Research before Black Friday and Cyber Monday | Page 12 | Mechanics' Institute

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Research before Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Retail holidays are designed to tempt you to purchase. You'll hear words like "doorbuster" to describe sales available at the most prominent retailers on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Before you add an item to your cart, make sure your purchase is well researched. Take a few minutes to utilize the consumer resources included as part of your membership to Mechanics' Institute.


Your Mechanics' membership provides access to Consumer Reports comprehensive online archive of unbiased, lab-tested, expert reviews of a variety of merchandise from dishwashers to headphones. In addition to reviews, you'll find buying guides and articles specifically about ways to find the best deals on Black Friday. To access Consumer Reports online, click here to see a list of all of our databases, then click Consumer Reports. If you're home, have your library card ready, you'll need to enter your library card number. Happy shopping!

Posted on Nov. 22, 2019 by Myles Cooper