How to Become a Competitive Creative: Building a Full-Time Career as a Writer in the Digital Age with Jane Friedman | Mechanics' Institute

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How to Become a Competitive Creative: Building a Full-Time Career as a Writer in the Digital Age with Jane Friedman

Photograph of a fountain pen

This is a class co-sponsored by MI and San Francisco Writers Conference/San Francisco Writers Foundation.

Before the arrival of the Internet, writers had few options for making a living that didn’t involve working with a publisher or selling more books. Today, there are so many potential paths that most writers are confused about what direction to take—and now also live with the burden and opportunity of being able to reach their readers directly through social media and other digital platforms.

In this day-long workshop with Jane Friedman, writers will learn: 

  • Principles and techniques for building a career and platform in a way that uniquely befits their strengths and long-term career goals, with special attention paid to lead generation (how and when to work for “exposure” versus cash)
  • Best practices for author websites and blogs, with tips on how better search engine optimization can lead to more earnings (no tech jargon, promise!)
  • The basics of email marketing and how to build an engaged list that leads to direct support for your work
  • How to make best use of social media and measure its effectiveness—and when writers can get away with not using it all if that’s their preference
  • The importance of relationships and community, and uncovering more income-generating opportunities through collaborations, partnerships, and influencers

Jane Friedman has 20 years of experience in the publishing industry and is the co-founder of The Hot Sheet, the essential publishing industry newsletter for authors. She is the former publisher of Writer’s Digest, a columnist with Publishers Weekly and a professor with The Great Courses. Her newest book is The Business of Being a Writer (University of Chicago Press, March 2018).

For each class, we reserve the right to cancel at any time and issue a full refund. If you are unable to attend your class, please email [email protected] at least ten days prior to receive a refund. All fees must be paid at the time of registration.


Members $249
Public $289
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4th Floor Meeting Room
Information Desk - 415-393-0102
Register now by using the form below or calling 415-393-0101.

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