in the 7th California State Championship, but lost the playoff to A.J. Fink. He was champion of the East Bay based Castle Chess Club, open to former UC Berkeley graduates, over a dozen times.

Charles Bagby is the second longest serving MI Trustee behind only Neil Falconer. He was the Mechanics’ Institute Chess Club championship in 1923, the Northern California Championship in 1949 and 1950 and the California championship in 1958

The physical appearance of the Mechanics’ Chess Club has changed surprisingly little the past 90-plus years since the move in the early 1920s from the third floor to the fourth floor. The following photo taken in 1930 could pass for the club today, if not for the sprinkler system and more modern chairs today.

MI Chess Room circa 1930 (Photo: Mechanics’ Institute Archives)

International Master William Addison, the strongest player to serve as the Mechanics’ Chess Director, sent the following biography to Jerry Larkin, organizer of the 1969 Strawberry Open, in May of that year. Addison would go on to tie for first in that tournament with Grandmaster Larry Evans.

Dear Sir,

Along with this note find a copy of Chess Life and a recent photo (Addison appeared on the October 1967 issue).

For your publicity I should reveal that: I was granted the title of International Master of Chess by the Federation International d’Echec at their recent meeting at Lugano, Switzerland. The title, valid for life, was based upon my performance at a tournament at Maribor, Yugoslavia in July, 1967. My most recent international performance was in a tournament at Reykjavik, Iceland where I scored draws with Olafsson, Uhlmann, Szabo and others.

Prior to my participation in international tournaments I had represented the United States on our Olympic chess team at Tel Aviv, Israel, in 1964 and at Havana, Cuba, in 1966.

Except for last year, I have participated in the United States Championship since 1962 at which time I tied for third place with Grandmasters Reshevsky and Evans (Editor: later in 1969 Addison would have the best result of his career finishing second in his last US Championship and qualifying for the 1970 Interzonal).

I won the California State Championship in 1962 and 1963, but have not participated since.

I was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on November 28, 1933. I have lived in San Francisco since 1952 except for a stay in New York City in 1959 and in Los Angeles in 1963-64 at which time I was youth activities director with the Piatigorsky Foundation. In 1965 I became Chess Club Director for the Mechanics’ Institute Chess Club and have served in that post until my forthcoming resignation on June 10th of this year.

I am a single man and my “outside” interests are music and things oriental. I hold the rank of amateur “Shodan” in the game of “Go”.

The Mechanics’ will host one of its long-running annual tournaments, the Carroll Capps Memorial on November 3–4. It is named in honor of the well-liked Master and noted science fiction writer (under the pen name C. C. MacApp). Filipino International Master Ricardo deGuzman is all-time record holder, having won the Capps nine times.

