Invisible Cities | Mechanics' Institute

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Invisible Cities
by Italo Calvino

"Kublai Khan does not necessarily believe everything Marco Polo says when he describes the cities visited on his expeditions, but the emperor of the Tartars does continue listening to the young Venetian with greater attention and curiosity than he shows any other messenger or explorer of his." So begins Italo Calvino's compilation of fragmentary urban images. As Marco tells the khan about Armilla, which "has nothing that makes it seem a city, except the water pipes that rise vertically where the houses should be and spread out horizontally where the floors should be," the spider-web city of Octavia, and other marvelous burgs, it may be that he is creating them all out of his imagination, or perhaps he is recreating details of his native Venice over and over again, or perhaps he is simply recounting some of the myriad possible forms a city might take.

(above content, courtesy Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publisher)

World Literature Book Groups

Mechanics' Institute Members Only; Free
4th Floor Board Room
Information Desk - 415-393-0102

Future Book Groups

World Literature

Feb 26 - 6:00 pm

The Magic Mountain (Part II)
by Thomas Mann

Brown Bag Mystery Readers

Mar 10 - 12:00 pm

by Layla Martínez

World Literature

Mar 12 - 6:00 pm

The Country Girls
by Edna O'Brien

Mar 19 - 12:00 pm

Taiwan Travelogue
by Yáng Shuāng-zǐ, translated by Lin King

Mar 24 - 6:00 pm

Cookbook Club: Italy by Ingredient
with Viola Buitoni and Linda Esposito

World Literature

Mar 26 - 6:00 pm

A Girl Returned
by Donatella Di Pietrantorio