Calling All Wordsmiths! Join Us for Scrabble Night at the Library! | Mechanics' Institute

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Calling All Wordsmiths! Join Us for Scrabble Night at the Library!

Do you have a passion for puns and a knack for high-scoring words? Then dust off your Scrabble tiles and head to the Library for our exciting Game Night premiere on Tuesday, May 14th.

This fun, casual, and communal event is open to game enthusiasts of all levels. Whether you're a seasoned Scrabble shark or a curious beginner, we welcome you to join us for an evening of friendly competition and wordplay.

Love board games but Scrabble isn't your style? We've got you covered! We'll have a variety of cards, puzzles, and other games available for you to enjoy.

This event is FREE for all members of the Mechanics' Institute and one guest! To secure your spot in what promises to be a memorable night, we highly recommend registering for the event in advance.

Special call to participants:

To ensure everyone can participate in the fun, we have a special ask of our attendees. If you have a Scrabble board available, please bring it to the event to share with your fellow players. Your generosity will go a long way in making this event inclusive and enjoyable for everyone!

Mark your calendars and get ready for a night of friendly competition, camaraderie, and of course, a little healthy wordplay!


Posted on May. 9, 2024 by Myles Cooper