The Writers Lunch: Write About What? | Mechanics' Institute

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The Writers Lunch: Write About What?
moderated by Rick Homan

The Writers Lunch is virtually back! This month we discuss where writers get their ideas. Some writers keep notebooks of everyday experiences. Others write down their dreams. Still others eavesdrop in cafes. Whether you wrote a novel, a handbook, or a haiku, you first had to think of something that would make a good subject. How did you do it?

At this event moderated by Rick Homan, join panelists who will "Zoom in" and share their methods along with the members of the Mechanics' Institute and visitors from across the country as we share, and learn from each other.

Rick Homan writers murder mysteries and suspense novels. His Nicole Tang Noonan mysteries are set on a college campus in rural Ohio and in San Francisco, Nicole's home town. Prior to taking up the craft of crime fiction, Rick performed as an actor and guitarist. Find out more at








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