Biannual Members' Meeting of Mechanics' Institute, Onsite and on Zoom | Mechanics' Institute

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Biannual Members' Meeting of Mechanics' Institute, Onsite and on Zoom

Join us for our Biannual Members' Meeting of Mechanics' Institute to hear from fellow members, tenants, staff, and trustees. Learn about new plans and programs, technology updates, and our efforts to improve your experience as members.

Your participation is welcome. Light refreshments will be included.

We look forward to seeing you in person or online!

5:30 pm onsite reception, 6:00 pm meeting begins onsite and on Zoom.

Free to Members and their guests. Reservations Required.

Questions? Please email [email protected] or call 415-393-0116.


Members & their guests FREE
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4th Floor Meeting Room
Programs & Events - 415-393-0116
Register now by using the form below or calling 415-393-0116.


Future Activities

Jul 18 - 5:30 pm

Tech Support Hour
Get tech support from our Community Tech Network Volunteers!

Jul 19 - 12:00 pm

Tech Support Hour
Get tech support from our Community Tech Network Volunteers!

Jul 20 - 11:00 am

Tech Support Hour
Get tech support from our Community Tech Network Volunteers!

Jul 25 - 5:30 pm

Tech Support Hour
Get tech support from our Community Tech Network Volunteers!