Carroll M. Capps Memorial Winners

1971 Julio Kaplan
1972 Craig Barnes
1973 James Tarjan
1974 Walter Browne
1975 David Strauss and Paul Cornelius
1976 Jay Whitehead and Max Burkett
1977 Jeremy Silman and Cicero Braga
1978 Tournament Cancelled
1979 (July) Nick deFirmian and (November) ???
1980 John Grefe, Jay Whitehead and Charles Powell
1981 Peter Biyiasas and John Grefe
1982 Jeremy Silman, Peter Biyiasas, Alan Pollard and Vince McCambridge
1983 Peter Biyiasas, Craig Mar and Victor Baja
1984 Charles Powell, Victor Baja and Bill Orton
1985 Nick deFirmian, Peter Biyiasas, Charles Powell and Rudolfo Hernandez
1986 Igor Ivanov and Jay Whitehead
1987 Marc Leski, John Grefe and Gustavo Darcy Lima
1988 Guillermo Rey, Bill Orton and Romulio Fuentes
1989 Vladimir Strugatsky, Charles Powell and Rudolfo Hernandez
1990 Loal Davis
1991 Walter Browne, Jay Whitehead, and Greg Kotlyar
1992 Walter Browne and Renard Anderson
1993 John Grefe, Emmanuel Perez and Adrian Keatinge-Clay
1994 Craig Mar, John Grefe and Rostislav Tsodikov
1995 Enrico Sevillano and Joe Weber
1996 Igor Ivanov and Omar Cartagena
1997 Alexander Baburin
1998 Mladen Vucic, Mark Pinto, Omar Cartagena, Ron Cusi and Jonathan Baker
1999 Russell Wong, Paul Gallegos, David Blohm, Walter Shipman, Agnis Kaugars, Keith Vickers and Larry Snyder
2000 Kenneth Hills and Ryan Porter
2001 Ricardo DeGuzman
2002 Ricardo DeGuzman and Victor Ossipov
2003 Ricardo DeGuzman and Batsaikhan Tserendorj
2004 Nicolas Yap
2005 Ricardo DeGuzman and Ron Cusi
2006 Batchimeg Tuvshintugs
2007 Ricardo DeGuzman
2008 Ricardo DeGuzman
2009 Ricardo DeGuzman and Andy Lee
2010 Vladimir Mezentsev
2011 Ricardo DeGuzman
2012 Hayk Manvelyan and Michael Lin
2013 Ricardo DeGuzman and Gabriel Bick
2014 Paul Gallegos and Andrew Hong
2015 Uyanga Byambaa
2016 Jack Zhu
2017 Elliot Winslow and Rochelle Wu

The 1978 event was scheduled for the second week of November, but canceled at the last minute. A tournament was held in July of 1979 and another was advertised in Chess Voice to be held in November of that year. All indications are that it was held. We have been unable to find results for this event and ask for assistance.

2) 2018 Olympiad in Batumi, Georgia

After 10 rounds in the open section, the U.S. is tied for first with China; each has won 8, drawn 1, and lost 1 round (each round is 4 games), and the U.S. has a slight lead in tie-break points. These two teams will battle it out in the final round 11 on October 5. Playing for the U.S. in this round will be GM Fabiano Caruana, GM Wesley So, GM Hikaru Nakamura and GM Sam Shankland. IM John Donaldson is the team captain.

The U.S. women are tied for second with Ukraine and will play them in the final round; China is in first place, and will play Russia. The U.S. players will be IM Anna Zatonskih, GM Irina Krush, WGM Tatev Abrahamyan and FM Jennifer Yu. GM Khachiyan Melikset is the team captain.

Further information on the Olympiad, including downloadable games, can be found here.

3) James Tarjan Annotates

In Round 8 I did venture 1. ...g6. Judging by the result it was a success. However, as often seems to be the case with these presumably sharp unbalanced openings, the position after 11 moves is just as symmetrical and balanced, and potentially drawish, as if I had played 1. ...d5. And as I sensed at the board, my efforts to complicate and turn the position into a Kings Indian style mess were not objectively correct. However, at the crucial moment at the 18th move, he thought and thought and I in turn began to hope. He turned to defense and made overly passive moves, and then a lemon.

Pirc B06
Iwu Okechukwu–James Tarjan
US Open (8) 2018

1.d4 g6 2.e4 Bg7 3.Nf3 d6 4.Bc4 Nf6 5.Qe2 0-0 6.0-0 Bg4 7.Nbd2 Nc6 8.c3 e5 9.h3 Bd7

Tiger gives only what I played, 9. ...Bd7. [9...Bxf3!? 10.Nxf3 exd4 11.cxd4 Re8 12.e5 I didn’t trust this. Almost no games but Houdini prefers White 12...dxe5 (12...Nd7? 13.Bxf7+ Kxf7 14.Ng5+ wins) 13.dxe5 Nd4 14.Qd3 (14.Nxd4 Qxd4 15.Re1) 14...Nxf3+ 15.Qxf3 Rxe5 16.Qxb7 with a slight advantage for White.

