Funding Reinvention: Grant Research for Independent Libraries and Nonprofits

Foundation Center is the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide. It maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. and, increasingly, global grantmakers and their grants. It also operates research, education, and training programs designed to advance knowledge of philanthropy at every level.

Lori Guidry and Natasha Isajlovic maintain the regional library at Foundation Center West in San Francisco, and help hundreds of patrons each month find funding for their nonprofits or individual projects. These two long-time librarians will share:

  • The current state of philanthropy as it relates to libraries and cultural institutions;
  • What funders are looking for in libraries seeking grants and how to find potential funders;
  • Who funds special libraries, and mechanics’ institutes in particular, and what are their motivations;
  • What funders really want to know about the organizations they are interested in funding;
  • How to identify potential funders and make the first approach;
  • How to use Foundation Center resources to search for funding for your library.


Lori Guidry, Librarian, Foundation Center West
[email protected]

Natasha Isajlovic, San Francisco Lead, Foundation Center West
[email protected]


Lori Guidry and Natasha Isajlovic