Mechanics' Institute Library Inventory Project | Mechanics' Institute

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Mechanics' Institute Library Inventory Project

Just how many items do we have on our shelves, and how do we keep track of them?  With a tablet and scanner in hand, volunteers have graciously put in the time each week to scan each item by section. We started this inventory project in June, with the travel section on the second floor and have worked our way through the DVDs, short stories, large print, audio books, and are now currently in fiction. Over 11,000 items have been scanned so far, out of what we estimate to be 150,000 items.

With such a big collection, things do get misplaced. Going through each section has helped us locate several items that we thought were missing for good, or sometimes we may find items that are worn and need to be replaced, or they may have a cataloging record that the cataloging department can fix. This project cannot be accomplished without our volunteers, and we would like to put a face to the names of those who are diligently working to help us with this mammoth project.

Past and current volunteers, clockwise from upper left: Vesna Lerotic, Karina Amin-Salehi, Lily Hoshi, David Grenell, Judy Heggie, Jo Falcon, Michael Williams.

Thanks to our volunteers, the Library Inventory Project is well underway!

Posted on Nov. 8, 2016 by Cherilyn Chang