10.dxe5 Nxe5

Again Houdini approves my choice, saying the position is equal [but that White would have a clear advantage after 10...dxe5 which certainly makes sense: the Nc6 is clearly worse than the Nf3.

11.Nxe5 dxe5 12.Rd1 Qe7 13.Nf1 h6

Now I am trying to avoid exchanges after Bg5.

14.Ng3 Rad8 15.Be3 Nh7?!

As I suspected at the board, Houdini disapproves of this winning attempt and follows up exactly as Iwu played with b4 and a4.

16.b4 b6 17.a4 Kh8 18.f3?!

18.a5! as planned 18...f5 19.exf5 gxf5 20.axb6 axb6 and several ways: 21.f4 is Houdini’s favorite.

a) 21.Nh5 Nf6 is less clear but Houdini still prefers White (Iwu overlooked that 21...f4? loses to 22.Bxf4) 22.Nxg7 Qxg7 23.f4 Ne4 24.Rd3.

b) and 21.Ra7 f4 22.Rxc7 fxe3 (or 22...fxg3 23.fxg3) 23.Qxe3 is also better for White and in practice might have been the best of all.

18...Ng5 19.Qf1?! f5 20.exf5 gxf5 21.Nh5??

21.f4 offered equal chances.

21...f4-+ 22.Bf2 Nxh3+ 23.Kh2 Nxf2 24.Qxf2 e4

Everything falls apart for White

25.Nxg7 e3 26.Qe1 Qxg7 27.Qh4 Qg5 28.Qxg5 hxg5 29.Rd5 Bf5 30.g4 Rxd5 31.Bxd5 Rd8 32.c4 Bg6 33.Kg2 Kg7 34.b5 Bf7 35.Bxf7 Kxf7 36.a5 Rd2+ 37.Kf1 Ke6 38.axb6 axb6 39.Ra8 Rf2+ 40.Ke1 Rxf3 0-1

4) Bobby Fischer Bits and Pieces

Since writing a five-volume electronic work on Bobby Fischer with International Master Eric Tangborn available through Amazon we’ve uncovered more material. Here are some recent finds:

First a newspaper article from the Tampa Daily Times of March 2, 1956, which covers one of the last stops of the Log Cabin Chess Club in its 1956 tour. 12-year-old Bobby Fischer was the Log Cabin’s second board.

William Lombardy made the direct claim that he was Bobby Fischer’s teacher in his book Understanding Chess and indirectly that he was his mentor.

International Master Lawrence Day offered another explanation in his chess column in the Toronto Star of May 3, 2008

“According to Duncan and Dobrila Suttles (who only talked about it after Fischer’s death) young Bobby considered Abe Turner as his major mentor and father figure.

Trusting that they wouldn’t blab to the ‘creepy’ media, Fischer opened up about some mysteries in his life. One was the split with his mother at age 16. According to Fischer this was when he was introduced to conspiracy theory. The Communist plot to take over the world was elaborated to him, and that he had a role to play in combatting it. The problem: his mother, Regina, was herself a Communist. That motivated the family break which lasted until the 1980s. Of his mentors, Fischer considered Abe Turner was his main influence as ‘father figure’. It spooked Bobby greatly in 1962 when Turner was stabbed to death by ex-mental patient Theodore Smith. The murderer claimed the Secret Service had ordered it because Turner was a Communist spy. That mysterious death was the catalyst in Fischer switching his religious views from atheistic Nietzscheism to Herbert Armstrong’s popular radio cult ‘Worldwide Church of God’.”

Edmar Mednis wrote in How to Beat Bobby Fischer about meeting Bobby in Belgrade immediately after the World Student Championship in Varna, Bulgaria, and Fischer showing the games of his training match with Milan Matulovic.

Mednis was not the only member of the US Student Team to meet Bobby in Yugoslavia that summer. Anthony Saidy stopped in Portoroz and remembers watching Sherwin–Pachman from round 5, which the former was clearly winning but managed to lose.

