So you’ve published a book! Congratulations! Now what?
21st century authors know that writing a great book is just the beginning. What separates a best-seller from a bomb is VISIBILITY. Should you hire a publicist? E-mail Jon Stewart and Oprah? Ask your local librarian and/or bookstore owner if you can do a book signing? Don’t just Tweet and hope! Find out from two top Bay Area book-promotion experts how the pros do it.
Laura Sheppard, Events Director for the Mechanics’ Institute, will discuss how she books and curates author programs, and what she and other institution heads look for when they choose authors to fill the few coveted spots in their line-up.
Isabella Michon, a publicist and former TV producer, will talk about her experience booking authors on media from the Wall Street Journal and the Associated Press to the major TV networks and NPR.
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