Free Online Genealogy Records by Location – Good Places to Search First or When You Hit a Dead End | Page 5 | Mechanics' Institute

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Free Online Genealogy Records by Location – Good Places to Search First or When You Hit a Dead End

My family has only been in the United States for 3 generations and I’ve been able to find a lot of information on them in U.S. census records, county vital statistics and other records. However, when it comes to going back to records in Italy, I often am challenged finding records that will provide birth, marriage and death records due to the flowery writing of the 19th century, records that were destroyed in WWII, or other issues.

Online Genealogy Records by Location is a free and easily accessible treasure trove of records both in the U.S. and worldwide.  Each country page has links to search tips, strategies, record types, maps and local research resources in addition to military records, vital records and so much more. I can see I’m going to be spending a lot of time on the Italy page and perusing its links.

Want to learn more? I’ll be teaching about this resource and others, focusing on our Ancestry Library database (free to Mechanics’ Institute members) on Thursday, January 25, from 6-7 p.m. Please register here:  “Grow Your Family Tree” and join MI members and me as we explore how to use these resources to add branches to your family tree.

Posted on Jan. 2, 2018 by Deborah Hunt