Speaking of Student Team Championships, here is Bobby talking about the U.S. win in 1960.

“When the U.S. Student Team won the world championship at Leningrad in 1960, I remember the great pleasure I felt when I read in a Russian magazine the devious twisting to find an excuse for the failure of the Russian team to win the championship. First, it was stated that their failure to win was due to a lack of preparation, and then the article complained bitterly that some of the team players had the gall to ‘take a boat to a Ball’ prior to the game with the Americans. I hope that I again have the pleasure to read a similar Russian complaint when our U.S. Student Team repeats its brilliant performance this summer.”—Bobby Fischer, U.S. Chess Champion.

American Chess Quarterly, Winter 1964 (back cover)

Fischer’s visit to Las Vegas is one of his lesser-known stops on his 1964 exhibition

Thanks to Las Vegas Expert Charles McVoy for the following article, which was published in the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Wednesday, April 15, 1964.

The exhibition, sandwiched in between simuls in Santa Monica (April 19) and Denver (April 26), saw Bobby score + 34, =1, -0. According to the late Ken Smith, who made the only draw, things were over quick as Bobby needed only lasted 1½ hours to finish things off.

Boy Wonder of Chess will compete

As local golf fans anticipate the forthcoming tournament of champions, Las Vegas will be visited by a champion of the world’s most cerebral competition.

Bobby Fischer, current U.S. Chess Champion, will take on all comers in a simultaneous exhibition chess match sponsored by the Las Vegas Chess Club at the Dessert Inn, April 22 at 7 pm.

Chess, originally contrived by Indian Buddhists, as a substitute for war, is more like the real thing to Fischer, six-time U.S. Champion.

Edward Lasker, unofficial dean of the American chess community, in his book entitled Chess for Fun and Blood describes Fischer as belonging to the latter category. “He always wants to kill his opponent” Lasker said.

Reported to have a disposition much like that of Attila the Hun, Fischer has electrified the chess world, not only for his daring, slashing play, but also for his occasional disregard for the social amenities compatible with formal chess competition.

The 20-year-old boy wonder is a maverick among the chess elite. Unlike other International Grand Masters—almost all highly-educated scholars or mathematicians—he never bothered to finish high school.

Winning his first US title at the precocious age of 14, the “enfant terrible” of the American chess community is to many authorities a stronger player than the current World Champion, Tigran Petrosian.

At the U.S. Championships last December in New York the boy from Brooklyn performed an unparalleled feat by winning 11 straight matches—everyone he played.

In Las Vegas, Fischer will probably be playing more than 11 players—simultaneously. Tickets are available through chess club members Jerry Cole, Herman Estrada, Stan Zajac, Art Gamlin, and G. M. Farnham.

Seven years after Fischer’s death, Ljubomir Ljubojevic told me an interesting story. During the second Fischer-Spassky match in 1992, Quinteros stayed with a woman friend in a luxury hotel in Belgrade; not as Fischer’s second, but just as a friend. Quinteros was in the habit of conducting long intercontinental telephone conversations from his hotel room, and he probably also drank many a good wine. After more than two months, the bill amounted to 327,000 dollars. Fischer paid the sum without blinking an eye.—Jan Timman in his book Timman’s Titans (p. 230)

5) Frank Marshall in 1917 (Part Thirteen) by Eduardo Bauzá Mercére

November 14, Marshall and Lasker Draw in Chess Match

Frank J. Marshall, United States chess champion, played a draw at the Press Club last night against Edward Lasker of Chicago, western champion, and a consultation board of the best talent of several Chicago clubs. The match lasted three and one-half hours. Mr. Marshall is in Chicago for a week’s stay and will play matches against the picked players of various clubs here. He will meet all comers in simultaneous play at the Kenwood Chess Club on Saturday night.

