Applied Sciences
Jennifer Golbeck The purest bond : understanding the human-canine connection 636.7 G617
Arts, Architecture & Crafts
Bianca Bosker Get the picture : a mind-bending journey among the inspired artists and obsessive art fiends who taught me how to see 701 B743
Catherine Opie Catherine Opie : American photographer. 779.092 O618
Elizabeth Gaede Seaton WPA Federal Art Project : printmaking in California, 1935-43 769.973 S441
Ken'ya Hara White 701.8 H254
William H. Gerdts The world of Theodore Wores 759.13 W926
Peter Vergo Emil Nolde 750.92 N79v
Rosalind Cuthbert Oil painting 751.45 C988
Norma Stevens Avedon : something personal 770.92 A948s
Secondhand : August 4, 2014-May 31, 2015 779 S445
Vicki Goldberg Bruce Davidson : an illustrated biography 770.92 D252
Jacob Lawrence Jacob Lawrence : the American struggle 750.92 L42a
American scene painting : California, 1930s and 1940s 758.99 A512
Gordon. McClelland Milford Zornes 759.13 Z886
Gordon. McClelland George Post 759.13 P857
James McNeill Whistler James Abbott McNeill Whistler--pastels 750.92 W576j
Elmer Bischoff Elmer Bischoff : paintings from the figurative period, 1954-1970 759.13 B621
Two buildings San Francisco 1959. 720.483 T974
Biography & Genealogy
RuPaul The house of hidden meanings : a memoir 792.092 R945
Katie Gee Salisbury Not your China doll : the wild and shimmering life of Anna May Wong 792.092 W868s
Joel Agee Twelve years : an American boyhood in East Germany 943.1 A265
Judith Tick Becoming Ella Fitzgerald : the jazz singer who transformed American song 780.92 F55b
Ron Kovic A dangerous country : an American elegy 959.7 K885
Fernanda Eberstadt Bite your friends : stories of the body militant 813 E165
Clinton Heylin The double life of Bob Dylan : a restless, hungry feeling, 1941-1966 780.92 D99h
Cynthia Carr Candy Darling : dreamer, icon, superstar 792.092 D221c
Mary V. Dearborn Carson McCullers : a life 813.54 M13d
Susan Page The rulebreaker : the life and times of Barbara Walters 070.92 W23p
William Roper The mirrour of vertue in worldly greatnes; or, The life of Sir Thomas More, knight. 942.05 M83r
Books, Reading, Publishing, Journalism
Herb Reich Lies they teach in school : exposing the myths behind 250 commonly believed fallacies 031.02 R347
Business & Economics
Bob Keefe Clean economy now : stories from the frontlines of an American business revolution 333.79 K261
Daniel Susskind Growth : a history and a reckoning 338.9 S823
Loretta Napoleoni Technocapitalism : the rise of the new robber barons and the fight for the common good 338.064 N216
Ali A. Allawi Rich world, poor world : the struggle to escape poverty 330.9 A421
Axel Smith Black & White Magic 794.1 M377
Jacob Aagaard Conceptual Rook Endgames 794.124 A112c
Nikolaos Ntirlis Playing the English 794.1225 A10 N961
Sam Shankland Calculation! 794.12 S528c
Charles Hertan Strike like Judit! : the winning tactics of chess legend Judit Polgar 794.15 P76he
Emanuel Lasker Emanuel Lasker : a reader ; a compendium of writings on chess, philosophy, science, sociology, mathematics and other subjects by the great World Chess Champion, scholar and polymath Emanuel Lasker 794.1 L34
Dan Stone The Holocaust : an unfinished history 940.5318 S877
Chris Fogarty Ireland 1845-1850 : the perfect holocaust and who kept it "perfect" 941.5 F655
Kenneth L. Ames On Bishop Street : avenue of Hawai'i pioneers 919.693 A513
Kathleen DuVal Native nations : a millennium in North America 970.004 D983
San Francisco, two years after the great fire of April 18, 19, 20, 1906. 917.9461 S224
Languages & Linguistics
Anne Curzan Says who? : a kinder, funner usage guide for everyone who cares about words 428 C983
Ronald M. George Chief : the quest for justice in California 347.73 G347
Literature & Writing
Jami Attenberg 1000 words : a writer's guide to staying creative, focused, and productive all year round 808.02 A883
Roxane Gay Opinions : a decade of arguments, criticisms, and minding other people's business 814.6 G285
Dwight Garner The upstairs delicatessen : on eating, reading, reading about eating, and eating while reading 818.603 G234
Hermione Lee Biography : a very short introduction 809 L478
Robin Reames The ancient art of thinking for yourself : the power of rhetoric in polarized times 808 R288
Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Leila Philip Beaverland : how one weird rodent made America 599.37 P549
Performing Arts & Music
Philip Gefter Cocktails with George and Martha : movies, marriage, and the making of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 791.437 G299
Philosophy, Psychology & Religion
Travis N. Rieder Catastrophe ethics : how to choose well in a world of tough choices 170 R441
Brian Klaas Fluke : chance, chaos, and why everything we do matters 123.3 K631
Urs Gasser Guardrails : guiding human decisions in the age of AI 153.83 G251
Juliet Hooker Black grief 323.1196 H783
Social Sciences & Current Events
Lisa Davis Housewife : why women still do it all and what to do instead 331.4 D261
Malaika Jabali It's not you, it's capitalism : why it's time to break up and how to move on 335 J117
Jane Marie Selling the dream : the billion-dollar industry bankrupting Americans 364.16 M334
Cedar Monroe Trash : a poor white journey 305.5 M753
Therese Oneill Unbecoming a lady : the forgotten sluts and shrews who shaped America 305.4 O586
Morgan Parker You get what you pay for : essays 305.896 P238
Dan Savage Skipping towards Gomorrah : the seven deadly sins and the pursuit of happiness in America 306.0973 S263
Matthew Stewart An emancipation of the mind : radical philosophy, the war over slavery, and the refounding of America 306.362 S851
Zoë Schiffer Extremely hardcore : inside Elon Musk's Twitter 302.3 S333
James Ridgeway Blood in the face : the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, Nazi skinheads, and the rise of a new white culture 305.8 R544
Grace Blakeley Vulture capitalism : corporate crimes, backdoor bailouts, and the death of freedom 364.16 B636
Megan Kimble City limits : infrastructure, inequality, and the future of America's highways 388.1 K497
Annabelle Hirsch A history of women in 101 objects 305.4 H669
Sports & Games
Kevin Baker The New York game : baseball and the rise of a new city 796.357 B167
Travel & Geography
Camille Seaman Melting away : a ten-year journey through our endangered polar regions 910.911 S438
Pocket Rough Guide Copenhagen. 914.891 R856