Dollars and Sense: E-books on investing, personal finance and retirement Part 1 | Page 3 | Mechanics' Institute

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Dollars and Sense: E-books on investing, personal finance and retirement Part 1

Did you know that the Mechanics’ Institute Library has hundreds of titles in e-book format to address all your financial information needs?  It’s true! The list of suggested titles was compiled by reference librarian, Craig for readers seeking more information about investing, personal finance and retirement. Click the book title to take you to the catalog. All you need to check out is your 14-digit barcode number (no spaces or hyphens) on your member card.

55, Underemployed, and Faking Normal: your guide to a better life - by Elizabeth White

This is a straightforward guide for people in their fifties and sixties who find themselves unemployed and financially incapable of retiring. The author provides practical solutions with a focus on retirement and maximizing savings. White maintains a realistic, empathetic tone throughout. This useful resource will resonate with readers who are planning for nearing retirement.

Day Trading Stocks the Wall Street Way: a proprietary method for intra-day and swing trading - by Josh DiPietro 

Learn successful day trading from a professional. The author gives you the tools, techniques, and tested, reliable methods you need to trade like pros.

Dollars and Sense: how we misthink money and how to spend smarter - by Dan Ariely and Jeff Kreisler

Emotions play a powerful role in shaping our financial behavior, often making us our own worst enemies as we try to save, access value, and spend responsibly. The authors challenge many of our most basic assumptions about the precarious relationship between our brains and our money, revealing the emotional forces working against us and how we can counteract them.  Readers will learn the practical tools and choices to better understand the psychology of saving and how to spend smarter.

Downhill from Here: retirement insecurity in the age of inequality - by Katherine S. Newman

This book examines the financial uncertainties for retirement in America. As millions of Baby Boomers reach their golden years, the state of retirement is precarious. Nearly half the households with people aged 55 and older have insufficient retirement savings. The real estate crash wiped out the home equity that millions were counting on to support their retirement. Given that the typical Social Security check covers less than 40% of pre-retirement wages and is forecast to drop to under 28% within two decades, the author makes it clear that America can and must do better.   

The Dumb Things Smart People Do With Their Money: thirteen ways to right your financial wrongs - by Jill Schlesinger

Schlesinger encourages readers to identify major monetary blind spots to regain control over personal finances. Schlesinger’s no-nonsense approach will give readers greater insight into making smarter financial decisions.

The End of Money: counterfeiters, preachers, techies, dreamers--and the coming cashless society - by David Wolman

The usefulness of physical money—to say nothing of its value—is coming under fire. With the possibility that cash will soon disappear. Wolman investigates the future of money…and how it will affect your wallet. The author explores an aspect of our daily lives so fundamental that we rarely stop to think about it. Read this book and you’ll never look at a dollar bill in the same way again.

How to Really Ruin Your Financial Life and Portfolio - by Ben Stein

Everyone's searching for the secrets to financial success but what about the best ways to lose money fast? This is an accessible, humorous book with invaluable tips on how to avoid the biggest money blunders, as well as essential advice on smart money management and building a profitable financial portfolio. Stein covers topics such as reading and acting upon investing newsletters, trading on a margin, and investing in bonds.

Posted on Jun. 2, 2020 by Craig Jackson