Chicago Tribune, 15 Nov 1917, p. 13

When in Chicago, in the course of his recent Western trip, Frank J. Marshall, United States chess champion, met Edward Lasker, the Western campion, in an exhibition match game at the Chicago Press Club. The game was drawn after twenty-nine moves.

NY Sun, 2 Jan 1918, p. 11

November 20: Chicago simul [+52-3=1]
Chess Champion Plays Fifty-six; Lead Men Used

Playing against fifty-six opponents, many of whom used lead men in the absence of the orthodox chess sets, no longer procurable from England, American champion Frank Marshall won fifty-two games, tied one, and lost three at the Western Electric Chess Club Tuesday night. The winners against the champion were J. F. Grosvenor, F. W. Anderson, and J. Shallcross.

The lead sets were made by company employees at the factory and painted. It is said England is unable to procure proper material for the usual pieces, owing to war conditions, and the sets come under the classification of nonessentials. The Western Electric players, however, solved the difficulty in their own shops.

Marshall will appear in simultaneous play tonight at the University Club, tomorrow night at the Daisy Field Club, Belmont and Cicero avenues, and at the Kenwood Club Saturday night.

Chicago Tribune, 22 Nov 1917, p. 11

Center Gambit C21
Marshall–Horace G. Kent
Chicago simul

1. e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3. c3 dxc3 4. Bc4 cxb2 5. Bxb2 Qe7 6. Nc3 d6 7. Nf3 Nh6 8. O-O c6 9. e5 d5 10. Bxd5 cxd5 11. Nxd5 Qd8 12. Rc1 Na6 13. Re1 Be6 14. Qa4+ Qd7 15. Qxa6 Bxd5 16. e6 fxe6 17. Qd3 Bd6 18. Rcd1 O-O 19. Ng5 Rf5 20. h4 Raf8 21. f3 Bc5+ 22. Kh1 Rxg5 23. hxg5 Nf5 24. Be5 Qf7 0-1

Staten Islander, 6 Aug 1919, p. 9

November 28, Pittsburg exhibition games and simul
Marshall in Pittsburgh

Frank J. Marshall, United States champion, will visit the Pittsburgh Chess Club, Apollo Building, Fourth Ave., on Wednesday afternoon, and will be glad to meet all the local chess players. No special arrangements have been made for a simultaneous or match exhibition, but you may be assured that Marshall will be playing continuously.

Pittsburg Gazette Press, 25 Nov 1917, section 6, p. 8

French (by transposition) C10
Benjamin Howard Lutton–Marshall
Pittsburgh exhibiton

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. Nc3 Nc6 4. d4 d5 5. exd5 exd5 6. Be3 Nf6 7. dxc5 Be7 8. Nd4 O-O 9. Nxc6 bxc6 10. a3 Ng4 11. Bd4 f5 12. Be2 Nf6 13. O-O Ne4 14. Nxe4 fxe4 15. b4 Bg5 16. a4 Bf4 17. g3 Bc7 18. Bg4 Qg5 19. Bxc8 Raxc8 20. b5 Rf3 21. Qc1 Qg4 22. Qb2 Qh3 23. Be5 Bxe5 24. Qxe5 Rcf8 25. Rae1 h6 26. bxc6 Kh8 27. c7 Qd7 28. Re3 R3f7 29. Qd4 Rc8 30. c4 dxc4 31. Qxd7 Rxd7 32. Rxe4 Rdxc7 33. Rxc4 Rxc5 34. Re4 Rc4 35. Rfe1 a5 36. Kg2 Kh7 37. h4 Rc2 38. Re5 Ra2 39. Rxa5 Rc4 40. Re7 Rcxa4 41. Rf5 Ra7 42. Ree5 Rd7 43. g4 Rd4 44. Kg3 Rd3+ 45. f3 Rd7 46. Rf8 Raa7 47. Ree8 Rf7

The published score ends here without further information. There is a forced win for white after 48. Rh8+ Kg6 49. Re6+ Rf6 50. h5+ Kf7 51. Ree8.

