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MI's YouTube Channel

Did you know that Mechanics’ Institute has recorded more than 50 events from 2020-21, including "Your Story Well Told," "No Poetry, No Peace," "You, Recharged," and many others on MI's YouTube channel? You'll find scores of panel discussions, poetry readings, history lectures, authors presenting new books, and conversations about the writing craft from local experts:

Most of these videos are from recent programs, but there are a few gems from times past, such as "The Birth of the Mechanics' Institute of San Francisco, 1851-1856," the "Mechanics' Institute Chess Club Tour," and other great events you may have missed. All MI videos are free and available to watch at your leisure.

You can also subscribe to MI's YouTube channel to receive alerts for the latest MI program videos. Just create an account and log into YouTube. If you need help getting started, call our reference librarians at 415-393-0102 with any questions. 


Posted on Jun. 10, 2021 by Taryn Edwards