Comfort Lit -- Litquake -- Chasing Mercury: A Novel (Cove International Publishers) | Mechanics' Institute

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Comfort Lit -- Litquake -- Chasing Mercury: A Novel (Cove International Publishers)
Author September Williams


Litquake announces a new, free lunchtime series at the Mechanic’s Institute. 2017 taught us that taking a break with books is the best form of self-care, so for 2018, we dreamed up Comfort Lit: Books That Make You Feel Better to provide a much-needed break from fighting the powers that be and help us recharge from the grim realities of the day. On Tuesdays throughout the spring and summer, join us at these author appearances, featuring books on humor, food, love, spirituality, travel, animals—things that make us smile and bring down the blood pressure.


An epileptic Black ballerina and a Powwow dancer meet in the Montreal Airport. They are both scheduled to perform in 1973 Cold War Berlin. During the transatlantic crossing their love evolves. On a long layover in Zurich, he stuns her by depositing many hundreds of thousands of dollars into his Swiss bank account, to which he adds her name with no true explanation. Is she an accomplice to something, or is this just love in the time of mercury poisoning? September Williams’ debut novel is a romance-suspense-memoir that connects human rights, environmental justice and romance.


September Williams is an American physician-writer, bioethicist and filmmaker. She focuses on promoting resilience for people who are ill, aging, dying, or stressed by environmental and humanitarian violation. September’s writing is imbued with the humor that allows people to survive hard times.

Meet the Author(s)

Members & Public Free
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4th Floor Meeting Room
Information Desk - 415-393-0102
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Future Meet the Author(s)

Mar 6 - 6:00 pm

Dendrofemonology: A Feminist Tree Ring
with artist Tiffany Shlain

Mar 20 - 6:00 pm

SMOTHER and Mojave Ghost
with Rachel Richardson and Forrest Gander

Mar 27 - 6:00 pm

Behind the Book: The Making of Fables of Aesop
with Arion Press

Apr 9 - 6:00 pm

Desire and Fate
with author David Rieff and Steve Wasserman

Apr 12 - 6:30 pm

The Cleaving: Vietnamese Writers in the Diaspora Launch Party
with Viet Thanh Nguyen, Isabelle Thuy Pelaud, Aimee Phan, and Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai

Apr 17 - 6:30 pm

Celebrating National Poetry Month
with San Francisco Poet Laureate Genny Lim, Chun Yu, Michael Warr, Shabnam Piryaei, Rafael Jesús Gonzalez, and Maw Shein Win