New Print Non-Fiction for February 2025 | Mechanics' Institute

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New Print Non-Fiction for February 2025



Applied Sciences

Nick Jackson Beyond flavour : wine tasting by structure 663.2 J124

Arts, Architecture & Crafts

Sanaz Mazinani Signal to noise 779.092 M476
James Michael Buckley City of Wood : San Francisco and the architecture of the redwood lumber industry 720.9794 B924
Magnum landscape. 779.36 M199
David Thomson The fatal alliance : a century of war on film 791.43 T482f

Biography & Genealogy

Stuart Eizenstat President Carter : the White House years 973.926 C32e
Belinda. Rathbone Walker Evans : a biography 770.92 E92r

Business & Economics

Anthony Scaramucci The little book of bitcoin : what you need to know that Wall Street has already figured out 332.4 S285


L. J. Nikolaev The ultimate guide to chess openings : quick tactical insights to build a repertoire without memorization or a board - over 300 miniature games 794.122 N693
Bruce Pandolfini Chess openings : traps and zaps 794.122 P189
Alan Phillips The chess teacher 794.1 P558
Daaim. Shabazz Triple exclam!!! : the life and games of Emory Tate, chess warrior 794.1092 T216
Valeri. Bronznik The Lazy man's Sicilian : attack and surprise White with the Basman-Sale Variation 794.1225 B33 B8699
Cyrus Lakdawala The unknown Fischer 794.15 F52La
Cyrus Lakdawala Squeeze play 794.15 L192
Larry Kaufman Kaufman's new repertoire for black and white : a complete, sound and user-friendly chess opening repertoire 794.15 K162
Grigoriĭ Bogdanovich The creative power of Bogoljubov 794.15 B67b


Tsuyoshi Hasegawa The last Tsar : the abdication of Nicholas II and the fall of the Romanovs 947.08 N58
Matthew Gabriele Oathbreakers : the war of brothers that shattered an empire and made Medieval Europe 944.01 G114
Geoffrey Wawro The Vietnam War : a military history 959.7 W356

Literature & Writing

Paula Vogel Mother play : a play in five evictions 812 V879m

Natural Sciences & Mathematics

Rachel Carson The sea trilogy : Under the sea-wind ; The sea around us ; The edge of the sea 551.46 C32se

Philosophy, Psychology & Religion

Oreste Bazzichi Oikonomia of Francesco : a path to humanity and the fraternity of the economy 261.85 B364
Vivek Hallegere Murthy Together : the healing power of human connection in a sometimes lonely world 158.2 M984
Billy Baker We need to hang out : a memoir of making friends 158.2 B167
Helena Cobban Understanding Hamas : and why that matters 322.42 C653

Social Sciences & Current Events

Robin Wall Kimmerer Braiding sweetgrass : indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge, and the teachings of plants 305.897 K499
Ken Werner Halloween : a fantasy in three acts 394.2646 W492
Geoffrey L. Cohen Belonging : the science of creating connection and bridging divides 302.5 C678
Mia Birdsong How we show up : reclaiming family, friendship, and community 307 B618
Kat Vellos We should get together : the secret to cultivating better friendships 302.34 V441
bell hooks Communion : the female search for love 305.4 H78
Jarrett Walker Human transit : how clearer thinking about public transit can enrich our communities and our lives 388.4 W177

Travel & Geography

NFT not for tourists guide to Boston 2025. 917.446 N899
Not for tourists guide to Chicago 2025. 917.731 N899

Posted on Feb. 26, 2025 by Heather Miles