Mystery, Suspense, Thrillers, Espionage & Intrigue
Anthony Horowitz Moonflower murders
Arts, Architecture & Crafts
Hilary Davidson Dress in the age of Jane Austen: Regency fashion 746.9 D281
Owen Hopkins Postmodern architecture: less is a bore 724.6 H774
Biography & Genealogy
Lynne Garber Death on the Amazon: my memories of Eric Fleming 791.43 F546g
Glen David Gold I will be complete: a memoir 818.603 G618
Books, Reading, Publishing, Journalism
Helen Taylor Why women read fiction: the stories of our lives 028.9 T212
Health & Medicine
Debora Mackenzie COVID-19: the pandemic that never should have happened and how to stop the next one 614.5924 M199
David Kilcullen The dragons and the snakes: how the rest learned to fight the West 355.033 K551
Janet L Nelson King and emperor: a new life of Charlemagne 944.01 N424
Brian J Godfrey Neighborhoods in transition: the making of San Francisco's ethnic and nonconformist communities 979.461 G583
Sergei Medvedev The return of the Russian leviathan 947.086 M469
Literature & Writing
Rebecca Solnit Recollections of my nonexistence 814 S688r
James Shapiro Shakespeare in a divided America: what his plays tell us about our past and future 822.3 S529sh
Ursula K Le Guin The wave in the mind: talks and essays on the writer, the reader, and the imagination 814 L52w
Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Donovan Moore What stars are made of: the life of Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin 520.92 P293m
Obi Kaufmann The forests of California 577.3 K214f
Politics & Government
Robert B Reich The system: who rigged it, how we fix it 322.3 R347
Stephen Wertheim Tomorrow, the world: the birth of U.S. global supremacy 327.73 W499
Social Sciences & Current Events
John Baranski Housing the City by the Bay: tenant activism, civil rights, and class politics in San Francisco 363.5 B231