Bron Lowden

Bron's research into Mechanics' Institutes started 11 years ago when she first began to compile a list of Mechanics' Institutes found in Australia, which was later published as Mechanics' Institutes, Schools of Arts, Athenaeums, etc.: An Australian Checklist. The 3rd Edition was published in 2010, and to date still has many more additions to complete a 4th edition. About 4000 Institutes are listed to have been established throughout Australia. This is the only work of its kind ever produced for Australia.

She has been on the Committee of the Mechanics' Institutes of Victoria since 2007 and is currently Vice-President and the Editor of their magazine, Useful Knowledge. She has also presented at the two previous MW conferences in Bath (2009) and Melbourne (2012).


Bron Lowden, Vice-President, Mechanics’ Institutes of Victoria

By the People, For the People: The Evolution and Future of Mechanics' Institutes in Australia


Bron Lowden
Presentation (PDF):