Pittsburgh Gazette-Times, 9 Dec 1917, sect. 6, p. 7.

Göring Gambit C44
Marshall–J. Vandervoort
Pittsburgh simul

1. e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3. c3 dxc3 4. Bc4 Nc6 5. Nf3 d6 6. Nxc3 Bg4 7. Qb3 Qd7 8. Bxf7+ Qxf7 9. Qxb7 Kd7 10. Qxa8 Bxf3 11. gxf3 Qxf3 12. Rg1 Nf6 13. Be3 Ng4 14. Rxg4 Qxg4 15. Rc1 d5 16. Nxd5 Bb4+ 17. Nxb4 Rxa8 18. Nxc6 Qxe4 19. Nd4 a6 20. a3 Qh1+ 21. Kd2 Qxh2 22. Rc5 Re8 23. b4 Qd6 24. Kc3 Re5 25. Rc4 Qf6 26. a4 h5 27. Kb3 h4 28. b5 axb5 29. Nxb5 c6 30. Nd4 c5 31. Nb5 h3 32. Bxc5 h2 33. Bd4 Qf3+ 34. Kb4 Rxb5+ 0-1

Pittsburg Gazette-Times, 9 Dec 1917, sect. 6, p. 7

6) Vernon Holmes

The following article on this titan of Tacoma chess was originally published in The Tacoma Chess Times in 1983.

A final salute to a Tacoma Chess Club Pioneer, by John R. Ward

On January 29, 1983, Vernon M. Holmes, 71, passed away, thus closing a chapter of Tacoma Chess history. The finest player in Pierce County of his generation, he was for many years the heart and soul of the Tacoma Chess Club.

During the quarter century span from 1947 to 1972 he was the Pierce County Champion sixteen times. Perhaps the greatest demonstration of his mastery over Pierce County Chess, came in 1951 when he scored 20 wins, no draws, no losses in a double round robin against the best competition the county could offer. Never a professional player because of family and career responsibilities, he rarely played in weekend or out of town tournaments. Nevertheless, his great talent enabled him to notch victories over several reigning state champions in Puget Sound League play.

Over the years, many of the young, aspiring players in the Tacoma area, including no less than five future state champions, had their talents sharpened by competition with Mr. Holmes.

When asked which great master he most admired, he instantly replied “ Wilhelm Steinitz”. Indeed, Vernon was a classical player of the old school, invoking such dangerous openings as the Wing Gambit, King’s Gambit, Falkbeer Countergambit, and Evans Gambit. Every ready to give up a pawn or the exchange to gain an advantage his games often verged on the brink of disaster. Following is an example of his craft, versus many-time Washington State Champion J. Leonard Sheets in the 1948 Puget Sound League.

Sicilian Dragon B70
J.L. Sheets–Vernon Holmes
Puget Sound League, 1948

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nc3 d6 4.d4 cxd4 5.Nxd4 g6 6.Be2 Bg7 7.0-0 0-0 8.Kh1 Nc6 9.f4 Nxe4 10.Nxc6 Nxc3 11.Nxd8 Nxd1 12.Nxf7 Nxb2 13.Ng5 Nd3 14.Rb1 Nxc1 15.Bc4+ Kh8 16.Rbxc1 h6 17.Ne6 Rf6 18.Nc7 Rb8 19.Rce1 e5 20.Ne8 Rxf4 21.Rxf4 exf4 22.Nxd6 Bd7 23.Re7 Bc6 24.h4 Bf8 25.Nf7+ Kg7 26.Rc7 Kf6 27.Nh8 Be4 28.Bd3 Bxd3 29.cxd3 Be7 30.Nxg6 Bd8 31.Nxf4 Bxc7 32.Nd5+ Ke5 33.Nxc7 a6 0-1

7) This is the end

An ending from a very recent Grandmaster game. White cannot afford to lose his only pawn.

Black to move

Show solution

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